Livedata SDK is a client library that enables easier integration with the Livescout XML feed. SDK exposes XML feed service interface in a more user-friendly way and isolates the client from having to do XML feed parsing, proper connection handling, error recovery, event queuing and dispatching. It also makes a client solution more stable and robust when it comes to feed handling, especially with the release of new and updated XML feed version.* ScoutFeedType extended with new type - PARTIAL
2.0.11 (2024-10-18)
- MatchUpdateEntity fields became nullable:
- subteams
- score
- scores
- events
- MatchUpdateEntity extended with new properties:
- tryCounts
- fouls
- ScoutEventEntity extended with finalConfidence property
- PlayerEntity extended with specificContracts property
2.0.10 (2024-08-29)
- New entity - TrackEntity under ScoutEventEntity that stores x,y,z coordinates
- unsubscribe method sends batch request now
- Flashconfig and Eventconfig has been removed from login
- ScoutEventEntity extended with new properties: playerId and ballEventType
2.0.9 (2024-06-10)
- ScoutEventEntity extended with new properties:
- Statistics
- OnDeck
- InHole
- NumberOfShots
- PointOutcome
- Situation
- ErrorType
- ShotSequence
- PrimaryShotType
- SecondaryShotType
- LastStroke
- ExtraInfoTennis
- SupervisorAction
- New entities added:
- Statistics
- BattersStatsTotal
- PitchersStatsTotal
- TeamStats
- PlayerStats
- Stats
- New TeamStatsType enum added
2.0.8-1 (2024-03-08)
- FormatType enum extended with new value - ONE_POINT_CONVERSION_YARD_LINE
2.0.8 (2024-02-26)
- New entity - TeamStatisticsEntity under ScoutEventEntity that stores team statistics for TEAM_MATCH_STATS(1743) event:
- homeTeamStats
- awayTeamStats
- homeTeamStatsTotal
- awayTeamStatsTotal
- homeTeamStatsP1
- awayTeamStatsP1
- homeTeamStatsP2
- awayTeamStatsP2
- homeTeamStatsP3
- awayTeamStatsP3
- homeTeamStatsP4
- awayTeamStatsP4
- homeTeamStatsOt
- awayTeamStatsOt
- homeTeamStatsI1
- awayTeamStatsI1
- homeTeamStatsI2
- awayTeamStatsI2
- homeTeamStatsI3
- awayTeamStatsI3
- homeTeamStatsI4
- awayTeamStatsI4
- homeTeamStatsI5
- awayTeamStatsI5
- homeTeamStatsI6
- awayTeamStatsI6
- homeTeamStatsI7
- awayTeamStatsI7
- homeTeamStatsI8
- awayTeamStatsI8
- homeTeamStatsI9
- awayTeamStatsI9
- homeTeamStatsIe
- awayTeamStatsIe
- New entity - PlayerStatisticsEntity under ScoutEventEntity that stores player statistics for PLAYER_MATCH_STATS(1714) event
- homePlayerStatsTotal
- awayPlayerStatsTotal
- homePlayerStatsP1
- awayPlayerStatsP1
- homePlayerStatsP2
- awayPlayerStatsP2
- homePlayerStatsP3
- awayPlayerStatsP3
- homePlayerStatsP4
- awayPlayerStatsP4
- homePlayerStatsOt
- awayPlayerStatsOt
- homePitchersStatsTotal
- awayPitchersStatsTotal
- homeBattersStatsTotal
- awayBattersStatsTotal
- As player pitching statistics were moved to new class it is now reachable by event.getPlayerStatistics().getAwayPlayerStatsP2(), same for others
- As team pitching statistics were moved to new class it is now reachable by event.getTeamStatistics().getAwayTeamStatsP2(), same for others
- Reason and error code added to debug login failed message
- Method name fixed in ScoutEventEntity: gethomePlayers -> getHomePlayers
- ScoutEventEntity extended with new property - refsTime
- LineupsEntity extended with new property - preliminary
2.0.7 (2024-01-10)
- LiveScoutFeedListener extended with new method - onFullPaginatedMatchUpdateReceived
- New entity - PaginationEntity(uuid, page, totalPages)
- MatchHeaderEntity extended with new property - pagination
- ScoutFeedType extended with new enum value - FULL_PAGINATED
- ScoutEventEntity extended with new property - scorerNotConfirmed
2.0.6-3 (2023-12-14)
- logback-core updated to avoid CVE-2023-6481
2.0.6-2 (2023-11-13)
- Dependencies updated
2.0.6-1 (2023-11-09)
- LiveScoutFeedListener not used method removed - onPartialMatchUpdateReceived
- Maven plugins versions updated
2.0.6 (2023-11-08)
- MatchHeaderEntity extended with new property: region
- MatchUpdateEntity subteam -> subteams
- ScoutEventEntity extended with new properties:
- homePlayerStats
- awayPlayerStats
2.0.5 (2023-09-20)
- FormatType extended with new type - USES_OVERS
- MatchHeaderEntity getters names changed: setIsCancelled -> isCancelled, setIsTeamMatch -> isTeamMatch
- ScoutEventEntity extended with new properties:
- extraInfoSoccer
- extraInfoWaterPolo
- shotProjectedGoalRate
- shotRatingCategory
- shotSpeed
- shotType
- ScoutEventEntity inningsScore will be null instead of empty collection
- EntityBase replaced with LiveScoutEntityBase
- LineupsEntity managers and teamOfficials fixed
- Lombok has been added: setters could be changed, getters remains unchanged
2.0.4 (2023-06-15)
- MatchHeaderEntity extended with new property - teamsReversed.
