diff --git a/_maps/map_files/RandomRuins/SpaceRuins/space_wildwest.dmm b/_maps/map_files/RandomRuins/SpaceRuins/space_wildwest.dmm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0554e18b1a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_maps/map_files/RandomRuins/SpaceRuins/space_wildwest.dmm
@@ -0,0 +1,19154 @@
+"aa" = (
+"ab" = (
+"ae" = (
+"ai" = (
+ name = "east bump";
+ pixel_x = 27
+ },
+"al" = (
+ pixel_x = -6;
+ pixel_y = 6
+ },
+ icon_state = "white"
+ },
+"ap" = (
+"ar" = (
+"as" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroidfloor"
+ },
+"aC" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "barber"
+ },
+"aD" = (
+ broken = 1;
+ icon_state = "wood-broken7"
+ },
+"aG" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"aJ" = (
+ icon_state = "small";
+ pixel_x = 10;
+ pixel_y = 9
+ },
+"aK" = (
+"aL" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroid9"
+ },
+"aS" = (
+ icon_state = "ironsand4"
+ },
+"aV" = (
+"aZ" = (
+ icon_state = "cultdamage4"
+ },
+"bc" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"bd" = (
+"bh" = (
+"bq" = (
+"bu" = (
+"bw" = (
+"bB" = (
+ name = "Syndicate Operative"
+ },
+"bH" = (
+"bJ" = (
+"bP" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"bR" = (
+"bW" = (
+ name = "east bump";
+ pixel_x = 27
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"bY" = (
+"cd" = (
+"cg" = (
+"ch" = (
+"cj" = (
+"cm" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"cp" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"cq" = (
+ sound = "modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/many_whisper2.ogg";
+ triggerer_only = 1;
+ happens_once = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"ct" = (
+"cw" = (
+"cz" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"cC" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"cK" = (
+ dir = 2;
+ id_tag = "ww_window"
+ },
+"cM" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"cN" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"cQ" = (
+"cS" = (
+ icon_state = "gcircuitoff"
+ },
+"cV" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroid2"
+ },
+"db" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroid12"
+ },
+"dc" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"de" = (
+"dk" = (
+"dn" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken7"
+ },
+"ds" = (
+"dt" = (
+ pixel_x = 5;
+ pixel_y = 5
+ },
+ pixel_x = 6;
+ pixel_y = 6
+ },
+ icon_state = "whiteblue"
+ },
+"dx" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"dC" = (
+"dG" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"dI" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"dL" = (
+"dM" = (
+"dN" = (
+ pixel_y = 9;
+ pixel_x = 8
+ },
+"dO" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroid9"
+ },
+"dS" = (
+"dY" = (
+ pixel_x = 6
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "whitebluecorner"
+ },
+"eb" = (
+ pixel_x = 4
+ },
+ pixel_x = 10;
+ pixel_y = 14
+ },
+ pixel_x = -9;
+ id = "ww_window"
+ },
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"ec" = (
+"ee" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroid5"
+ },
+"eh" = (
+ icon_state = "ironsand9"
+ },
+"el" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken3"
+ },
+"em" = (
+"en" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"er" = (
+"et" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken"
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "vault"
+ },
+"eB" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"eC" = (
+ name = "Syndicate Commando"
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "vault"
+ },
+"eH" = (
+ pixel_x = 6
+ },
+"eK" = (
+"eL" = (
+"eN" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"eP" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = -12;
+ pixel_y = 2
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "barber"
+ },
+"eT" = (
+ message = "Ancient walls, monstrous petroglyphs and sweet smell of putrefaction... It's worth turning back before this cursed call takes over your mind completely!"
+ },
+ sound = "modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/many_whisper2.ogg";
+ triggerer_only = 1;
+ happens_once = 1
+ },
+"eX" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"eZ" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroidfloor"
+ },
+"fd" = (
+ amount = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"fe" = (
+"ff" = (
+"fm" = (
+"fr" = (
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"ft" = (
+"fu" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"fw" = (
+"fx" = (
+ icon_state = "blackbox"
+ },
+ icon_state = "gcircuitoff"
+ },
+"fy" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ pixel_y = 8
+ },
+"fz" = (
+"fB" = (
+"fD" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ name = "Syndicate Operative"
+ },
+"fM" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "asteroid5"
+ },
+"fP" = (
+ name = "Syndicate Operative"
+ },
+"fQ" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"fT" = (
+"fV" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"fZ" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"ge" = (
+"gk" = (
+"go" = (
+ pixel_y = -30
+ },
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"gq" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"gs" = (
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"gu" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"gz" = (
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"gB" = (
+"gE" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 9;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowcorners"
+ },
+"gI" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"gK" = (
+"gM" = (
+ icon_state = "ironsand12"
+ },
+"gN" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"gO" = (
+ dir = 5
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"gQ" = (
+ pixel_x = -5;
+ pixel_y = 5
+ },
+"gX" = (
+"hd" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"hg" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"hh" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken5"
+ },
+"hi" = (
+"hk" = (
+"hl" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"hp" = (
+"hs" = (
+"hx" = (
+ pixel_x = -3;
+ pixel_y = 7
+ },
+ pixel_x = 9;
+ pixel_y = 6
+ },
+"hB" = (
+"hI" = (
+"hM" = (
+ icon_state = "ironsand3"
+ },
+"hN" = (
+ name = "east bump";
+ pixel_x = 27
+ },
+ pixel_x = 2;
+ pixel_y = 2
+ },
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"hR" = (
+ icon_state = "mining"
+ },
+"hU" = (
+"hW" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "syndicate"
+ },
+"hY" = (
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"ib" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"ic" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"it" = (
+"iy" = (
+ pixel_y = 30;
+ id = "ww_door_ext"
+ },
+"iB" = (
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"iD" = (
+"iE" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"iG" = (
+"iI" = (
+"iJ" = (
+"iL" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowcorners"
+ },
+"iS" = (
+"iT" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"iW" = (
+"iY" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"iZ" = (
+ message = "You catch a glimpse of how you begin to move chaotically to the beat of the call!"
