The Dockerfile in this directory defines the devbox Docker image of SQLFlow. This Docker image includes the build toolchain of Go, Python, protobuf, etc. It doesn't change with respect to the source code of SQLFlow.
In the root directory of this project, run the following command.
docker build -t sqlflow:dev -f docker/dev/Dockerfile .
To build SQLFlow, we need to bind mount the whole source tree on the host into the container running the devbox Docker image. To make it possible, we need to change to the root directory of the source tree.
cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
The following command bind mounts the source tree into the container
and builds SQLFlow. The generated binary executables are put in
sub-directory build
. This output directory then can be used to build
sqlflow:server, sqlflow:jupyter, etc. Please be aware that it also
bind mounts $HOME/.m2
, the Maven local repository, into the container
to reuse Maven cache and reduce the building time of Java code.
docker run --rm -it \
-v $GOPATH:/root/go \
-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2 \
-v $HOME/.cache:/root/.cache \
-v $PWD:/work -w /work \