- ScoutEventEntity extended with new properties: strokeType, spin
2.0.3 (2023-05-18)
- LiveData update for Snooker.
- ScoutEvent extended with new properties:
- pointsUntilSnookerNeeded
- pointsRemaining
- reds
- maxBreakFrame
- maxBreakMatch
- totalPitchCount
- homeRunsHome
- homeRunsAway
- nextBatter
- possibleBreak
- firstBasePlayer
- secondBasePlayer
- thirdBasePlayer
2.0.2 (2023-03-14)
- LiveData update for MLB.
- ScoutEvent extended with new properties - FirstBasePlayer, SecondBasePlayer, ThirdBasePlayer, HomeRunsHome, HomeRunsAway, PrevPitcher, NextBatter, TotalPitchCount.
2.0.1 (2023-01-26)
- Max amount of matches per subscribtion added. If subscribtion request will exceed that amount, it will be split in multiple requests.
- MatchUpdateEntity extended with new property - subteam
- MatchHeaderEntity extended with new property - vbpClassification
- ScoutEventEntity extended with new property - pitchingSubstitution
- ScoutOddsFieldEntity, ScoutOddsEntity, OddsSuggestionsEntity has been removed
2.0.0 (2022-11-17)
- Based on Bookmaker SDK v1.24.0.0
- Supports only Livescout feed. Others feeds support was removed
- Packages were changed from com.sportradar.sdk to com.sportradar.livedata.sdk
- Java updated from 7 to 11.
- All libraries updated to the latest versions, which were available at 2022-10-01 (2022-09-22)
- LiveData update for Ice Hockey
- ScoutEvent extended with new properties - positionPlayerPitching, freeKickReason.
- Suspensions was replaced with new entity with powerplay under MatchUpdate.
- MatchHeader extended with new properties - team1Division, team2Division. (2022-08-25)
- LiveData update for Basketball
- ScoutEvent extended with new properties - Spot, HomePlayers, AwayPlayers, HappenedAt, ScoreTypeQualifier, ShotDistance, TippedTo, FoulTypeDescriptor, FoulTypeQualifier (2022-07-14)
- BM SDK config to use new endpoint for livedata replay server
- Sport id and match id filters added to match list request (2022-03-24)
- BM SDK config to use new endpoint for livedata replay server
- Sport id and match id filters added to match list request
- istestmatch property added to MatchUpdate
- transferbookmakerid and transferuserid added to Login (2022-02-16)
- LiveData update for Basketball
- ScoutEvent extended with new methods for properties - HomePlayerStatsTotal, AwayPlayerStatsTotal, HomePlayerStatsP1,
- AwayPlayerStatsP1, HomePlayerStatsP2, AwayPlayerStatsP2, HomePlayerStatsP3, AwayPlayerStatsP3, HomePlayerStatsP4, AwayPlayerStatsP4, HomePlayerStatsOt, AwayPlayerStatsOt, HomeTimeOnCourt, AwayTimeOnCourt
- LiveData update for Baseball
- ScoutEvent extended with new methods for properties - AtBatNumber, AtBatPitchNumber, BatBallDistance, BatBallX,
- BatBallY, ExtraInfoKabaddi, FieldingPlayers, PreliminaryMatchStatistics, ActualMatchStatistics, HomeTeamStatsTotal, AwayTeamStatsTotal, HomeTeamStatsP1, AwayTeamStatsP1, HomeTeamStatsP2, AwayTeamStatsP2, HomeTeamStatsP3, AwayTeamStatsP3, HomeTeamStatsP4, AwayTeamStatsP4, HomeTeamStatsOt, AwayTeamStatsOt
- LiveData - default production address changed to (2021-12-10)
- LiveData: added support for green cards (field hockey) (2021-11-26)
- Changed log level from error to warn when received xml has unexpected character(s) between nodes (processing continues as before)
- Replaced dependent library reflection-maven (obsolete) with classpath
- Fix: common folder did not clean up (settings was ignored) (2021-10-04)
- Live Data - new data points added to Ice Hockey (added Players Time on Ice event, added Attacking Players event, added Premium Data Availability event)
- Added getUnavailablePlayersHome, getUnavailablePlayersAway to ScoutEventEntity
- Added getHomeState, getAwayState and getVenue to MatchHeaderEntity (2021-08-18)
- Live Data: American Football - New data points added (2021-05-17)
