Contains details necessary to fulfill a shipment order. Note: This model is in beta.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Recipient | OrderFulfillmentRecipient | Information on the person meant to receive this shipment fulfillment. | [optional] |
Carrier | string | The shipping carrier being used to ship this fulfillment e.g. UPS, FedEx, USPS, etc. | [optional] |
ShippingNote | string | A note with additional information for the shipping carrier. | [optional] |
ShippingType | string | A description of the type of shipping product purchased from the carrier. e.g. First Class, Priority, Express | [optional] |
TrackingNumber | string | The reference number provided by the carrier to track the shipment's progress. | [optional] |
TrackingUrl | string | A link to the tracking webpage on the carrier's website. | [optional] |
PlacedAt | string | The timestamp indicating when the shipment was requested. Must be in RFC3339 timestamp format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | [optional] |
InProgressAt | string | The timestamp indicating when this fulfillment was moved to the `RESERVED` state. Indicates that preparation of this shipment has begun. Must be in RFC3339 timestamp format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | [optional] |
PackagedAt | string | The timestamp indicating when this fulfillment was moved to the `PREPARED` state. Indicates that the fulfillment is packaged. Must be in RFC3339 timestamp format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | [optional] |
ExpectedShippedAt | string | The timestamp indicating when the shipment is expected to be delivered to the shipping carrier. Must be in RFC3339 timestamp format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | [optional] |
ShippedAt | string | The timestamp indicating when this fulfillment was moved to the `COMPLETED`state. Indicates that the fulfillment has been given to the shipping carrier. Must be in RFC3339 timestamp format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | [optional] |
CanceledAt | string | The timestamp indicating the shipment was canceled. Must be in RFC3339 timestamp format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | [optional] |
CancelReason | string | A description of why the shipment was canceled. | [optional] |
FailedAt | string | The timestamp indicating when the shipment failed to be completed. Must be in RFC3339 timestamp format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | [optional] |
FailureReason | string | A description of why the shipment failed to be completed. | [optional] |