diff --git a/src/Games/chess/README.md b/src/Games/chess/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec4a83b14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Games/chess/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+This is chess game
+Chess is a strategic board game played between two opponents on a square board divided into 64 squares of alternating colors.
+The objective of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king, putting it in a position where,
+it is under attack and cannot escape capture.
+1.Piece Movement:
+ A chess game allows players to move their pieces according to the rules of the game.
+Each piece has its specific movement capabilities, and players can select and move their pieces across the board during their turn.
+2.Capturing Opponent's Pieces:
+The game enables players to capture their opponent's pieces by moving their own pieces to the same square occupied by an opponent's piece.
+3.Check and Checkmate:
+The chess game incorporates the concept of "check" and "checkmate." When a player's king is under direct attack, it is in "check."
+The objective is to create a situation where the opponent's king is in checkmate, meaning it is under attack and cannot escape capture.
+The game notifies players when a check or checkmate occurs.
+ ![Screenshot](https://github.com/Yashoda2003/Games-and-Go/assets/116747256/10fac2bd-dd0c-409a-b04a-d7f54f3f997f)
diff --git a/src/Games/chess/drs/index.html b/src/Games/chess/drs/index.html
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index 000000000..e75dcb2b4
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+++ b/src/Games/chess/drs/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ Chess!
diff --git a/src/Games/chess/drs/script.js b/src/Games/chess/drs/script.js
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index 000000000..1448b6aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Games/chess/drs/script.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1041 @@
+"use strict";
+let PIECE_DIR_CALC = 0;
+class Utils {
+ static colToInt(col) {
+ return Board.COLS.indexOf(col);
+ }
+ static rowToInt(row) {
+ return Board.ROWS.indexOf(row);
+ }
+ static intToCol(int) {
+ return Board.COLS[int];
+ }
+ static intToRow(int) {
+ return Board.ROWS[int];
+ }
+ static getPositionsFromShortCode(shortCode) {
+ const positions = Utils.getInitialPiecePositions();
+ const overrides = {};
+ const defaultPositionMode = shortCode.charAt(0) === "X";
+ if (defaultPositionMode) {
+ shortCode = shortCode.slice(1);
+ }
+ shortCode.split(",").forEach((string) => {
+ const promoted = string.charAt(0) === "P";
+ if (promoted) {
+ string = string.slice(1);
+ }
+ if (defaultPositionMode) {
+ const inactive = string.length === 3;
+ const id = string.slice(0, 2);
+ const col = inactive ? undefined : string.charAt(2);
+ const row = inactive ? undefined : string.charAt(3);
+ const moves = string.charAt(4) || "1";
+ overrides[id] = {
+ col,
+ row,
+ active: !inactive,
+ _moves: parseInt(moves),
+ _promoted: promoted,
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ const moved = string.length >= 4;
+ const id = string.slice(0, 2);
+ const col = string.charAt(moved ? 2 : 0);
+ const row = string.charAt(moved ? 3 : 1);
+ const moves = string.charAt(4) || moved ? "1" : "0";
+ overrides[id] = { col, row, active: true, _moves: parseInt(moves), _promoted: promoted };
+ }
+ });
+ for (let id in positions) {
+ if (overrides[id]) {
+ positions[id] = overrides[id];
+ }
+ else {
+ positions[id] = defaultPositionMode ? positions[id] : { active: false };
+ }
+ }
+ return positions;
+ }
+ static getInitialBoardPieces(parent, pieces) {
+ const boardPieces = {};
+ const container = document.createElement("div");
+ container.className = "pieces";
+ parent.appendChild(container);
+ for (let pieceId in pieces) {
+ const boardPiece = document.createElement("div");
+ boardPiece.className = `piece ${pieces[pieceId].data.player.toLowerCase()}`;
+ boardPiece.innerHTML = pieces[pieceId].shape();
+ container.appendChild(boardPiece);
