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Miquel Sabaté Solà edited this page Jul 7, 2015 · 15 revisions

Tools being used

All the tests have been written with RSpec, with some extra candy so it integrates flawlessly with the other tools that we are using. The test suite is located inside the spec directory, and it can be run with simply:

# Make sure to have have executed `bundle` before performing this.
$ bundle exec rspec spec

The acceptance tests are particularly slower. This is because for these tests we use the combination Capybara + Poltergeist, and it requires the database to be truncated before running each test.

After all tests have been run, we make a last check with SimpleCov. This gem checks that the code coverage status is at 100%. This is a way in which we make sure that our test suite is as thorough as possible.

Continuous integration

to do

The Appliance

In order to test the appliance, we have a jenkins job that gets the image from the Open Build Service, imports it to an openStack cloud instance and launches an instance. In order to do so, we make use of the obs2openstack script.

Then the instance needs a manual interaction in order to configure it. One needs to go to the "console" and go through the yast2 firstboot workflow. When the yast2 firstboot workflow finishes, then the appliance will have network, not before.

Once the instance has network, we have a jenkins job that will run the scripts from appliance-test subdir.

In order to run the previous scripts, we make use of the run_in_obs script.

old contents (to be removed)

Continuous integration is run with Travis and the Opensuse Build Service. For details, see the .travis.yml file.