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31 October 2023

ATT&CK Workbench version 2.1.0

New Features

  • Added the ability to create, view, and edit Asset objects.
  • Added the ability to view and route to objects that cite a given reference from the reference dialog. See frontend#263.


  • Navigation menu collapses under a separate hamburger menu rather than the identity icon. See frontend#494.
  • Markdown support for collection index descriptions. See frontend#222.


  • Fixed an issue where revoking or deprecating an object would deprecate all revoked-by relationships with the object. See frontend#467.
  • Fixed an issue where first/last seen Campaign dates were parsed in local time, causing the dates to be displayed incorrectly in certain timezones. See frontend#508.
  • Fixed a bug where the "create a collection from group" button was being displayed on the group list page.
  • Notes will only start editing when the header is clicked, enabling the contents of the note to easily be clicked or copied. See frontend#213.

21 September 2023

ATT&CK Workbench version 2.0.1


  • Fixed a crash that would occur when retrieving recent activity for large teams.
  • Fixed the incorrect path to the REST API Docker image documented in
  • Fixed an issue where the version number of an object could be saved in an invalid format.
  • Fixed object name and ATT&CK ID validation to check against revoked and deprecated objects.
  • Fixed an issue where the retrieveAll() query for Relationships and ATT&CK objects would cause a "Sort exceeded memory limit" error. See rest-api#285.
  • Updated Angular to v14.

16 August 2023

ATT&CK Workbench version 2.0.0

As of v2.0.0, the ATT&CK Workbench Collection Manager has been deprecated. All functionality of the Collection Manager has been absorbed into the ATT&CK Workbench REST API.

The ATT&CK Workbench now features a persistent database for Docker installs with the use of a named volume. This change may result in data on the current anonymous volume being lost. The Docker Install Update Guide describes how to backup your existing ATT&CK Workbench data, update to v2.0.0, and restore your data after the update.

New Features

  • Added an Admin interface for creating and managing teams.
  • Added the ability to search objects by one or more users.
  • Added a new user profile page where logged in users can view their recent activity across the Workbench and view/edit their display name.
  • Added an option to configure an external ATT&CK Website in which to view Workbench objects, if a relevant object page exists.
  • Added functionality to create a collection from a group and its related objects.
  • Added button to import groups and their related objects into new or existing collections.
  • Added an option to deprecate Data Component objects. See frontend#429.
  • Added Matrix view to Matrix pages similar to the full matrix on the ATT&CK website. See frontend#20.
  • Added ability to upload csv and excel files in collection imports.
  • Added support for configuring a default landing page. The desired landing page can be specified in assets/config.json, which Workbench will route to upon login.


  • Improved error handling during collection import.
  • Lists of objects can now be filtered when viewing or editing collections. See frontend#393.
  • Added a persistent database to Docker installs.
  • Published pre-built Docker images to the Github Container Registry. See frontend#250.
  • Improved the collection view to display versions in the drop down rather than in the main list.


  • Fixed an issue where duplicate entries would be displayed in some dropdown lists for objects in multiple domains. See frontend#454.

21 April 2023

ATT&CK Workbench version 1.3.1

New Features

  • Added universal Notes page where users can search for notes based on title or content. Selecting a note in the table will redirect the user to the object the note was created on. See frontend#176.


  • Added individual attribution to edits made on Note objects.
  • Added the ICS Security Control mapping field to Mitigation objects. See frontend#419.
  • Updated the documentation for installing Workbench with additional certs. See frontend#225.


  • Fixed an issue where assigning an existing technique as a sub-technique would not create a subtechnique-of relationship. See frontend#446.
  • Fixed an issue causing a user's displayName to be removed when updating a user account on the admin page. See frontend#449.
  • Fixed an issue where updates to a user account role or status would not be reflected until the page was refreshed. See frontend#450.
  • Fixed a bug with the validation of the source_name field on Reference objects.

8 March 2023

ATT&CK Workbench version 1.3.0

ATT&CK Workbench version 1.3.0 supports the deletion of objects.

New Features

  • Added a Reference Manager page to the Workbench to increase usability. The ability to view and edit a reference has been moved from the sidebar to the Reference Manager page. See frontend#349.
  • Added functionality to delete Relationship objects, with the exception of subtechnique_of relationships. See frontend#341.
  • Added functionality to delete References which are not cited by any objects. See frontend#350.
  • Added functionality to delete Mitigation, Group, Software, Data Source, Data Component, and Technique objects. Objects can only be deleted by users with admin roles if the object does not have any existing relationships. See frontend#342, frontend#346, frontend#347, and frontend#343.