+ boardPieces[pieceId] = boardPiece;
+ }
+ return boardPieces;
+ }
+ static getInitialBoardTiles(parent, handler) {
+ const tiles = { 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 4: {}, 5: {}, 6: {}, 7: {}, 8: {} };
+ const board = document.createElement("div");
+ board.className = "board";
+ parent.appendChild(board);
+ for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ const row = document.createElement("div");
+ row.className = "row";
+ board.appendChild(row);
+ for (let j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+ const tile = document.createElement("button");
+ tile.className = "tile";
+ const r = Utils.intToRow(i);
+ const c = Utils.intToCol(j);
+ tile.addEventListener("click", () => handler({ row: r, col: c }));
+ row.appendChild(tile);
+ tiles[r][c] = tile;
+ }
+ }
+ return tiles;
+ }
+ static getInitialBoardState(construct = () => undefined) {
+ const blankRow = () => ({
+ A: construct(),
+ B: construct(),
+ C: construct(),
+ D: construct(),
+ E: construct(),
+ F: construct(),
+ G: construct(),
+ H: construct(),
+ });
+ return {
+ 1: Object.assign({}, blankRow()),
+ 2: Object.assign({}, blankRow()),
+ 3: Object.assign({}, blankRow()),
+ 4: Object.assign({}, blankRow()),
+ 5: Object.assign({}, blankRow()),
+ 6: Object.assign({}, blankRow()),
+ 7: Object.assign({}, blankRow()),
+ 8: Object.assign({}, blankRow()),
+ };
+ }
+ static getInitialPiecePositions() {
+ return {
+ A8: { active: true, row: "8", col: "A" },
+ B8: { active: true, row: "8", col: "B" },
+ C8: { active: true, row: "8", col: "C" },
+ D8: { active: true, row: "8", col: "D" },
+ E8: { active: true, row: "8", col: "E" },
+ F8: { active: true, row: "8", col: "F" },
+ G8: { active: true, row: "8", col: "G" },
+ H8: { active: true, row: "8", col: "H" },
+ A7: { active: true, row: "7", col: "A" },
+ B7: { active: true, row: "7", col: "B" },
+ C7: { active: true, row: "7", col: "C" },
+ D7: { active: true, row: "7", col: "D" },
+ E7: { active: true, row: "7", col: "E" },
+ F7: { active: true, row: "7", col: "F" },
+ G7: { active: true, row: "7", col: "G" },
+ H7: { active: true, row: "7", col: "H" },
+ A2: { active: true, row: "2", col: "A" },
+ B2: { active: true, row: "2", col: "B" },
+ C2: { active: true, row: "2", col: "C" },
+ D2: { active: true, row: "2", col: "D" },
+ E2: { active: true, row: "2", col: "E" },
+ F2: { active: true, row: "2", col: "F" },
+ G2: { active: true, row: "2", col: "G" },
+ H2: { active: true, row: "2", col: "H" },
+ A1: { active: true, row: "1", col: "A" },
+ B1: { active: true, row: "1", col: "B" },
+ C1: { active: true, row: "1", col: "C" },
+ D1: { active: true, row: "1", col: "D" },
+ E1: { active: true, row: "1", col: "E" },
+ F1: { active: true, row: "1", col: "F" },
+ G1: { active: true, row: "1", col: "G" },
+ H1: { active: true, row: "1", col: "H" },
+ };
+ }
+ static getInitialPieces() {
+ return {
+ A8: new Piece({ id: "A8", player: "BLACK", type: "ROOK" }),
+ B8: new Piece({ id: "B8", player: "BLACK", type: "KNIGHT" }),
+ C8: new Piece({ id: "C8", player: "BLACK", type: "BISHOP" }),
+ D8: new Piece({ id: "D8", player: "BLACK", type: "QUEEN" }),
+ E8: new Piece({ id: "E8", player: "BLACK", type: "KING" }),
+ F8: new Piece({ id: "F8", player: "BLACK", type: "BISHOP" }),
+ G8: new Piece({ id: "G8", player: "BLACK", type: "KNIGHT" }),
+ H8: new Piece({ id: "H8", player: "BLACK", type: "ROOK" }),
+ A7: new Piece({ id: "A7", player: "BLACK", type: "PAWN" }),
+ B7: new Piece({ id: "B7", player: "BLACK", type: "PAWN" }),
+ C7: new Piece({ id: "C7", player: "BLACK", type: "PAWN" }),
+ D7: new Piece({ id: "D7", player: "BLACK", type: "PAWN" }),
+ E7: new Piece({ id: "E7", player: "BLACK", type: "PAWN" }),
+ F7: new Piece({ id: "F7", player: "BLACK", type: "PAWN" }),
+ G7: new Piece({ id: "G7", player: "BLACK", type: "PAWN" }),
+ H7: new Piece({ id: "H7", player: "BLACK", type: "PAWN" }),
+ A2: new Piece({ id: "A2", player: "WHITE", type: "PAWN" }),
+ B2: new Piece({ id: "B2", player: "WHITE", type: "PAWN" }),
+ C2: new Piece({ id: "C2", player: "WHITE", type: "PAWN" }),