+ },
+ sound = "modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/many_whisper2.ogg";
+ triggerer_only = 1;
+ happens_once = 1
+ },
+"jb" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroid10"
+ },
+"jc" = (
+"je" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "vault"
+ },
+"jg" = (
+"ji" = (
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"jj" = (
+"jl" = (
+"jn" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"js" = (
+ icon_state = "necro3"
+ },
+"jy" = (
+ amount = 10
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+ layer = 8
+ },
+"jB" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ id_tag = "toxinsdriver"
+ },
+ color = "#FF0000";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"jC" = (
+"jD" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken"
+ },
+"jM" = (
+"jP" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"jR" = (
+"jV" = (
+ pixel_x = 5
+ },
+"jW" = (
+"jX" = (
+"kf" = (
+ name = "north bump";
+ pixel_y = 30
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"kg" = (
+"ki" = (
+"kk" = (
+"kn" = (
+"kt" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"ku" = (
+"kx" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"kA" = (
+"kE" = (
+"kJ" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"kO" = (
+ broken = 1;
+ icon_state = "wood-broken7"
+ },
+"kQ" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroid7"
+ },
+"kR" = (
+ name = "Syndicate Operative"
+ },
+"kS" = (
+"kT" = (
+"kV" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+ icon_state = "asteroid9"
+ },
+"ld" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ broken = 1;
+ icon_state = "wood-broken7"
+ },
+"lg" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"lh" = (
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"ll" = (
+ layer = 5;
+ pixel_x = 8;
+ pixel_y = 6
+ },
+ pixel_x = -8;
+ pixel_y = 11
+ },
+ pixel_x = -8;
+ pixel_y = 1
+ },
+"ln" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"lo" = (
+"lp" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken"
+ },
+ icon_state = "asteroid2"
+ },
+"lr" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "small"
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"ls" = (
+"lw" = (
+ wander = 0
+ },
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"lD" = (
+ dir = 5
+ },
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"lI" = (
+ name = "Syndicate Operative"
+ },
+"lJ" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"lL" = (
+ id_tag = "ww_pod"
+ },
+"lM" = (
+"lN" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"lR" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"lX" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "medium";
+ pixel_y = 9
+ },
+ amount = 1
+ },
+"lY" = (
+"md" = (
+"mg" = (
+"mm" = (
+"mn" = (
+ icon_state = "whitebluecorner"
+ },
+"mr" = (
+"mw" = (
+ pixel_x = 2;
+ pixel_y = 2
+ },
+ pixel_x = 4;
+ pixel_y = 4
+ },
+"my" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"mz" = (
+"mJ" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"mL" = (
+ color = "#FF0000";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"mM" = (
+"mS" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"mU" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"mW" = (
+"nf" = (
+ name = "Syndicate Operative"
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"nh" = (
+ pixel_x = 6
+ },
+"ni" = (
+ icon_state = "syndicate"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"nn" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"nt" = (
+ icon_state = "small";
+ pixel_x = 10
+ },
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"nA" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "vault"
+ },
+"nC" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "vault"
+ },
+"nE" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"nF" = (
+ dir = 5
+ },
+ dir = 9
+ },
+"nK" = (
+"nL" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"nQ" = (
+"nT" = (
+ wander = 0
+ },
+ icon_state = "bcircuitoff"
+ },
+"nV" = (
+"nW" = (
+"nX" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"oe" = (
+ pixel_y = 15;
+ anchored = 1
+ },
+"oi" = (
+"oj" = (
+ amount = 4
+ },
+"ok" = (
+ pixel_x = -2;
+ pixel_y = 5
+ },
+ pixel_x = -7
+ },
+ pixel_x = -2
+ },
+ pixel_x = 3;
+ pixel_y = -5
+ },
+ icon_state = "asteroidfloor"
+ },
+"om" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken7"
+ },
+"on" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "freezerfloor"
+ },
+"oy" = (
+ icon_state = "5"
+ },
+"oC" = (
+ pixel_x = -5;
+ pixel_y = 6
+ },
+ pixel_x = 7;
+ id = "ww_pod";
+ pixel_y = 8
+ },
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"oF" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "freezerfloor"
+ },
+"oH" = (
+ sound = "sound/hallucinations/i_see_you1.ogg";
+ triggerer_only = 1;
+ happens_once = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"oK" = (
+"oL" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"oO" = (
+"oP" = (
+ icon_state = "necro1"
+ },
+"oR" = (
+ pixel_x = -7
+ },
+"pa" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"pb" = (
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"pg" = (
+ icon_state = "syndicate"
+ },
+"pj" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"ps" = (
+ pixel_x = 6
+ },
+ pixel_x = 11;
+ pixel_y = 3
+ },
+"pt" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"pE" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"pF" = (
+"pG" = (
+"pH" = (
+"pK" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ pixel_y = -27;
+ id = "ww_hang1"