  • Improved validation for the source_name field on Reference objects to prevent duplicated source names and issues caused by invalid characters during citation parsing. See frontend#352.
  • Enabled editing of the domains field for Data Sources and Data Components. See frontend#428.


  • Fixed an issue where the "apply patches and save" button would be unavailable when updating a reference used only by Relationship objects. See frontend#356.
  • Fixed an issue where the external reference for a Data Source's ATT&CK ID pointed to an incorrect URL. See frontend#422.
  • Fixed an issue where updating a reference used by a revoked or deprecated object would throw an error and prevent the user from saving the changes to the reference. See frontend#355.
  • Fixed a bug where citations would break if the reference source name contained special characters because the query was not correctly encoded in the request. See frontend#371.

25 October 2022

ATT&CK Workbench version 1.2.0

ATT&CK Workbench v1.2.0 supports authentication and authorization for users. The REST API can be configured to use the Anonymous or OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication mechanisms. See the authentication documentation for more information.

Additionally, Workbench v1.2.0 introduces the ability to create, edit, and view Campaign objects and coincides with the ATT&CK v12.0 release. Users who do not upgrade to Workbench v1.2.0 may encounter issues with the new ATT&CK data.

New Features

  • Added functionality to generate object ATT&CK IDs. See frontend#114 and frontend#300.
  • Added optional namespace settings for ATT&CK IDs, so object IDs don't conflict with ATT&CK or other organizations' object IDs. These settings are automatically applied when creating a new object. See frontend#113.
  • Added parent technique field when creating a sub-technique, this will automatically create a relationship between the parent and sub-technique. See frontend#308.
  • Added support for LinkById tags, which allow users to add links from one object to another in Workbench. LinkById tags are formatted as (LinkById: ATT&CK ID) and are supported in description and x_mitre_detection fields. When previewing or viewing these fields, LinkById tags are detected and replaced with a link to the corresponding object's page on the Workbench. See frontend#279.
    • LinkById tags are automatically checked and updated when a referenced object's ATT&CK ID is changed. See frontend#281.
  • Added a button to object ATT&CK ID fields to copy the object's LinkById tag. See frontend#327.
  • Added contributors field to Technique and Tactic objects. See frontend#325.
  • Added ability to search for objects by ATT&CK ID. See rest-api#162.
  • Added a view page for References in the Reference Manager. See frontend#304.
  • Added a link to the parent technique page from the sub-technique page. See frontend#309.
  • Added a link to tactic pages from the matrix page. See frontend#391.
  • Added support for viewing techniques associated with a tactic on the tactic view page. See frontend#390.
  • Added ability to create and edit Campaign objects. See frontend#376, frontend#377, and frontend#384.
  • Added the ability to automatically find and add tactics related to techniques when creating or editing a collection. See frontend#388.
  • Added the option to include associated Note objects in the Collection bundle export. See frontend#389.


  • Added authentication and authorization to the Workbench. Only authorized users can access the data of the Workbench instance. Documentation pages may be viewed by unauthenticated users. See frontend#192.
  • Added user registration and approval. Administrators can approve registrants and set their permission levels on the administrator user accounts page. See frontend#193.
  • Added user login and logout functionality. Pending users cannot log in until the Adminstrator has approved their account. See frontend#266.
  • Added support for individual attribution. If a user is logged in, the application will display the individual user who has edited an object in place of the organization-level identity. Individual attribution is not supported when the Workbench instance is set up with anonymous authentication. See frontend#191.
  • Added support for marking definitions. See frontend#188.
  • Relationships which have been deprecated are hidden in the list of relationships without requiring a page refresh. See frontend#321.
  • Changing a user's role to admin, editor or visitor automatically sets the user's status to active. A user's status is automatically set to inactive if their role is changed to none. See frontend#318.
  • Added options to the relationship edit dialog to increment the source and/or target object versions when creating a new relationship. See frontend#307.
  • The source and target objects' version numbers and last modified dates are shown alongside their names when creating a new relationship to provide more context. See frontend#313.
  • When creating a new Reference object, the retrieved field will default to the current date. See frontend#305.
  • The external references field at the bottom of object pages are automatically updated to reflect citation changes to the description and x_mitre_detection fields before the object is saved. See frontend#329.
  • Added validation to ensure a technique has been assigned at least one tactic. See frontend#273.
  • Removed the comma key as a keycode separator for list input fields (i.e. contributors, system requirements, CAPEC IDs, etc.). See frontend#335.
  • Whitespace is trimmed during the serialization of string fields for all STIX objects and external references. See frontend#187.
  • Lists of objects can now be filtered by domains and platforms. See frontend#392.
  • Added validation for Reference URLs. See frontend#407.