+ D2: new Piece({ id: "D2", player: "WHITE", type: "PAWN" }),
+ E2: new Piece({ id: "E2", player: "WHITE", type: "PAWN" }),
+ F2: new Piece({ id: "F2", player: "WHITE", type: "PAWN" }),
+ G2: new Piece({ id: "G2", player: "WHITE", type: "PAWN" }),
+ H2: new Piece({ id: "H2", player: "WHITE", type: "PAWN" }),
+ A1: new Piece({ id: "A1", player: "WHITE", type: "ROOK" }),
+ B1: new Piece({ id: "B1", player: "WHITE", type: "KNIGHT" }),
+ C1: new Piece({ id: "C1", player: "WHITE", type: "BISHOP" }),
+ D1: new Piece({ id: "D1", player: "WHITE", type: "QUEEN" }),
+ E1: new Piece({ id: "E1", player: "WHITE", type: "KING" }),
+ F1: new Piece({ id: "F1", player: "WHITE", type: "BISHOP" }),
+ G1: new Piece({ id: "G1", player: "WHITE", type: "KNIGHT" }),
+ H1: new Piece({ id: "H1", player: "WHITE", type: "ROOK" }),
+ };
+ }
+class Shape {
+ static shape(player, piece) {
+ return `
+ `;
+ }
+ static shapeBishop(player) {
+ return Shape.shape(player, "bishop");
+ }
+ static shapeKing(player) {
+ return Shape.shape(player, "king");
+ }
+ static shapeKnight(player) {
+ return Shape.shape(player, "knight");
+ }
+ static shapePawn(player) {
+ return Shape.shape(player, "pawn");
+ }
+ static shapeQueen(player) {
+ return Shape.shape(player, "queen");
+ }
+ static shapeRook(player) {
+ return Shape.shape(player, "rook");
+ }
+class Constraints {
+ static generate(args, resultingChecks) {
+ let method;
+ const { piecePositions, piece } = args;
+ if (piecePositions[piece.data.id].active) {
+ switch (piece.data.type) {
+ case "BISHOP":
+ method = Constraints.constraintsBishop;
+ break;
+ case "KING":
+ method = Constraints.constraintsKing;
+ break;
+ case "KNIGHT":
+ method = Constraints.constraintsKnight;
+ break;
+ case "PAWN":
+ method = Constraints.constraintsPawn;
+ break;
+ case "QUEEN":
+ method = Constraints.constraintsQueen;
+ break;
+ case "ROOK":
+ method = Constraints.constraintsRook;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ const result = method ? method(args) : { moves: [], captures: [] };
+ if (resultingChecks) {
+ const moveIndex = args.moveIndex + 1;
+ result.moves = result.moves.filter((location) => !resultingChecks({ piece, location, capture: false, moveIndex }).length);
+ result.captures = result.captures.filter((location) => !resultingChecks({ piece, location, capture: true, moveIndex }).length);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ static constraintsBishop(args) {
+ return Constraints.constraintsDiagonal(args);
+ }
+ static constraintsDiagonal(args) {
+ const response = { moves: [], captures: [] };
+ const { piece } = args;
+ Constraints.runUntil(piece.dirNW.bind(piece), response, args);
+ Constraints.runUntil(piece.dirNE.bind(piece), response, args);
+ Constraints.runUntil(piece.dirSW.bind(piece), response, args);
+ Constraints.runUntil(piece.dirSE.bind(piece), response, args);
+ return response;
+ }
+ static constraintsKing(args) {
+ const { piece, kingCastles, piecePositions } = args;
+ const moves = [];
+ const captures = [];
+ const locations = [
+ piece.dirN(1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dirNE(1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dirE(1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dirSE(1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dirS(1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dirSW(1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dirW(1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dirNW(1, piecePositions),
+ ];
+ if (kingCastles) {
+ const castles = kingCastles(piece);
+ castles.forEach((position) => moves.push(position));
+ }
+ locations.forEach((location) => {
+ const value = Constraints.relationshipToTile(location, args);
+ if (value === "BLANK") {
+ moves.push(location);
+ }
+ else if (value === "ENEMY") {
+ captures.push(location);
+ }
+ });
+ return { moves, captures };
+ }
+ static constraintsKnight(args) {
+ const { piece, piecePositions } = args;
+ const moves = [];
+ const captures = [];
+ const locations = [
+ piece.dir(1, 2, piecePositions),
