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File metadata and controls

351 lines (261 loc) · 12.1 KB


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FeatureBook is a command line tool (and Node.js library) for generating beautiful system specifications from Gherkin source files.

Here is an example.

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3


FeatureBook can be installed from npm:

$ npm install featurebook -g

If it's already installed, you only need to update to the latest version:

$ npm update featurebook -g

You can serve the current directory as a system specification:

$ featurebook serve --port 3000

Or simply build the static website:

$ featurebook build --output-dir ~/book --format=html

To list all available commands and options:

$ featurebook --help

Or just display help for a given command:

$ featurebook serve --help

Specification format

A system specification is a directory containing:

  • Gherkin source files
  • The assets directory for images and videos that you can refer to from within the Gherkin source files
  • An optional descriptor
  • An optional featurebook.json descriptor
|-- assets
|   |-- images
|   |   |-- picture_is_worth_1000_words.png
|   |   `-- two_pictures_are_worth_2000_words.png
|   `-- videos
|       |-- video_is_worth_2000_words.mp4
|       `-- two_videos_are_worth_4000_words.mp4
|-- webapp
|   `-- admin
|       |-- users
|       |   |-- list_users.feature
|       |   `-- register_user.feature
|       `-- projects
|           |-- list_projects.feature
|           |-- create_project.feature
|           `-- clone_project.feature
`-- featurebook.json

There are a few conventions:

  • Single Gherkin source file contains a description of a single feature
  • Source files have .feature extension
  • A feature name displayed in the navigation tree is inferred from the corresponding Gherkin source file name, i.e. it's a titleized base file name. For example, list_users.feature becomes List Users.

A Gherkin source file usually looks like this:

Feature: Some terse yet descriptive text of what is desired

  Textual *description* of the business value of this feature
  Business rules that govern the scope of the feature
  Any additional information and ~~formatting~~ that will make
  the feature easier to read and **understand**

  ![Picture alt text](/assets/images/picture_is_worth_1000_words.png)

  Scenario: Some determinable business situation
    Given some precondition
      And some other precondition
     When some action by the actor
      And some other action
      And yet another action
     Then some testable outcome is achieved
      And something else we can check happens too

  Scenario: A different situation

Note that you can use Markdown to describe your features and scenarios.


The featurebook.json contains system specification metadata such as: title, version, authors, and contributors:

  "modelVersion": "1.0.0",
  "title": "My System Specification",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "authors": [
      "firstName": "Henryk",
      "lastName": "Sienkiewicz",
      "email": "[email protected]"
  "contributors": [
      "firstName": "Eliza",
      "lastName": "Orzeszkowa",
      "email": "[email protected]"
  "language": "pl"

Gherkin's grammar exists in different flavours for many spoken languages. To specify and use the keywords in your own language, you must set the language property to the corresponding language code.

Typically, this should be the introduction to your specification where you can:

  • give a general overview of the system being specified
  • provide description that is pertinent to all features and scenarios
  • keep a list of notable changes and reviews

This is a great thirst-quencherer. Buy drinks or get them for free.

*This is part of a demo project to show how to use ATTD/BDD at a client site.
This is not to be used commercially, nor is the software very valuable, except
for demonstration purposes.*

## Change log

| Version | Date       | Description  | Authors            |
| ------- | ---------- | ------------ | ------------------ |
| 2.0     | 13-09-2012 | First review | Eliza Orzeszkowa   |
| 1.0     | 15-07-2012 | First draft  | Henryk Sienkiewicz |


Even in 2015, there are development teams that don't know how to apply Scrum or some other Agile methodology in day-to-day business. Believe it or not but that's the matter of fact. Doing just daily meetings at 9 or 10 a.m. doesn't really mean that you're in the Agile mode! With business analysts or other business folks it's even worse. Most of them haven't heard the buzzwords Scrum or Agile. Therefore, it's not surprising that so many people undervalue specifying unambiguously what the system is supposed to do. Instead, we are given 200 pages Microsoft Word documents that, after a short while, become a maintenance nightmare and complete mess to read and understand.

FeatureBook is here to help you creating living documentation from Gherkin source files (suitable for DEV or QA guys) and publish it in a format accessible for people who may not know how to work with source control systems or who are not interested in seeing all of the source code. We bring the fun back into writing documentation!

What's more, the authors of FeatureBook are ready to help you writing system specification for real-life complex systems and applications. If it's not a top secret mission critical beast, feel free to submit an issue where we can discuss the details publicly. Otherwise let's meet in person in Warsaw. If you buy the tickets and we like the destination, we'll fly over and do the training for you and your team! (Especially we're looking forward to seeing Albania one day.) The outcome would be a FeatureBook tailored for your system. Forget about a bunch of hello world examples presented in a super boring fashion that cost thousands bucks.

Running tests

$ npm install -g bower mocha karma-cli
$ npm install
$ mocha --reporter spec --timeout 1500 test/lib
$ cd public && bower install && cd ..
$ karma start test/public/karma.conf.js


Select a branch that contains the code you want to release. Usually, you'll want to release against the master branch, unless you're releasing a beta version.

Let's assume that the latest version of the featurebook package is 0.0.6 (see the version property in package.json).

$ git clone && cd featurebook

To bump the path|minor|major version number and write the new data back to package.json:

$ npm version patch|minor|major -m "[npm] prepare release %s"

Note that this command will also create a version commit and tag named v0.0.7, and fail if the cloned repository is not clean.

To push the commit and the v0.0.7 tag to the origin repository:

$ git push -u origin master
$ git push -u origin v0.0.7

To publish to the public registry:

$ git checkout tags/v0.0.7
$ npm publish


You wanna contribute to FeatureBook? That is truly great! Here are some tips to get you started.

First off, you need to fork the original FeatureBook repository. Forking the repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project.

Once it's done, you can use the forked repository to propose changes or fix bugs by changing code and submitting a pull request to the project owners. If we like it, we might pull your fix into the original repository.

Keeping your fork synced

It's a good practice to regularly sync your fork with the upstream repository (upstream repository or simply upstream is a fancy name for the original repository). Before you can sync, you must configure a remote that points to the upstream.

Configuring upstream remote

I assume that you already have the local clone of your fork. Type git remote -v to see the currently configured remote repositories for your fork:

$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

To configure upstream remote repository:

$ git remote add upstream

To verify the new upstream repository:

$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

Now, you can keep your fork synced with the upstream repository with a few Git commands.

Syncing a fork

To fetch the branches and their respective commits:

$ git fetch upstream
remote: Counting objects: 77, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (71/71), done.
remote: Total 77 (delta 30), reused 1 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (77/77), done.
 * [new branch]      master     -> upstream/master
 * [new tag]         v0.0.8     -> v0.0.8

Note that commits to master will be stored in a local branch, upstream/master.

Merge the changes from upstream/master into your local master branch. This brings your fork's master branch into sync with the upstream repository, without losing your local changes.

$ git merge upstream/master

Syncing your fork only updates your local copy of the repository. To update your fork on GitHub, you must push your changes.

$ git push -u origin master


Code is under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0.