Contains details necessary to fulfill a pickup order.
Name | Getter | Setter | Type | Description | Notes |
recipient | getRecipient() | setRecipient($value) | \SquareConnect\Model\OrderFulfillmentRecipient | Information on the person meant to pick up this fulfillment from a physical location. | [optional] |
expires_at | getExpiresAt() | setExpiresAt($value) | string | The timestamp indicating when this fulfillment will expire if it is not accepted. Must be in RFC 3339 format e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". Expiration time can only be set up to 7 days in the future. If `expires_at` is not set, this pickup fulfillment will be automatically accepted when placed. | [optional] |
auto_complete_duration | getAutoCompleteDuration() | setAutoCompleteDuration($value) | string | The duration of time after which an open and accepted pickup fulfillment will automatically move to the `COMPLETED` state. Must be in RFC3339 duration format e.g., "P1W3D". If not set, this pickup fulfillment will remain accepted until it is canceled or completed. | [optional] |
schedule_type | getScheduleType() | setScheduleType($value) | string | The schedule type of the pickup fulfillment. Defaults to `SCHEDULED`. See OrderFulfillmentPickupDetailsScheduleType for possible values | [optional] |
pickup_at | getPickupAt() | setPickupAt($value) | string | The timestamp that represents the start of the pickup window. Must be in RFC3339 timestamp format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". For fulfillments with the schedule type `ASAP`, this is automatically set to the current time plus the expected duration to prepare the fulfillment. | [optional] |
pickup_window_duration | getPickupWindowDuration() | setPickupWindowDuration($value) | string | The window of time in which the order should be picked up after the `pickup_at` timestamp. Must be in RFC3339 duration format, e.g., "P1W3D". Can be used as an informational guideline for merchants. | [optional] |
prep_time_duration | getPrepTimeDuration() | setPrepTimeDuration($value) | string | The duration of time it takes to prepare this fulfillment. Must be in RFC3339 duration format, e.g., "P1W3D". | [optional] |
note | getNote() | setNote($value) | string | A note meant to provide additional instructions about the pickup fulfillment displayed in the Square Point of Sale and set by the API. | [optional] |
placed_at | getPlacedAt() | setPlacedAt($value) | string | The timestamp indicating when the fulfillment was placed. Must be in RFC3339 timestamp format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | [optional] |
accepted_at | getAcceptedAt() | setAcceptedAt($value) | string | The timestamp indicating when the fulfillment was accepted. In RFC3339 timestamp format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | [optional] |
rejected_at | getRejectedAt() | setRejectedAt($value) | string | The timestamp indicating when the fulfillment was rejected. In RFC3339 timestamp format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | [optional] |
ready_at | getReadyAt() | setReadyAt($value) | string | The timestamp indicating when the fulfillment is marked as ready for pickup. In RFC3339 timestamp format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | [optional] |
expired_at | getExpiredAt() | setExpiredAt($value) | string | The timestamp indicating when the fulfillment expired. In RFC3339 timestamp format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | [optional] |
picked_up_at | getPickedUpAt() | setPickedUpAt($value) | string | The timestamp indicating when the fulfillment was picked up by the recipient. In RFC3339 timestamp format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | [optional] |
canceled_at | getCanceledAt() | setCanceledAt($value) | string | The timestamp in RFC3339 timestamp format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z", indicating when the fulfillment was canceled. | [optional] |
cancel_reason | getCancelReason() | setCancelReason($value) | string | A description of why the pickup was canceled. Max length: 100 characters. | [optional] |
is_curbside_pickup | getIsCurbsidePickup() | setIsCurbsidePickup($value) | bool | If true, indicates this pickup order is for curbside pickup, not in-store pickup. | [optional] [beta] |
curbside_pickup_details | getCurbsidePickupDetails() | setCurbsidePickupDetails($value) | \SquareConnect\Model\OrderFulfillmentPickupDetailsCurbsidePickupDetails | Specific details for curbside pickup. Can only be populated if `is_curbside_pickup` is true. | [optional] |
Note: All properties are protected and only accessed via getters and setters.