+ piece.dir(1, -2, piecePositions),
+ piece.dir(2, 1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dir(2, -1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dir(-1, 2, piecePositions),
+ piece.dir(-1, -2, piecePositions),
+ piece.dir(-2, 1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dir(-2, -1, piecePositions),
+ ];
+ locations.forEach((location) => {
+ const value = Constraints.relationshipToTile(location, args);
+ if (value === "BLANK") {
+ moves.push(location);
+ }
+ else if (value === "ENEMY") {
+ captures.push(location);
+ }
+ });
+ return { moves, captures };
+ }
+ static constraintsOrthangonal(args) {
+ const { piece } = args;
+ const response = { moves: [], captures: [] };
+ Constraints.runUntil(piece.dirN.bind(piece), response, args);
+ Constraints.runUntil(piece.dirE.bind(piece), response, args);
+ Constraints.runUntil(piece.dirS.bind(piece), response, args);
+ Constraints.runUntil(piece.dirW.bind(piece), response, args);
+ return response;
+ }
+ static constraintsPawn(args) {
+ const { piece, piecePositions } = args;
+ const moves = [];
+ const captures = [];
+ const locationN1 = piece.dirN(1, piecePositions);
+ const locationN2 = piece.dirN(2, piecePositions);
+ if (Constraints.relationshipToTile(locationN1, args) === "BLANK") {
+ moves.push(locationN1);
+ if (!piece.moves.length && Constraints.relationshipToTile(locationN2, args) === "BLANK") {
+ moves.push(locationN2);
+ }
+ }
+ [
+ [piece.dirNW(1, piecePositions), piece.dirW(1, piecePositions)],
+ [piece.dirNE(1, piecePositions), piece.dirE(1, piecePositions)],
+ ].forEach(([location, enPassant]) => {
+ const standardCaptureRelationship = Constraints.relationshipToTile(location, args);
+ const enPassantCaptureRelationship = Constraints.relationshipToTile(enPassant, args);
+ if (standardCaptureRelationship === "ENEMY") {
+ captures.push(location);
+ }
+ else if (piece.moves.length > 0 && enPassantCaptureRelationship === "ENEMY") {
+ const enPassantRow = enPassant.row === (piece.playerWhite() ? "5" : "4");
+ const other = Constraints.locationToPiece(enPassant, args);
+ if (enPassantRow && other && other.data.type === "PAWN") {
+ if (other.moves.length === 1 && other.moves[0] === args.moveIndex - 1) {
+ location.capture = Object.assign({}, enPassant);
+ captures.push(location);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return { moves, captures };
+ }
+ static constraintsQueen(args) {
+ const diagonal = Constraints.constraintsDiagonal(args);
+ const orthagonal = Constraints.constraintsOrthangonal(args);
+ return {
+ moves: diagonal.moves.concat(orthagonal.moves),
+ captures: diagonal.captures.concat(orthagonal.captures),
+ };
+ }
+ static constraintsRook(args) {
+ return Constraints.constraintsOrthangonal(args);
+ }
+ static locationToPiece(location, args) {
+ if (!location) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ const { state, pieces } = args;
+ const row = state[location.row];
+ const occupyingId = row === undefined ? undefined : row[location.col];
+ return pieces[occupyingId];
+ }
+ static relationshipToTile(location, args) {
+ if (!location) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ const { piece } = args;
+ const occupying = Constraints.locationToPiece(location, args);
+ if (occupying) {
+ return occupying.data.player === piece.data.player ? "FRIEND" : "ENEMY";
+ }
+ else {
+ return "BLANK";
+ }
+ }
+ static runUntil(locationFunction, response, args) {
+ const { piecePositions } = args;
+ let inc = 1;
+ let location = locationFunction(inc++, piecePositions);
+ while (location) {
+ let abort = false;
+ const relations = Constraints.relationshipToTile(location, args);
+ if (relations === "ENEMY") {
+ response.captures.push(location);
+ abort = true;
+ }
+ else if (relations === "FRIEND") {
+ abort = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ response.moves.push(location);
+ }
+ if (abort) {
+ location = undefined;
+ }
+ else {
+ location = locationFunction(inc++, piecePositions);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class Piece {
+ constructor(data) {