- LiveData: Added MatchUpdateEntity.getScores() to get list of scores (may contain sub-score) (2020-11-19)
- LiveData update for NFL - new method ScoutEventEntity.getDriveInfoStatus (2020-09-17)
- LiveData: Added attributes for NFL and CS:GO (2020-08-11)
- LiveOdds: Added new event status for MLB
- LiveData: Added FormatType.RegularInnings
- LiveData: Added support for new MLB match status (2020-06-22)
- LiveData update for NFL Premium product
- Added MatchProperties and MatchTeams to MatchUpdate
- Added attributes for NFL Premium update - extended ScoutEventEntity (2020-03-03)
- Fix: pitcherType was loaded from eventType (2020-02-11)
- LiveData MatchHeaderEntity - added methods for ExtMatchId, Var, TeamMatch, TeamMatchId, IsCancelled
- LiveData ScoutHeaderEntity - added methods for Uuid, PitchType, PitchSpeed, BattingAverages, BatBallSpeed, BatBallAngle, BatBallDirection, Structure, MonsterType, DragonType, WardsPlaced, ChampionDamage
- Changing default pull intervals for LCoO to initial delay of 7s and regular delay of 12s
- Fix: loading CoveredFrom enum from feed message
- Fix: guard against null values in OutrightStatus.isLiteralValueEqual (2019-03-13)
- LiveData update:
- added method getOrder to the PlayerEntity
- added method getMatchStatus to ScoutEventEntity
- added method getSportId to MatchHeaderEntity (2019-01-24)
- Added NumberOfWinners property to the EventInfoEntity (2018-10-17)
- Fix: updates LiveOdds schema to support zero TvChannels
- Updated schemas for LiveData and LiveOdds update 2018.5
- Added AFTER_GOLDEN_SET and AWAITING_GOLDEN_SET to match status enum (2018-05-18)
- Added Lcoo invalid message log entry
- In MatchHeader type of property Delivery changed from Team to Integer to support cricket values
- Added value 1020-SurfaceType to EventType enum (2018-03-26)
- New LiveScout properties Goals, Behinds (2017-12-22)
- New LiveScout properties exposure (2017-09-18)
- Enum EventType marked deprecated
- Property type on ScoutEventEntity marked deprecated
- Added typeId property to ScoutEventEntity
- Fixed populating virtualGameId for virtual sports (2017-08-29)
- Added EXTREME value in WeatherConditions enum
- Added properties TouchdownType and ConversionType to ScoutEventEntity (2017-07-31)
- Logback rolling policy file name pattern fix
- Lcoo: HttpClient system properties support
- Scouttest port change to 2047
- Updated OddsCreator wsdl added method getTennisMatchInfo (2017-06-14)
- Added support for HttpClient system properties LcOo (2017-06-12)
- Logback configuration hotfix (2017-05-30)
- LiveOdds update
- added statusId property on the EventHeaderEntity
- LiveScout update
- added coverageStatusId property on the EventHeaderEntity
- added support for NetWorth and Gold on the MatchUpdateEntity
- fixed the exposure of innings, they are now exposed as a List
- Minor shading improvement
- Example updated with LiveOddsWithOutrights VFC (2017-04-25)
- Upgraded logback library to version 1.2.3 3rd party libraries are shaded within jar (2017-03-28)
- Fixed settings of VirtualGameId and RaceDayNumber in virtual sports
- Added UniqueId to home and away team property (2017-03-21)
- Added HomeCompetitors and AwayCompetitors to MatchInfo entity (2017-01-31)
- To LiveOdds feed added CoveredFrom property indicates whether the match is being covered from a television feed or the scout is at the match venue (2017-01-16)
- LCoO dispatch correctly even with multiple dispatcher threads (2017-01-03)
- Dispatch outright status pack:true correctly
- Workaround for wrong odds type in translation message for virtual feeds
- Added DISPATCHER_FULL value to FeedEventType enum for OnFeedEvent
- Read dispatcher settings also for LCoO (2016-10-05)
- LiveOdds XSD has changed (2016-10-04)
- LiveOdds/LiveScout 2016.5 release changes (2016-09-15)
- LCoO schema changed, void factor is now String
