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Making an OSX command line executable JSILc

profK edited this page Apr 5, 2014 · 4 revisions

Im using JSILc on the Mac, but found having to execute JSIL from the bin directory to be a real limiting factor.

After a few different experiments I found a solution I am happy with. Using macpack I have built JSILc into a command line executable and then made a symbolic link to run it.

This is my bash script to build the

 rm -rf
 macpack -m:2 -o:. \
 -r:FSharp.Compiler.CodeDom.dll \
 -r:FSharp.Core.dll \
 -r:ICSharpCode.Decompiler.dll \
 -r:ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.dll \
 -r:ICSharpCode.NRefactory.dll \
 -r:JSIL.Meta.dll \
 -r:JSIL.Profiles.XNA4.dll \
 -r:JSIL.Proxies.4.0.dll \
 -r:JSIL.Proxies.XNA4.dll \
 -r:JSIL.dll \
 -r:Mono.Cecil.Mdb.dll \
 -r:Mono.Cecil.Pdb.dll \
 -r:Mono.Cecil.dll \
 -r:Tests.dll \
 -r:Xap.dll \
 -r:libpng3.dll \
 -r:mozglue.dll \
 -r:msvcp100.dll \
 -r:msvcr100.dll \
 -r:nss3.dll \
 -r:nunit.framework.dll \
 -r:zlib1.dll \
 -n:JSILc -a:JSILc.exe

I moved the resulting to my /Applications directory and then added this simple shell script to /usr/local/bin

 /Applications/ "$*"