  • Added missing fields from User Account objects: created, modified, and displayName. See frontend#319.
  • Fixed a bug where spaces would break the search in object tables and show no results. See frontend#303.
  • Fixed an issue where other external references (such as MTC IDs or CAPEC IDs) were being identified as the object's ATT&CK ID, when the object had not yet been assigned an ATT&CK ID. See frontend#322.
  • Fixed an issue where Matrix ATT&CK IDs (a.k.a. domain identifiers) were being validated and preventing users from saving. This caused issues for domains which have multiple matrices with the same domain identifier. See frontend#315.
  • Fixed the unexpected calls being made to the REST API before the user is authenticated. See frontend#314.
  • Fixed a bug where the external reference links at the bottom of object pages did not redirect to the reference's associated URL. See frontend#306.
  • Fixed a bug where the search functionality would break with special characters because the query was not correctly encoded in the request. See frontend#332.
  • Fixed an issue where Note objects were not registered as a valid class, resulting in errors when trying to retrieve all objects from the REST API. See frontend#338.
  • Fixed an issue where the Software/Group aliases field expected the object name as the first array entry, causing display issues in downstream applications. See frontend#370.
  • Increased request timeout in nginx. See frontend#387.

21 October 2021

ATT&CK Workbench version 1.1.0

ATT&CK Workbench v1.1.0 includes support for ATT&CK Spec v2.1.0 and coincides with the ATT&CK v10.0 release. Users who do not upgrade to Workbench v1.1.0 may encounter issues with the new ATT&CK data:

  • If the user added the ATT&CK collection index prior to the ATT&CK v10.0 release, it may lose track of imported Enterprise collections. These collections can still be found in the "imported collections" tab of the collection manager, but won't be reflected in the collection manager. Collection subscriptions for Enterprise may also be lost. Upgrading to ATT&CK Workbench v1.1.0 will fix this issue and restore prior collection subscriptions.
  • If the user imports ATT&CK v10.0 using ATT&CK Workbench 1.0.X, data sources and data components will not be imported into their local knowledge base. You can re-import the collection after upgrading Workbench to v1.1.0 to acquire the data sources and data components even if you had already imported it when running a prior version of Workbench.

ATT&CK Workbench version 1.1.0 includes improvements to how data is imported which should circumvent the above issues for future releases of ATT&CK.


  • Added object type documentation on list pages. See frontend#221.
  • Added support for ATT&CK Spec v2.1.0:
    • Added support for data sources and data components, and viewing/editing interfaces for these object types and their relationships with techniques. See frontend#67, frontend#66.
    • Added support for x_mitre_attack_spec_version on all object types.
  • Improved the flexibility and robustness of collection imports:
    • Workbench will now check the ATT&CK Spec version of imported data and warn the user if the ATT&CK Spec version is unsupported (ex. if the Workbench instance is too outdated to support the data it is trying to import). The user can choose to bypass this warning.
    • Workbench can now import the same collection multiple times in case objects in the initial import could not be imported due to an error.
    • The user will now be provided with a downloadable list of objects that could not be saved (and the reason why) in the event of import errors.
    • REST API will now log import errors for individual objects to the console when the log level is set to verbose.
    • Frontend will now log import errors to the console when the application environment is not set to production.
  • Added validation for missing ATT&CK IDs on objects that support them. The user will now be warned if they neglect to assign an ATT&CK ID to an object which supports it. When exporting a collection, the user will similarly be warned if any contained objects are missing ATT&CK IDs. See frontend#231.
  • REST API now supports setting the log level through an environment variable. See rest-api#108.
  • REST API no longer sets the upgrade-insecure-requests directive of the Content-Security-Policy header in responses. This will facilitate the deployment of ATT&CK Workbench in an internal environment without requiring the system to be configured to support HTTPS. See rest-api#96.


  • Fixed an issue where the navigation header could be inaccessible when navigating within the application or when the page resized due to user input.
  • Frontend will no longer claim objects were imported when they were actually discarded due to import errors such as spec violations.
  • Imported STIX bundles will no longer require (but still allow) the spec_version field on the bundle itself. This was causing issues importing collections created by the Workbench. Objects within the bundle still require the spec_version field per the STIX 2.1 spec. See rest-api#103.
  • Fixed an issue where the REST API would save references when importing a collection bundle even though the previewOnly flag had been set. See rest-api#120.