+ this.moves = [];
+ this.promoted = false;
+ this.updateShape = false;
+ this.data = data;
+ }
+ get orientation() {
+ return this.data.player === "BLACK" ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ dirN(steps, positions) {
+ return this.dir(steps, 0, positions);
+ }
+ dirS(steps, positions) {
+ return this.dir(-steps, 0, positions);
+ }
+ dirW(steps, positions) {
+ return this.dir(0, -steps, positions);
+ }
+ dirE(steps, positions) {
+ return this.dir(0, steps, positions);
+ }
+ dirNW(steps, positions) {
+ return this.dir(steps, -steps, positions);
+ }
+ dirNE(steps, positions) {
+ return this.dir(steps, steps, positions);
+ }
+ dirSW(steps, positions) {
+ return this.dir(-steps, -steps, positions);
+ }
+ dirSE(steps, positions) {
+ return this.dir(-steps, steps, positions);
+ }
+ dir(stepsRow, stepsColumn, positions) {
+ const row = Utils.rowToInt(positions[this.data.id].row) + this.orientation * stepsRow;
+ const col = Utils.colToInt(positions[this.data.id].col) + this.orientation * stepsColumn;
+ if (row >= 0 && row <= 7 && col >= 0 && col <= 7) {
+ return { row: Utils.intToRow(row), col: Utils.intToCol(col) };
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ move(moveIndex) {
+ this.moves.push(moveIndex);
+ }
+ options(moveIndex, state, pieces, piecePositions, resultingChecks, kingCastles) {
+ return Constraints.generate({ moveIndex, state, piece: this, pieces, piecePositions, kingCastles }, resultingChecks);
+ }
+ playerBlack() {
+ return this.data.player === "BLACK";
+ }
+ playerWhite() {
+ return this.data.player === "WHITE";
+ }
+ promote(type = "QUEEN") {
+ this.data.type = type;
+ this.promoted = true;
+ this.updateShape = true;
+ }
+ shape() {
+ const player = this.data.player.toLowerCase();
+ switch (this.data.type) {
+ case "BISHOP":
+ return Shape.shapeBishop(player);
+ case "KING":
+ return Shape.shapeKing(player);
+ case "KNIGHT":
+ return Shape.shapeKnight(player);
+ case "PAWN":
+ return Shape.shapePawn(player);
+ case "QUEEN":
+ return Shape.shapeQueen(player);
+ case "ROOK":
+ return Shape.shapeRook(player);
+ }
+ }
+class Board {
+ constructor(pieces, piecePositions) {
+ this.checksBlack = [];
+ this.checksWhite = [];
+ this.piecesTilesCaptures = {};
+ this.piecesTilesMoves = {};
+ this.tilesPiecesBlackCaptures = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ this.tilesPiecesBlackMoves = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ this.tilesPiecesWhiteCaptures = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ this.tilesPiecesWhiteMoves = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ this.pieceIdsBlack = [];
+ this.pieceIdsWhite = [];
+ this.state = Utils.getInitialBoardState();
+ this.pieces = pieces;
+ for (let id in pieces) {
+ if (pieces[id].playerWhite()) {
+ this.pieceIdsWhite.push(id);
+ }
+ else {
+ this.pieceIdsBlack.push(id);
+ }
+ }
+ this.initializePositions(piecePositions);
+ }
+ initializePositions(piecePositions) {
+ this.piecePositions = piecePositions;
+ this.initializeState();
+ this.piecesUpdate(0);
+ }
+ initializeState() {
+ for (let pieceId in this.pieces) {
+ const { row, col, active, _moves, _promoted } = this.piecePositions[pieceId];
+ if (_moves) {
+ delete this.piecePositions[pieceId]._moves;
+ // TODO: come back to this
+ // this.pieces[pieceId].moves = new Array(_moves);
+ }
+ if (_promoted) {
+ delete this.piecePositions[pieceId]._promoted;
+ this.pieces[pieceId].promote();
+ }
+ if (active) {
+ this.state[row] = this.state[row] || [];
+ this.state[row][col] = pieceId;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ kingCastles(king) {
+ const castles = [];
+ // king has to not have moved
+ if (king.moves.length) {
+ return castles;
+ }
+ const kingIsWhite = king.playerWhite();
+ const moves = kingIsWhite ? this.tilesPiecesBlackMoves : this.tilesPiecesWhiteMoves;
+ const checkPositions = (row, rookCol, castles) => {
+ const cols = rookCol === "A" ? ["D", "C", "B"] : ["F", "G"];
+ // rook has to not have moved
+ const rookId = `${rookCol}${row}`;
+ const rook = this.pieces[rookId];