+ },
+"pL" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"pO" = (
+"pQ" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_keyboard = "syndie_key";
+ icon_screen = "syndinavigation"
+ },
+"pR" = (
+"pS" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ layer = 2.9
+ },
+ icon_state = "white"
+ },
+"qb" = (
+"qe" = (
+"qi" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"qn" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ layer = 2.9
+ },
+"qq" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "medium";
+ pixel_y = 9
+ },
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"qw" = (
+"qz" = (
+ icon_state = "mining"
+ },
+"qB" = (
+ broken = 1;
+ icon_state = "wood-broken7"
+ },
+"qE" = (
+"qH" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"qJ" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"qM" = (
+"qN" = (
+"qO" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"qR" = (
+ pixel_y = 12
+ },
+ icon_state = "asteroidfloor"
+ },
+"qW" = (
+"qZ" = (
+"ri" = (
+ sound = "sound/hallucinations/behind_you1.ogg";
+ triggerer_only = 1;
+ happens_once = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"rl" = (
+"rn" = (
+ amount = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"rp" = (
+"rs" = (
+ icon_state = "necro1"
+ },
+"rt" = (
+ dir = 6
+ },
+"rw" = (
+"rx" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroidfloor"
+ },
+"rA" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"rF" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "barber"
+ },
+"rM" = (
+"rN" = (
+"rR" = (
+ pixel_y = 3
+ },
+ pixel_y = 5
+ },
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 2
+ },
+"rU" = (
+ name = "east bump";
+ pixel_x = 27
+ },
+"rZ" = (
+"sa" = (
+ icon_state = "small";
+ pixel_x = 10
+ },
+"sc" = (
+"sg" = (
+"sq" = (
+"sr" = (
+"sw" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"sy" = (
+"sz" = (
+ amount = 1
+ },
+ pixel_x = 3;
+ pixel_y = -3
+ },
+"sD" = (
+ dir = 5
+ },
+"sE" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"sF" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "burst_l"
+ },
+"sG" = (
+"sH" = (
+ pixel_x = -3;
+ pixel_y = -3
+ },
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"sZ" = (
+ pixel_x = -32
+ },
+"th" = (
+ happens_once = 1;
+ triggerer_only = 1;
+ sound = "sound/hallucinations/over_here1.ogg"
+ },
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"to" = (
+"tp" = (
+"tr" = (
+"tu" = (
+ icon_state = "plastitanium_wall-6-d"
+ },
+"tv" = (
+"ty" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "syndicate"
+ },
+"tz" = (
+"tB" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"tH" = (
+"tM" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"tP" = (
+"tQ" = (
+"tW" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"tX" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ name = "Syndicate Operative"
+ },
+"uc" = (
+"ud" = (
+ pixel_y = 1;
+ pixel_x = 9
+ },
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"ul" = (
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"um" = (
+ icon_state = "necro1"
+ },
+"ur" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"ut" = (
+ icon_state = "necro2"
+ },
+"uv" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ layer = 2.9
+ },
+ icon_state = "white"
+ },
+"uw" = (
+"uy" = (
+ icon_state = "mining"
+ },
+"uC" = (
+ dir = 10;
+ initialize_directions = 10
+ },
+"uF" = (
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"uN" = (
+ dir = 5
+ },
+"uO" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"uR" = (
+"uS" = (
+"uT" = (
+ icon_state = "freezerfloor"
+ },
+"vc" = (
+"vi" = (
+ name = "Syndicate Operative"
+ },
+"vk" = (
+"vq" = (
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"vr" = (
+"vu" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroidfloor"
+ },
+"vz" = (
+"vA" = (
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"vD" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"vE" = (
+"vF" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken"
+ },
+"vG" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"vJ" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"vL" = (
+"wh" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"wi" = (
+ icon_state = "5"
+ },
+"wk" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"wp" = (
+"ws" = (
+"wu" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"wz" = (
+"wB" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"wD" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"wE" = (
+ pixel_x = 3
+ },
+"wF" = (
+"wK" = (
+"wO" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken6"
+ },
+"wR" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"wU" = (
+"wX" = (
+"xa" = (
+"xb" = (
+"xc" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"xd" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"xf" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"xj" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"xk" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"xm" = (
+"xo" = (
+"xp" = (
+"xq" = (
+"xr" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"xw" = (
+ pixel_x = -3;
+ pixel_y = -3
+ },
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"xy" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroid9"
+ },
+"xB" = (
+"xE" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroidplating"
+ },
+"xI" = (
+"xL" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"xM" = (
+ icon_state = "necro1"
+ },
+"xT" = (
+ pixel_x = 3;
+ pixel_y = 7
+ },
+ pixel_x = 8;
+ pixel_y = -4
+ },
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"xV" = (
