The line item being returned in an Order.
Name | Getter | Setter | Type | Description | Notes |
uid | getUid() | setUid($value) | string | Unique identifier for this return line item entry. | [optional] |
source_line_item_uid | getSourceLineItemUid() | setSourceLineItemUid($value) | string | `uid` of the LineItem in the original sale Order. | [optional] |
name | getName() | setName($value) | string | The name of the line item. | [optional] |
quantity | getQuantity() | setQuantity($value) | string | The quantity returned, formatted as a decimal number. For example: `"3"`. Line items with a `quantity_unit` can have non-integer quantities. For example: `"1.70000"`. | |
quantity_unit | getQuantityUnit() | setQuantityUnit($value) | \SquareConnect\Model\OrderQuantityUnit | The unit and precision that this return line item's quantity is measured in. | [optional] |
note | getNote() | setNote($value) | string | The note of the returned line item. | [optional] |
catalog_object_id | getCatalogObjectId() | setCatalogObjectId($value) | string | The `CatalogItemVariation` id applied to this returned line item. | [optional] |
variation_name | getVariationName() | setVariationName($value) | string | The name of the variation applied to this returned line item. | [optional] |
return_modifiers | getReturnModifiers() | setReturnModifiers($value) | \SquareConnect\Model\OrderReturnLineItemModifier[] | The `CatalogModifier`s applied to this line item. | [optional] |
applied_taxes | getAppliedTaxes() | setAppliedTaxes($value) | \SquareConnect\Model\OrderLineItemAppliedTax[] | The list of references to `OrderReturnTax` entities applied to the returned line item. Each `OrderLineItemAppliedTax` has a `tax_uid` that references the `uid` of a top-level `OrderReturnTax` applied to the returned line item. On reads, the amount applied is populated. | [optional] |
applied_discounts | getAppliedDiscounts() | setAppliedDiscounts($value) | \SquareConnect\Model\OrderLineItemAppliedDiscount[] | The list of references to `OrderReturnDiscount` entities applied to the returned line item. Each `OrderLineItemAppliedDiscount` has a `discount_uid` that references the `uid` of a top-level `OrderReturnDiscount` applied to the returned line item. On reads, the amount applied is populated. | [optional] |
base_price_money | getBasePriceMoney() | setBasePriceMoney($value) | \SquareConnect\Model\Money | The base price for a single unit of the line item. | [optional] |
variation_total_price_money | getVariationTotalPriceMoney() | setVariationTotalPriceMoney($value) | \SquareConnect\Model\Money | The total price of all item variations returned in this line item. Calculated as `base_price_money` multiplied by `quantity`. Does not include modifiers. | [optional] |
gross_return_money | getGrossReturnMoney() | setGrossReturnMoney($value) | \SquareConnect\Model\Money | The gross return amount of money calculated as (item base price + modifiers price) * quantity. | [optional] |
total_tax_money | getTotalTaxMoney() | setTotalTaxMoney($value) | \SquareConnect\Model\Money | The total tax amount of money to return for the line item. | [optional] |
total_discount_money | getTotalDiscountMoney() | setTotalDiscountMoney($value) | \SquareConnect\Model\Money | The total discount amount of money to return for the line item. | [optional] |
total_money | getTotalMoney() | setTotalMoney($value) | \SquareConnect\Model\Money | The total amount of money to return for this line item. | [optional] |
Note: All properties are protected and only accessed via getters and setters.