Releases: spryker-sdk/spryk
Included commits:
Initial Release
Spryks are some sort of code generators for Spryker. Writing code is often a very repetitive task and you often need to write a lot code just to follow Spryker's clean and complex architecture. To take a way the monkey work from writing wir up code and move faster towards writing business code Spryks are born.
Spryks are written with the help of yml files. The filename of the yml file represents also the Spryk name. In most cases the Spryk yml contains arguments which are needed to fullfill the Spryk build run. Almost all Spryks need the module name to run properly. Some Spryks require much more arguments.
The vast majority of the Spryks need to execute other Spryks before the called Spryk can run. For example Add a Zed Business Facade needs to have a properly created module before the Facade itself can be created. Therefore Spryks have pre and post Spryks and with the call of one Spryk many things can and will be created for you.