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Taxi trip duration prediction

Main goal

Building a model predicting the total ride duration of taxi trips in New York City

Data description

Primary dataset is one released by the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission, which includes pickup time, geo-coordinates, number of passengers, and several other variables. The training set contains 1458644 trip records.

*** Data fields ***

  • id - a unique identifier for each trip
  • vendor_id - a code indicating the provider associated with the trip record
  • pickup_datetime - date and time when the meter was engaged
  • dropoff_datetime - date and time when the meter was disengaged
  • passenger_count - the number of passengers in the vehicle (driver entered value)
  • pickup_longitude - the longitude where the meter was engaged
  • pickup_latitude - the latitude where the meter was engaged
  • dropoff_longitude - the longitude where the meter was disengaged
  • dropoff_latitude - the latitude where the meter was disengaged
  • store_and_fwd_flag - This flag indicates whether the trip record was held in vehicle memory before sending to the vendor because the vehicle did not have a connection to the server - Y=store and forward; N=not a store and forward trip
  • trip_duration - duration of the trip in seconds


The evaluation metric for this competition is Root Mean Squared Logarithmic Error.

Tasks realized

  1. Primary data analysis; data cleaning;
  2. New feature generation
  3. EDA;
  4. Feature transformation;
  5. Feature selection
  6. Model selection (LinearRegression, DecisionTree, Ensembles) according to the best metric value obtained. Hyperparameters optimization


Following models were fit and assessed according to the metric specified: LinearRegression, DecisionTreeRegressor, RandomForestRegressor, GradientBoostingRegressor, XGBoost. The best metric was obtained with GradientBoostingRegressor: 0.37 (train set), 0.39 (valid.set). The most important features used by algorithm were: total_distance, total_travel_time, pickup_hour.

Libraries & tools used

  • see the requirements