+ anchored = 1
+ },
+"yi" = (
+"yt" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroid4"
+ },
+"yH" = (
+"yK" = (
+"yP" = (
+ pixel_x = 6
+ },
+"yT" = (
+"yU" = (
+"za" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken"
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "vault"
+ },
+"zd" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"zn" = (
+"zt" = (
+"zu" = (
+"zC" = (
+"zD" = (
+ layer = 8
+ },
+ amount = 50;
+ pixel_x = 2;
+ pixel_y = 2
+ },
+ amount = 50
+ },
+"zG" = (
+ icon_state = "freezerfloor"
+ },
+"zL" = (
+ sound = "modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/many_whisper1.ogg";
+ triggerer_only = 1;
+ happens_once = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"zO" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"zS" = (
+"zU" = (
+"zV" = (
+"zY" = (
+"Aa" = (
+"Ab" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Ap" = (
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"As" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ id_tag = "ww_hang2"
+ },
+"Au" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Az" = (
+"AD" = (
+ used = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "convertaltar-red"
+ },
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"AG" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"AI" = (
+"AJ" = (
+"AK" = (
+ dir = 5
+ },
+"AM" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken3"
+ },
+"AQ" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroidfloor"
+ },
+"AS" = (
+ filled = 0.1
+ },
+"AT" = (
+ pixel_y = 8
+ },
+"AU" = (
+ sound = "sound/hallucinations/turn_around1.ogg";
+ triggerer_only = 1;
+ happens_once = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"AV" = (
+ sound = "modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/scary_whisper1.ogg";
+ triggerer_only = 1;
+ happens_once = 1
+ },
+ message = "Has this rock always been here?"
+ },
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"AX" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"AY" = (
+"AZ" = (
+ icon_state = "cultdamage6"
+ },
+"Bb" = (
+ icon_state = "cultdamage3"
+ },
+"Bd" = (
+"Be" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Bf" = (
+"Bi" = (
+ icon_state = "plastitanium_wall-5-d"
+ },
+"Bj" = (
+ icon_state = "whiteblue"
+ },
+"Bm" = (
+ name = "west bump";
+ pixel_x = -27
+ },
+"Bo" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Bp" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Br" = (
+ pixel_x = 6
+ },
+"Bt" = (
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"BD" = (
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "whiteblue"
+ },
+"BH" = (
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"BJ" = (
+ icon_state = "bcircuitoff"
+ },
+"Cb" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "barber"
+ },
+"Cm" = (
+ sound = "modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/many_whisper2.ogg";
+ triggerer_only = 1;
+ happens_once = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "cultdamage"
+ },
+"Cw" = (
+ pixel_x = 11
+ },
+ pixel_y = -32
+ },
+"Cx" = (
+"Cz" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken"
+ },
+"CB" = (
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"CD" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"CE" = (
+ locked = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"CF" = (
+"CG" = (
+"CW" = (
+ icon_state = "5"
+ },
+"CZ" = (
+ anchored = 1
+ },
+"Da" = (
+ icon_state = "small";
+ pixel_x = 10;
+ pixel_y = 9
+ },
+"De" = (
+ icon_state = "cultdamage"
+ },
+"Di" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Dj" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ pixel_y = 28;
+ id = "ww_hang1"
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Dm" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken3"
+ },
+"Do" = (
+ pixel_y = -32
+ },
+"Du" = (
+"Dv" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Dw" = (
+ icon_state = "ironsand4"
+ },
+"Dy" = (
+ icon_state = "freezerfloor"
+ },
+"DA" = (
+ pixel_x = 6
+ },
+"DB" = (
+ name = "Syndicate Operative"
+ },
+"DF" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ broken = 1;
+ icon_state = "wood-broken7"
+ },
+"DG" = (
+"DI" = (
+"DL" = (
+"DM" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken6"
+ },
+"DO" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"DQ" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroidfloor"
+ },
+"DT" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroidplating"
+ },
+"DU" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"DW" = (
+"DY" = (
+"Eb" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Ee" = (
+"Eg" = (
+"Eq" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Er" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Eu" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ez" = (
+ icon_state = "mining"
+ },
+"ED" = (
+"EH" = (
+"EI" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 5
+ },
+"EL" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "barber"
+ },
+"ER" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"ES" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ id_tag = "ww_window"
+ },
+"ET" = (
+ desc = "Someone has crossed out the Space from Space Cleaner and written in Surgery. 'Do not remove under punishment of death!!!' is scrawled on the back.";
+ name = "Surgery Cleaner"
+ },
+ dir = 6;
+ icon_state = "whiteblue"
+ },
+"EV" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"EX" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"EY" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Fa" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "burst_l"