+ const { active } = this.piecePositions[rookId];
+ if (active && rook.moves.length === 0) {
+ let canCastle = true;
+ cols.forEach((col) => {
+ // each tile has to be empty
+ if (this.state[row][col]) {
+ canCastle = false;
+ // each tile cant be in the path of the other team
+ }
+ else if (moves[row][col].length) {
+ canCastle = false;
+ }
+ });
+ if (canCastle) {
+ castles.push({ col: cols[1], row, castles: rookCol });
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ const row = kingIsWhite ? "1" : "8";
+ if (!this.pieces[`A${row}`].moves.length) {
+ checkPositions(row, "A", castles);
+ }
+ if (!this.pieces[`H${row}`].moves.length) {
+ checkPositions(row, "H", castles);
+ }
+ return castles;
+ }
+ kingCheckStates(kingPosition, captures, piecePositions) {
+ const { col, row } = kingPosition;
+ return captures[row][col].map((id) => piecePositions[id]).filter((pos) => pos.active);
+ }
+ pieceCalculateMoves(pieceId, moveIndex, state, piecePositions, piecesTilesCaptures, piecesTilesMoves, tilesPiecesCaptures, tilesPiecesMoves, resultingChecks, kingCastles) {
+ const { captures, moves } = this.pieces[pieceId].options(moveIndex, state, this.pieces, piecePositions, resultingChecks, kingCastles);
+ piecesTilesCaptures[pieceId] = Array.from(captures);
+ piecesTilesMoves[pieceId] = Array.from(moves);
+ captures.forEach(({ col, row }) => tilesPiecesCaptures[row][col].push(pieceId));
+ moves.forEach(({ col, row }) => tilesPiecesMoves[row][col].push(pieceId));
+ }
+ pieceCapture(piece) {
+ const pieceId = piece.data.id;
+ const { col, row } = this.piecePositions[pieceId];
+ this.state[row][col] = undefined;
+ delete this.piecePositions[pieceId].col;
+ delete this.piecePositions[pieceId].row;
+ this.piecePositions[pieceId].active = false;
+ }
+ pieceMove(piece, location) {
+ const pieceId = piece.data.id;
+ const { row, col } = this.piecePositions[pieceId];
+ this.state[row][col] = undefined;
+ this.state[location.row][location.col] = pieceId;
+ this.piecePositions[pieceId].row = location.row;
+ this.piecePositions[pieceId].col = location.col;
+ if (piece.data.type === "PAWN" && (location.row === "8" || location.row === "1")) {
+ piece.promote();
+ }
+ }
+ piecesUpdate(moveIndex) {
+ this.tilesPiecesBlackCaptures = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ this.tilesPiecesBlackMoves = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ this.tilesPiecesWhiteCaptures = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ this.tilesPiecesWhiteMoves = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ this.pieceIdsBlack.forEach((id) => this.pieceCalculateMoves(id, moveIndex, this.state, this.piecePositions, this.piecesTilesCaptures, this.piecesTilesMoves, this.tilesPiecesBlackCaptures, this.tilesPiecesBlackMoves, this.resultingChecks.bind(this), this.kingCastles.bind(this)));
+ this.pieceIdsWhite.forEach((id) => this.pieceCalculateMoves(id, moveIndex, this.state, this.piecePositions, this.piecesTilesCaptures, this.piecesTilesMoves, this.tilesPiecesWhiteCaptures, this.tilesPiecesWhiteMoves, this.resultingChecks.bind(this), this.kingCastles.bind(this)));
+ this.checksBlack = this.kingCheckStates(this.piecePositions.E1, this.tilesPiecesBlackCaptures, this.piecePositions);
+ this.checksWhite = this.kingCheckStates(this.piecePositions.E8, this.tilesPiecesWhiteCaptures, this.piecePositions);
+ }
+ resultingChecks({ piece, location, capture, moveIndex }) {
+ const tilesPiecesCaptures = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ const tilesPiecesMoves = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ const piecesTilesCaptures = {};
+ const piecesTilesMoves = {};
+ const state = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.state));
+ const piecePositions = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.piecePositions));
+ if (capture) {
+ const loc = location.capture || location;
+ const capturedId = state[loc.row][loc.col];
+ if (this.pieces[capturedId].data.type === "KING") {
+ // this is a checking move
+ }
+ else {
+ delete piecePositions[capturedId].col;