20 August 2021

ATT&CK Workbench version 1.0.2


  • Error snackbars will now show appropriate messages instead of [object ProgressEvent] when communication with the REST API is interrupted or cannot be established. See frontend#227.
  • Fixed a bug where tactic shortnames were computed incorrectly for tactics with more than one space in the name (E.g "Command and Control"). See frontend#239.
    • If you have edited a technique under a tactic with more than one space in the name, remove and re-add the tactic under the technique edit interface to ensure that the tactic reference is formatted properly.
    • If you have created a tactic with more than one space in the name, save a new version of the tactic and the proper shortname should be saved. You do not need to make any edits when saving the tactic page for the shortname to be fixed.

8 July 2021

ATT&CK Workbench version 1.0.1


  • Added a system for configuring the Collection Manager with self-signed certs when using the docker setup. Documentation for this configuration will be improved in a subsequent release.


  • Fixed an error encountered when using the attack-objects API with large datasets. This error was preventing users from loading the "create a collection" page when Enterprise ATT&CK collections were imported. See rest-api#87.

21 June 2021

ATT&CK Workbench version 1.0.0


  • Performance improvements when adding, editing, and validating relationships.
  • Improved error messages when importing collections that are too large or malformed. See frontend#198.
  • Improved page titles and breadcrumb on "object not found" pages.
  • User can now import collections from file. See frontend#207.
  • Collection index update interval is now set in the REST API configuration instead of hardcoded in the frontend. See frontend#200.


  • Fixed vertically misaligned timestamps across several UIs.
  • Fixed missing timestamp on collection version lists within collection indexes.
  • Fixed object status popover showing the wrong status if opened too soon after the page loads. Also improved performance of the status popover code.
  • Collection import UI no longer gets stuck if it runs into a problem fetching/importing/previewing the collection. See frontend#198
  • Object status popover now closes properly when the user starts editing the object. See frontend#199.

7 May 2021

ATT&CK Workbench version 0.4.0


  • Added a favicon. See frontend#137.
  • Added dynamic page title to make it easier to distinguish multiple Workbench tabs in the browser. See frontend#130.
  • Added a list of recommended indexes available when adding a collection index. See frontend#194.
  • Added ability to set workflow state when objects are saved. See frontend#184.
  • Updated occurrences of "aliases" to "associated groups" or "associated software" for consistency across the application. See frontend#176.
  • Improved logging and added log level to environment configuration to suppress unnecessary logs from production deployments. See frontend#209.
  • Updated the reference editor to enforce correct formatting when creating a new reference. See frontend#177.

21 April 2021

ATT&CK Workbench version 0.3.0

New Features


19 March 2021

ATT&CK Workbench version 0.2.0

New Features

  • Added support for MTC and CAPEC IDs. See frontend#124.
  • Added ability to create and edit objects. See frontend#44 and frontend#145.
    • Added ability to edit group/software aliases. See frontend#118.
    • Added ability to edit various list properties such as platforms, tactics, and domains. See frontend#31.
    • Added rich-text description editor. See frontend#32.
    • Added ability to convert techniques to sub-techniques, and vice versa.
    • Added ability to edit ATT&CK IDs. See frontend#55.
    • Added validation system to warn user of malformed data.
    • Added ability to reorder tactics on matrices. See frontend#116.
    • Added ability to edit object version numbers, and a UI for incrementing versions when objects are saved. See frontend#56.
  • Added ability to create and edit notes (annotations) on objects. See frontend#59.
  • Added citations/references support.


  • Lists of objects can now be searched and filtered. See frontend#128 and frontend#127.
  • Lists of objects now display ATT&CK IDs when relevant. See frontend#119.
  • When viewing an object, fields which have no value(s) will now be hidden. See frontend#120.
  • Improved display of sub-techniques. See frontend#125.
  • Layout and formatting improvements to USAGE document.


  • Fixed broken pagination on relationship tables. See frontend#126.

16 February 2021

ATT&CK Workbench version 0.1.1

New Features


  • Fixed a crash that could occur with specific queries on the REST API. See rest-api#28.

19 January 2021

ATT&CK Workbench version 0.1.0

New Features

  • Created object view pages for matrix, technique, tactic, mitigation, group, and software objects.
  • Added the ability to browse and import collection indexes.
    • Collection indexes can be imported via URL.
    • A preview of the collection index is shown before confirming the import.
  • Added the ability to import, view, and subscribe to collections.
    • Collections listed within an index can be subscribed to, which will pull new versions when they are published.
    • Collections can also be manually imported via URL. When importing, a preview of the collection and its contents is shown before confirming the import. At this step, users can preview the objects in the collection and select which ones they want to import. Changes in the import are displayed relative to the state of the knowledge base similar to the update pages on the ATT&CK Website.
    • An interface provides the ability to review prior imports, which provides a list of changes at the time of the import identical to that shown during the import of the collection.