+ },
+"Fb" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ff" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "freezerfloor"
+ },
+"Fn" = (
+"Fp" = (
+ pixel_x = -4;
+ pixel_y = 4
+ },
+ pixel_x = -2;
+ pixel_y = -1
+ },
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"Fs" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Ft" = (
+ pixel_x = 12
+ },
+ icon_state = "asteroidfloor"
+ },
+"FB" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"FH" = (
+ pixel_x = -3;
+ pixel_y = 6
+ },
+"FI" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"FL" = (
+"FS" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"FU" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Gb" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Gc" = (
+"Gf" = (
+"Go" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Gs" = (
+"Gt" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Gv" = (
+"Gz" = (
+ name = "west bump";
+ pixel_x = -27
+ },
+"GC" = (
+ icon_state = "ironsand6"
+ },
+"GF" = (
+"GG" = (
+ pixel_x = 6;
+ pixel_y = 4
+ },
+"GI" = (
+"GK" = (
+"GM" = (
+"GP" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"GQ" = (
+"GS" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Hg" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroidfloor"
+ },
+"Hh" = (
+ pixel_y = 8
+ },
+"Hj" = (
+"Hm" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken7"
+ },
+"Hn" = (
+"Hu" = (
+"Hw" = (
+"Hx" = (
+"HE" = (
+ icon_state = "gcircuitoff"
+ },
+"HF" = (
+"HG" = (
+"HI" = (
+"HJ" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"HS" = (
+ name = "Syndicate Operative"
+ },
+"HT" = (
+ name = "Syndicate Operative"
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "barber"
+ },
+"HU" = (
+"Ie" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Ih" = (
+"Ii" = (
+"Im" = (
+ pixel_x = -29
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"In" = (
+ icon_state = "cultdamage"
+ },
+"Ip" = (
+"Ir" = (
+ amount = 4
+ },
+"Ix" = (
+ pixel_y = 12
+ },
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"Iy" = (
+ dir = 9
+ },
+"IB" = (
+"IF" = (
+"IH" = (
+"IL" = (
+"IN" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"IS" = (
+ icon_state = "syndicate"
+ },
+"IU" = (
+"IX" = (
+"Jf" = (
+"Jp" = (
+ icon_state = "cultdamage3"
+ },
+"Jt" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = -12
+ },
+ pixel_x = -28
+ },
+"Ju" = (
+ icon_state = "small"
+ },
+"JI" = (
+"JK" = (
+ icon_state = "white"
+ },
+"JN" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"JO" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"JQ" = (
+"JR" = (
+"JS" = (
+"JU" = (
+"JV" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ name = "Syndicate Operative"
+ },
+"Kb" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken7"
+ },
+"Kk" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Kr" = (
+"Ku" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"KA" = (
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "whiteblue"
+ },
+"KJ" = (
+ color = "#FF0000";
+ dir = 2
+ },
+"KK" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"KL" = (
+"KN" = (
+"KO" = (
+"KR" = (
+"KV" = (
+ icon_state = "necro2"
+ },
+"KZ" = (
+"Lc" = (
+"Lp" = (
+"Lr" = (
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"LE" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"LG" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"LM" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken7"
+ },
+"LO" = (
+"LP" = (
+"LS" = (
+ pixel_y = 18
+ },
+ pixel_y = 11;
+ pixel_x = -17
+ },
+ icon_state = "asteroidfloor"
+ },
+"LT" = (
+"LU" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroid8"
+ },
+"LV" = (
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"Mc" = (
+"Md" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Me" = (
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"Mf" = (
+"Mh" = (
+"Mi" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Mq" = (
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"Mu" = (
+"Mv" = (
+"MD" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 6;
+ icon_state = "whiteblue"
+ },
+"MF" = (
+"MG" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"MI" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"MJ" = (
+"MK" = (
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"MM" = (
+"MO" = (
+ name = "Syndicate Operative"
+ },
+ icon_state = "white"
+ },
+"MP" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroidfloor"
+ },
+"Nd" = (
+"Ne" = (
+"Nf" = (
+ icon_state = "necro3"
+ },
+"Ni" = (
+ icon_state = "necro3"
+ },
+"Nj" = (
+"Nk" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ id_tag = "ww_window"
+ },
+"Nl" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Nq" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ns" = (
+ dir = 10;
+ icon_state = "darkyellowfull"
+ },
+"Nt" = (
+"Nw" = (
+"Nz" = (
+ icon_keyboard = null;
+ icon_screen = "computer_on";
+ icon = 'icons/obj/library.dmi'
+ },
+ icon_state = "gcircuitoff"
+ },
+"NB" = (
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"NC" = (
+"NH" = (
+ pixel_y = -32
+ },
+"NJ" = (
+ icon_state = "gcircuitoff"
+ },
+"NP" = (
+"NR" = (
+"NU" = (
+"NY" = (
+ icon_state = "necro1"
+ },
+"Od" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Oh" = (
+"Oi" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroidfloor"
+ },
+"Os" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Ov" = (
+ message = "You feel some strange ominous call that stretches from the depths of the cave..."