+ delete piecePositions[capturedId].row;
+ piecePositions[capturedId].active = false;
+ }
+ }
+ const pieceId = piece.data.id;
+ const { row, col } = piecePositions[pieceId];
+ state[row][col] = undefined;
+ state[location.row][location.col] = pieceId;
+ piecePositions[pieceId].row = location.row;
+ piecePositions[pieceId].col = location.col;
+ const ids = piece.playerWhite() ? this.pieceIdsBlack : this.pieceIdsWhite;
+ const king = piece.playerWhite() ? piecePositions.E1 : piecePositions.E8;
+ ids.forEach((id) => this.pieceCalculateMoves(id, moveIndex, state, piecePositions, piecesTilesCaptures, piecesTilesMoves, tilesPiecesCaptures, tilesPiecesMoves));
+ return this.kingCheckStates(king, tilesPiecesCaptures, piecePositions);
+ }
+ tileEach(callback) {
+ Board.ROWS.forEach((row) => {
+ Board.COLS.forEach((col) => {
+ const piece = this.tileFind({ row, col });
+ const moves = piece ? this.piecesTilesMoves[piece.data.id] : undefined;
+ const captures = piece ? this.piecesTilesCaptures[piece.data.id] : undefined;
+ callback({ row, col }, piece, moves, captures);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ tileFind({ row, col }) {
+ const id = this.state[row][col];
+ return this.pieces[id];
+ }
+ toShortCode() {
+ const positionsAbsolute = [];
+ const positionsDefaults = [];
+ for (let id in this.piecePositions) {
+ const { active, col, row } = this.piecePositions[id];
+ const pos = `${col}${row}`;
+ const moves = this.pieces[id].moves;
+ const promotedCode = this.pieces[id].promoted ? "P" : "";
+ const movesCode = moves > 9 ? "9" : moves > 1 ? moves.toString() : "";
+ if (active) {
+ positionsAbsolute.push(`${promotedCode}${id}${id === pos ? "" : pos}${movesCode}`);
+ if (id !== pos || moves > 0) {
+ positionsDefaults.push(`${promotedCode}${id}${pos}${movesCode}`);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (id !== "BQ" && id !== "WQ") {
+ positionsDefaults.push(`${promotedCode}${id}X`);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const pA = positionsAbsolute.join(",");
+ const pD = positionsDefaults.join(",");
+ return pA.length > pD.length ? `X${pD}` : pA;
+ }
+Board.COLS = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H"];
+Board.ROWS = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"];
+class Game {
+ constructor(pieces, piecePositions, turn = "WHITE") {
+ this.active = null;
+ this.activePieceOptions = [];
+ this.moveIndex = 0;
+ this.moves = [];
+ this.turn = turn;
+ this.board = new Board(pieces, piecePositions);
+ }
+ activate(location) {
+ const tilePiece = this.board.tileFind(location);
+ if (tilePiece && !this.active && tilePiece.data.player !== this.turn) {
+ this.active = null;
+ return { type: "INVALID" };
+ // a piece is active rn
+ }
+ else if (this.active) {
+ const activePieceId = this.active.data.id;
+ this.active = null;
+ const validatedPosition = this.activePieceOptions.find((option) => option.col === location.col && option.row === location.row);
+ const positionIsValid = !!validatedPosition;
+ this.activePieceOptions = [];
+ const capturePiece = (validatedPosition === null || validatedPosition === void 0 ? void 0 : validatedPosition.capture) ? this.board.tileFind(validatedPosition.capture) : tilePiece;
+ // a piece is on the tile
+ if (capturePiece) {
+ const capturedPieceId = capturePiece.data.id;
+ // cancelling the selected piece on invalid location
+ if (capturedPieceId === activePieceId) {
+ return { type: "CANCEL" };
+ }
+ else if (positionIsValid) {
+ // capturing the selected piece
+ this.capture(activePieceId, capturedPieceId, location);
+ return {
+ type: "CAPTURE",
+ activePieceId,
+ capturedPieceId,
+ captures: [location],
+ };
+ // cancel
+ }
+ else if (capturePiece.data.player !== this.turn) {
+ return { type: "CANCEL" };
+ }
+ else {
+ // proceed to TOUCH or CANCEL
+ }
+ }
+ else if (positionIsValid) {
+ // moving will return castled if that happens (only two move)
+ const castledId = this.move(activePieceId, location);
+ return { type: "MOVE", activePieceId, moves: [location], castledId };
+ // invalid spot. cancel.