- Increased default max message size from 10 to 20MB (2016-07-26)
- LiveOdds/LiveScout 2016.4 release changes (2016-07-06)
- LCoO fetch URL changed from to
- LiveOddsTestManager endAll method now sends Endall instead of EndAll (2016-06-23)
- VFC clearedScore element has moved from Odds to Match element (2016-05-26)
- LiveScout XSD was updated, made according changes in the SDK (2016-05-23)
- LiveOdds/LiveScout 2016.3 release changes
- OutrightStatus cancelled -> canceled
- VFC set match score (2016-05-05)
- Virtual Football Cup support (2016-04-13)
- LiveOdds/LiveScout 2016.2 release changes
- LCoO added getAAMSCalendarID
- With introduction of new sport there are over 100 new score types so we changed MatchUpdateEntity.getScore from Map<ScoreType, HomeAway> to Map<String, HomeAway>
- Duplicate selections will only be logged, no parse error
- Changed default setting of disconnect_on_parse_error to false (2016-03-23)
- LiveOdds connection parameters have changed. -> Check your firewall rules
- Set match request limits to correct numbers and other rate limiter improvements (2016-03-16)
- Error manager could get blocked. Now it will instead retry on next alive.
- Added support for multiple matches per current request
- Extended Hand enum as Pitcher hand can be L or R (2016-02-15)
- LiveOdds/LiveScout 2016.1 release changes
- LiveScout use matchsubscription XML element to subscribe
- Client requests will now be blocked if request limits were exceeded (2015-12-08)
- LiveOdds/LiveScout 2015.6 release changes
- LCoO propagate parse and connection problems to the user over onFeedEvent (2015-12-03)
- Fixed an issue with non SSL connections (2015-11-10)
- VHC now uses url as default
- cancelbet was added to VHC and VDR schema .2015-10-19)
- LiveOdds/LiveScout 2015.5 release changes
- Feeds will now restart on any parse error by default (2015-09-25)
- Fixed error manager to invalidate all data on disconnect
- Fixed LiveOddsTestManager startScenario method
- LiveOddsTestManager changeXmlConfig support added (2015-08-19)
- LiveOdds/LiveScout 2015.4 release changes (2015-08-05)
- Extended LiveScout EventType with new events
- Fixed issue where null logger level could produce NPE (2015-07-16)
- Bugfix: SDK failed to start if client was using non logback SLF4J implementation (2015-07-06)
- Virtual Basketball League support
- Bugfix : LiveOddsTestManager startScenario had wrong input check
- Bugfix : Client unhandled exception in dispatching package events killed dispatch thread (2015-06-16)
- LiveOdds/LiveScout 2015.3 release changes
- Bugfix : BetCancelUndo start and end time were not being set
- Bugfix : LCoO failed sport parsing could stop fetching thread
- ScoutMatchStatus now has terminal states exposed to the client
- LCoO new configuration options : connection timeout, socket timeout, keep alive (2015-06-04)
- LiveFeed interface now has getConnectionParams method which returns underlying connection information
- Fixed a bug where uncaught client exception in onOpened could cause spamming of CT messages
- Fixed LiveScout test manager
- Fixed LiveScout artificial betstop dispatching
- onOpened, onClosed, onInitialized, onFeedEvent are now dispatched by dispatcher threads
- Removed BEFORE_DISCONNECT event from FeedEventType
- Dispatcher queue errors are now also logged to execution loggers (2015-05-18)
- LiveOdds schema was missing "awaiting_sd" status
- LiveScout enum EventType updated with more types
- Bug fix: SDK logging level could be null
- Bug fix: LCoO FeedType tournament added
- Changed the logging format of invalid entities
- Correctly inform the user if DOCTYPE is found for LCoO feed (2015-04-29)
- Added hashCode and equals to some entities
- VHC staging hostname fix
- No waiting on first connection try
- Bug fix BetClear odds were not being translated