+ },
+"Ow" = (
+"OF" = (
+ dir = 2;
+ id_tag = "ww_hang1"
+ },
+"OL" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ id_tag = "ww_hang2"
+ },
+"ON" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"OS" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"OT" = (
+"OV" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"OY" = (
+ dir = 2
+ },
+"OZ" = (
+ icon_state = "medium";
+ pixel_y = 9
+ },
+"Pe" = (
+ name = "Syndicate Commando"
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Ph" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Pl" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Pn" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Pt" = (
+"Pz" = (
+ pixel_x = 6
+ },
+"PC" = (
+"PG" = (
+ icon_state = "4"
+ },
+ icon_state = "3"
+ },
+"PK" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"PL" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"PM" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"PO" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"PU" = (
+"PW" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken7"
+ },
+"Qc" = (
+ pixel_y = -14
+ },
+ pixel_x = 7
+ },
+"Qe" = (
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"Qg" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Qj" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Ql" = (
+"Qn" = (
+"Qo" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Qs" = (
+"Qu" = (
+ pixel_x = 11
+ },
+ icon_state = "asteroidplating"
+ },
+"Qy" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Qz" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"QB" = (
+"QG" = (
+ amount = 1
+ },
+"QH" = (
+ icon_state = "cultdamage7"
+ },
+"QQ" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"QU" = (
+"QW" = (
+"QY" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken5"
+ },
+"Re" = (
+"Rr" = (
+"Rx" = (
+"RA" = (
+"RL" = (
+"RO" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"RQ" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken5"
+ },
+"RY" = (
+ icon_state = "syndicate"
+ },
+"Sa" = (
+"Sb" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroid9"
+ },
+"Sf" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_keyboard = "syndie_key";
+ icon_screen = "syndinavigation"
+ },
+"Sn" = (
+ icon_state = "mining"
+ },
+"Sq" = (
+ pixel_x = -7
+ },
+"Sr" = (
+ name = "Syndicate Commando"
+ },
+"Sw" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroidfloor"
+ },
+"SL" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"SO" = (
+ sound = "sound/hallucinations/im_here1.ogg";
+ triggerer_only = 1;
+ happens_once = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"SR" = (
+"SU" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Tc" = (
+"Tg" = (
+"Ti" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Tk" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Tl" = (
+ pixel_x = -3;
+ pixel_y = -3
+ },
+ pixel_x = 3;
+ pixel_y = 3
+ },
+ pixel_x = 6;
+ pixel_y = 6
+ },
+"Tm" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"To" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Tx" = (
+"TA" = (
+ filled = 0.1
+ },
+"TG" = (
+"TH" = (
+ icon_state = "cultdamage2"
+ },
+"TI" = (
+"TL" = (
+"TN" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ pixel_y = 8
+ },
+"TO" = (
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"TQ" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"TS" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"TX" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroidfloor"
+ },
+"TZ" = (
+"Ua" = (
+ icon_state = "mining"
+ },
+"Uf" = (
+"Ui" = (
+"Uj" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Uk" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = -12
+ },
+ icon_state = "mirror_broke";
+ pixel_x = -28
+ },
+"Uq" = (
+ icon_state = "medium";
+ pixel_y = -10;
+ pixel_x = 16
+ },
+"Ur" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Uz" = (
+"UB" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroidplating"
+ },
+"UD" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ id_tag = "ww_hang2"
+ },
+"UV" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "vault"
+ },
+"UW" = (
+"UX" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ pixel_y = -32
+ },
+"UZ" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "vault"
+ },
+"Vh" = (
+"Vi" = (
+"Vj" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"Vv" = (
+ icon_state = "necro2"
+ },
+"VF" = (
+"VG" = (
+"VJ" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"VO" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "vault"
+ },
+"VP" = (
+"VT" = (
+"VU" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+ icon_state = "wood-broken3"
