Have the Azure CLI installed (tested with version 2.0.49) and the username and password used to logon to the azure subscription.
Open a shell prompt in the provision-vm
directory and run the following commands
Login to the azure subscription using your credentials
az login --username='<AzureUserName>' --password='<AzurePassword>'
Create a service principal with the role owner in your subscription
az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "http://DevOpsOHSP" --role owner
Take note of the following:
Create new resource group
az group create --name='ProctorVMRG' --location='<Location>'
Run the deployment in that resource group using the values from the service principal created in step 2.
az group deployment create --resource-group='ProctorVMRG' --template-file ./azuredeploy.json --parameters spUserName=http://DevOpsOHSP spPassword='<password>' spTenant='<tenant>' spAppId='<appId>'
The deployment will first deploy and configure a virtual machine using the ../provision-vm/proctorVMSetup.sh
script. Subsequently ../provision-team/setup.sh
will be executed as a detached task on that virtual machine.
If needed for troubleshooting purposes, the logs of the setup.sh
script are located in /home/azureuser/openhack-devops-procotor/provision-team/teamdeploy.out
Note: The ARM template has been designed for one deployment in a given subscription. Other scenarios are at your own risk.
The full deployment takes about 45 minutes to complete. The deployment of the ARM template will complete before the provisioning of the team environment has completed.