- LCoO FeedType added to distinguish between full and delta
- ScoreType enum value fix (2015-04-13)
- Log all client method calls
- LCoO fixture timezone in now configurable (2015-03-31)
- Updated OddsCreator wsdl
- Added LCoO StatusInfoEntity
- Fixed LiveOddsTracker to handle daylight saving time clock changes (2015-03-19)
- Fixed Serializable
- Extended LiveOddsTestManager
- Removed onScoutInfoReceived from LiveScoutFeedListener (2015-03-06)
- Added default constructors to support Serializable
- Fixed closing of feeds, it should now dispatch BetStops (2015-02-10)
- Translation are matched by typeId only if translation_fallback_to_typeId is set to true
- Made changes for 2015.1 LiveOdds/LiveScout release (2015-01-29)
- Translation are matched by typeId, if matching by type fails
- LiveScout supports requesting server time
- LiveOddsTestManager added reset xml config request to force update check (2015-01-08)
- LiveOdds bug fix: ScoreEntryEntity Time was not being set
- LCoO updated to latest schema
- All entities implement Serializable (2014-12-04)
- Minor breaking change, LiveScout typos fixes, moved LocalizedString and TypeValueTuple
- Jar has now some dependencies shaded to prevent conflicts
- LiveOdds/LiveScout release 2014.6 changes
- Javadoc fixes, adding SDK page as javadoc source should now work
- SDK now has requested getVersion method (2014-11-12)
- Possession can be -1, Team enum fixed
- Using Guice 4 beta 5 as it fixes google/guice#62 (2014-10-20)
- Made changes for 2014.5 LiveOdds/LiveScout release
- Changes to error manager
- onInitialized is called after every connect (2014-09-30)
- Updated LCoO to the latest schema (2014-09-22)
- after_sd was missing from schema (2014-09-16)
- Reverted two-phase commit back to simple one step pull (2014-09-15)
- LCoO two-phase commit fix
- Increased LCoO logging
- EventInfoEntity was missing getEventEndDate (2014-09-02)
- LiveScout onMatchData fix (2014-09-01)
- Error manager rewrite
- LiveScout was missing onMatchData (2014-08-14)
- Virtual Tennis Open support
- Made changes for 2014.4 LiveOdds/LiveScout release (2014-06-27)
- Latest LO/LS version supported
- Virtual Dog Racing added
- Race related feed handling simplified and interface changed a bit
- LivePlex & BetPal support added
- Life Cycle of Odds transactional modes two-phase commit with automatic or manual commit
- Late bet stop option for LiveOdds protocols (2014-02-12)
- Be able to use in-memory settings during initialization instead of file on classpath
- VHC error recovery race-condition fix
- Workaround for a server issue: specialoddsvalue -1 is sent although it is actually null
- Documentation improvements (2014-02-03)
- Logback had a SLF4J binding by default with interfered when clients wanted to use the SDK library with different logging frameworks e.g. log4j
- Correlation id was not used for "scorecardsummary"
- There can be multiple "racedays" in VHC meta
- OddsCreator updated supports volleyball (2014-01-27)
- LiveOdds error recovery was not working under certain conditions users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to this release
- You can now limit total number of stashed elements and stash_hard_limit (2014-01-15)
- VHC schema on server side has been changed so a few entities were not filled-up correctly
- Fixed LCoO xml feed name (2014-01-13)
- VHC translations improved
- Test manager for test feeds fixed (2014-01-06)
- OddsCreator feed implemented
- Every feed has its own logger now
- VHC parsing improvements
- Support test feeds (2014-01-03)
- Various bug fixes (2013-12-27)
- Experimental LiveOdds VHC support added
- Improved system tests (2013-12-16)
- Life Cycle Of Odds provider rewritten to use an incremental stream oriented parser to decrease memory usage
- LiveOdds error manager logic fixed (2013-12-09)
- Release of the first version