+ },
+"VV" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"VW" = (
+ pixel_x = 6
+ },
+"VZ" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroid2"
+ },
+"Wa" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"Wc" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroidplating"
+ },
+"Wk" = (
+ req_access_txt = "150"
+ },
+"Wq" = (
+ icon_state = "5"
+ },
+"Ws" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"WH" = (
+"WI" = (
+ icon_state = "ironsand13"
+ },
+"WJ" = (
+"WL" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ pixel_x = 32
+ },
+"WM" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"WS" = (
+ icon_state = "white"
+ },
+"WY" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Xe" = (
+"Xn" = (
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"Xr" = (
+ icon_state = "asteroidfloor"
+ },
+"Xt" = (
+"Xz" = (
+ name = "east bump";
+ pixel_x = 27
+ },
+"XE" = (
+"XF" = (
+"XI" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"XN" = (
+ icon_state = "freezerfloor"
+ },
+"XQ" = (
+ icon_state = "sacrificealtar-red"
+ },
+ icon_state = "cult"
+ },
+"XS" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"Yc" = (
+"Ye" = (
+"Yh" = (
+ dir = 9
+ },
+"Yi" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Ym" = (
+"YB" = (
+"YC" = (
+"YI" = (
+ name = "Syndicate Operative"
+ },
+"YJ" = (
+ icon_state = "bulb-broken";
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"YK" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+"YM" = (
+"YN" = (
+ name = "Syndicate Operative"
+ },
+"YQ" = (
+ icon_state = "medium";
+ pixel_y = -10;
+ pixel_x = 16
+ },
+ icon_state = "white"
+ },
+"YT" = (
+ dir = 6
+ },
+ name = "north bump";
+ pixel_y = 30
+ },
+"YW" = (
+ icon_state = "ironsand7"
+ },
+"YY" = (
+"Za" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"Zi" = (
+ name = "Syndicate Operative"
+ },
+"Zj" = (
+ amount = 5
+ },
+ icon_state = "asteroidfloor"
+ },
+"Zk" = (
+"Zm" = (
+"Zn" = (
+ icon_state = "necro1"
+ },
+"Zp" = (
+"Zq" = (
+ icon_state = "medium";
+ pixel_y = 9
+ },
+"Zr" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+"ZG" = (
+"ZK" = (
+"ZL" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"ZO" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"ZQ" = (
+ icon_state = "dark"
+ },
+"ZU" = (
+ icon_state = "wood-broken5"
+ },
+"ZV" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "vault"
+ },
+"ZW" = (
+ color = "#FF0000";
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+(1,1,1) = {"
+(2,1,1) = {"
+(3,1,1) = {"
+(4,1,1) = {"
+(5,1,1) = {"
+(6,1,1) = {"
+(7,1,1) = {"
+(8,1,1) = {"
+(9,1,1) = {"
+(10,1,1) = {"
+(11,1,1) = {"
+(12,1,1) = {"
+(13,1,1) = {"
+(14,1,1) = {"
+(15,1,1) = {"
+(16,1,1) = {"
+(17,1,1) = {"
+(18,1,1) = {"
+(19,1,1) = {"
+(20,1,1) = {"
+(21,1,1) = {"
+(22,1,1) = {"
+(23,1,1) = {"
+(24,1,1) = {"
+(25,1,1) = {"
+(26,1,1) = {"
+(27,1,1) = {"
+(28,1,1) = {"
+(29,1,1) = {"
+(30,1,1) = {"
+(31,1,1) = {"
+(32,1,1) = {"
+(33,1,1) = {"
+(34,1,1) = {"
+(35,1,1) = {"
+(36,1,1) = {"
+(37,1,1) = {"
+(38,1,1) = {"
+(39,1,1) = {"
+(40,1,1) = {"
+(41,1,1) = {"
+(42,1,1) = {"
+(43,1,1) = {"
+(44,1,1) = {"
+(45,1,1) = {"
+(46,1,1) = {"
+(47,1,1) = {"
+(48,1,1) = {"
+(49,1,1) = {"
+(50,1,1) = {"
+(51,1,1) = {"
+(52,1,1) = {"
+(53,1,1) = {"
+(54,1,1) = {"
+(55,1,1) = {"
+(56,1,1) = {"
+(57,1,1) = {"
+(58,1,1) = {"
+(59,1,1) = {"
+(60,1,1) = {"
+(61,1,1) = {"
+(62,1,1) = {"
+(63,1,1) = {"
+(64,1,1) = {"
+(65,1,1) = {"
+(66,1,1) = {"
+(67,1,1) = {"
+(68,1,1) = {"
+(69,1,1) = {"
+(70,1,1) = {"
+(71,1,1) = {"
+(72,1,1) = {"
+(73,1,1) = {"
+(74,1,1) = {"
+(75,1,1) = {"
+(76,1,1) = {"
+(77,1,1) = {"
+(78,1,1) = {"
+(79,1,1) = {"
+(80,1,1) = {"
+(81,1,1) = {"
+(82,1,1) = {"
+(83,1,1) = {"
+(84,1,1) = {"
+(85,1,1) = {"
+(86,1,1) = {"
+(87,1,1) = {"
+(88,1,1) = {"
+(89,1,1) = {"
+(90,1,1) = {"
+(91,1,1) = {"
+(92,1,1) = {"
+(93,1,1) = {"
+(94,1,1) = {"
+(95,1,1) = {"
+(96,1,1) = {"
+(97,1,1) = {"
+(98,1,1) = {"
+(99,1,1) = {"
+(100,1,1) = {"
+(101,1,1) = {"
+(102,1,1) = {"
+(103,1,1) = {"
+(104,1,1) = {"
+(105,1,1) = {"
+(106,1,1) = {"
+(107,1,1) = {"
+(108,1,1) = {"
+(109,1,1) = {"
+(110,1,1) = {"
+(111,1,1) = {"
+(112,1,1) = {"
+(113,1,1) = {"
+(114,1,1) = {"
+(115,1,1) = {"
+(116,1,1) = {"
+(117,1,1) = {"
+(118,1,1) = {"
+(119,1,1) = {"
+(120,1,1) = {"
+(121,1,1) = {"
+(122,1,1) = {"
+(123,1,1) = {"
+(124,1,1) = {"
+(125,1,1) = {"
+(126,1,1) = {"
+(127,1,1) = {"
diff --git a/config/example/config.toml b/config/example/config.toml
index 84d868d688e0..a18f96d0c046 100644
--- a/config/example/config.toml
+++ b/config/example/config.toml
@@ -622,6 +622,7 @@ active_space_ruins = [
+ "_maps/map_files/RandomRuins/SpaceRuins/space_wildwest.dmm",
### The following ruins are based from past pre-spawned Zlevel content ###
diff --git a/modular_ss220/_maps220/_maps220.dme b/modular_ss220/_maps220/_maps220.dme
index 91d54e78e5ae..643770ea0ded 100644
--- a/modular_ss220/_maps220/_maps220.dme
+++ b/modular_ss220/_maps220/_maps220.dme
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
#include "code/Station/cyberiad.dm"
#include "code/RandomRuins/lavaland_ruins.dm"
#include "code/RandomRuins/space_ruins.dm"
+#include "code/Areas/areas.dm"
diff --git a/modular_ss220/_maps220/code/Areas/areas.dm b/modular_ss220/_maps220/code/Areas/areas.dm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4aba70625511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modular_ss220/_maps220/code/Areas/areas.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ name = "Wild West"
+ report_alerts = FALSE
+ icon_state = "away"
+ requires_power = FALSE
+ dynamic_lighting = DYNAMIC_LIGHTING_FORCED
+ name = "\improper Wild West Mines"
+ icon_state = "awaycontent1"
+ name = "\improper Wild West Vault Doors"
+ icon_state = "awaycontent2"
+ name = "\improper Wild West Refinery"
+ icon_state = "awaycontent3"
+ name = "\improper Wild West Vault"
+ icon_state = "awaycontent3"
diff --git a/modular_ss220/_maps220/code/RandomRuins/space_ruins.dm b/modular_ss220/_maps220/code/RandomRuins/space_ruins.dm
index 593b67af90e1..fc629148864f 100644
--- a/modular_ss220/_maps220/code/RandomRuins/space_ruins.dm
+++ b/modular_ss220/_maps220/code/RandomRuins/space_ruins.dm
@@ -11,3 +11,12 @@
// Добавлять свои руины под этими комментариями. Делать это по примеру выше!
// Комментарии УДАЛИТЬ если копируешь пример.
+ name = "Space Wild West"
+ id = "space_wildwest"
+ description = "A captured mining outpost on a lonely asteroid. There are rumors that a horrible structure is entombed in its depths."
+ suffix = "space_wildwest.dmm"
+ cost = 5
+ allow_duplicates = FALSE
+ always_place = FALSE
diff --git a/modular_ss220/aesthetics/walls/code/walls.dm b/modular_ss220/aesthetics/walls/code/walls.dm
index dab6cc37a55f..689bf99f3031 100644
--- a/modular_ss220/aesthetics/walls/code/walls.dm
+++ b/modular_ss220/aesthetics/walls/code/walls.dm
@@ -9,3 +9,24 @@
icon = 'modular_ss220/aesthetics/walls/icons/reinforced_wall.dmi'
+ name = "dense rock"
+ desc = "An extremely densely-packed rock, Most mining tools or explosives would never get through this."
+ icon = 'icons/turf/walls//smoothrocks.dmi'
+ icon_state = "smoothrocks-0"
+ base_icon_state = "smoothrocks"
+ smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK | SMOOTH_BORDER
+ canSmoothWith = list(SMOOTH_GROUP_MINERAL_WALLS)
+ name = "runed metal wall"
+ icon = 'icons/turf/walls/cult_wall.dmi'
+ icon_state = "cult_wall-0"
+ base_icon_state = "cult_wall"
+ smoothing_flags = SMOOTH_BITMASK
diff --git a/modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/low_laugh.ogg b/modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/low_laugh.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fe38d03162ca
Binary files /dev/null and b/modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/low_laugh.ogg differ
diff --git a/modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/many_whisper1.ogg b/modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/many_whisper1.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6e2e9a6a7e30
Binary files /dev/null and b/modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/many_whisper1.ogg differ
diff --git a/modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/many_whisper2.ogg b/modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/many_whisper2.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5feabf9106e6
Binary files /dev/null and b/modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/many_whisper2.ogg differ
diff --git a/modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/scary_whisper1.ogg b/modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/scary_whisper1.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ef9e60b64103
Binary files /dev/null and b/modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/scary_whisper1.ogg differ
diff --git a/modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/scary_whisper2.ogg b/modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/scary_whisper2.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7a62b7752083
Binary files /dev/null and b/modular_ss220/aesthetics_sounds/sound/creepy/scary_whisper2.ogg differ