+ }
+ else {
+ return { type: "CANCEL" };
+ }
+ }
+ // no piece selected or new CANCEL + TOUCH
+ if (tilePiece) {
+ const tilePieceId = tilePiece.data.id;
+ const moves = this.board.piecesTilesMoves[tilePieceId];
+ const captures = this.board.piecesTilesCaptures[tilePieceId];
+ if (!moves.length && !captures.length) {
+ return { type: "INVALID" };
+ }
+ this.active = tilePiece;
+ this.activePieceOptions = moves.concat(captures);
+ return { type: "TOUCH", captures, moves, activePieceId: tilePieceId };
+ // cancelling
+ }
+ else {
+ this.activePieceOptions = [];
+ return { type: "CANCEL" };
+ }
+ }
+ capture(capturingPieceId, capturedPieceId, location) {
+ const captured = this.board.pieces[capturedPieceId];
+ this.board.pieceCapture(captured);
+ this.move(capturingPieceId, location, true);
+ }
+ handleCastling(piece, location) {
+ if (piece.data.type !== "KING" ||
+ piece.moves.length ||
+ location.row !== (piece.playerWhite() ? "1" : "8") ||
+ (location.col !== "C" && location.col !== "G")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return `${location.col === "C" ? "A" : "H"}${location.row}`;
+ }
+ move(pieceId, location, capture = false) {
+ const piece = this.board.pieces[pieceId];
+ const castledId = this.handleCastling(piece, location);
+ piece.move(this.moveIndex);
+ if (castledId) {
+ const castled = this.board.pieces[castledId];
+ castled.move(this.moveIndex);
+ this.board.pieceMove(castled, { col: location.col === "C" ? "D" : "F", row: location.row });
+ this.moves.push(`${pieceId}O${location.col}${location.row}`);
+ }
+ else {
+ this.moves.push(`${pieceId}${capture ? "x" : ""}${location.col}${location.row}`);
+ }
+ this.moveIndex++;
+ this.board.pieceMove(piece, location);
+ this.turn = this.turn === "WHITE" ? "BLACK" : "WHITE";
+ this.board.piecesUpdate(this.moveIndex);
+ const state = this.moveResultState();
+ console.log(state);
+ if (!state.moves && !state.captures) {
+ alert(state.stalemate ? "Stalemate!" : `${this.turn === "WHITE" ? "Black" : "White"} Wins!`);
+ }
+ return castledId;
+ }
+ moveResultState() {
+ let movesWhite = 0;
+ let capturesWhite = 0;
+ let movesBlack = 0;
+ let capturesBlack = 0;
+ this.board.tileEach(({ row, col }) => {
+ movesWhite += this.board.tilesPiecesWhiteMoves[row][col].length;
+ capturesWhite += this.board.tilesPiecesWhiteCaptures[row][col].length;
+ movesBlack += this.board.tilesPiecesBlackMoves[row][col].length;
+ capturesBlack += this.board.tilesPiecesBlackCaptures[row][col].length;
+ });
+ const activeBlack = this.board.pieceIdsBlack.filter((pieceId) => this.board.piecePositions[pieceId].active).length;
+ const activeWhite = this.board.pieceIdsWhite.filter((pieceId) => this.board.piecePositions[pieceId].active).length;
+ const moves = this.turn === "WHITE" ? movesWhite : movesBlack;
+ const captures = this.turn === "WHITE" ? capturesWhite : capturesBlack;
+ const noMoves = movesWhite + capturesWhite + movesBlack + capturesBlack === 0;
+ const checked = !!this.board[this.turn === "WHITE" ? "checksBlack" : "checksWhite"].length;
+ const onlyKings = activeBlack === 1 && activeWhite === 1;
+ const stalemate = onlyKings || noMoves || ((moves + captures === 0) && !checked);
+ const code = this.board.toShortCode();
+ return { turn: this.turn, checked, moves, captures, code, stalemate };
+ }
+ randomMove() {
+ if (this.active) {
+ if (this.activePieceOptions.length) {
+ const { col, row } = this.activePieceOptions[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.activePieceOptions.length)];
+ return { col, row };
+ }
+ else {
+ const { col, row } = this.board.piecePositions[this.active.data.id];
+ return { col, row };
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ const ids = this.turn === "WHITE" ? this.board.pieceIdsWhite : this.board.pieceIdsBlack;
+ const positions = ids.map((pieceId) => {
+ const moves = this.board.piecesTilesMoves[pieceId];
+ const captures = this.board.piecesTilesCaptures[pieceId];
+ return (moves.length || captures.length) ? this.board.piecePositions[pieceId] : undefined;
+ }).filter((position) => position === null || position === void 0 ? void 0 : position.active);
+ const remaining = positions[Math.floor(Math.random() * positions.length)];
+ const { col, row } = remaining || { col: "E", row: "1" };
+ return { col, row };
+ }
+ }
+class View {
+ constructor(element, game, perspective) {
+ this.element = element;
+ this.game = game;
+ this.setPerspective(perspective || this.game.turn);
+ this.tiles = Utils.getInitialBoardTiles(this.element, this.handleTileClick.bind(this));
+ this.pieces = Utils.getInitialBoardPieces(this.element, this.game.board.pieces);
+ this.drawPiecePositions();
+ }
+ drawActivePiece(activePieceId) {
+ const { row, col } = this.game.board.piecePositions[activePieceId];
+ this.tiles[row][col].classList.add("highlight-active");
+ this.pieces[activePieceId].classList.add("highlight-active");
+ }
+ drawCapturedPiece(capturedPieceId) {
+ const piece = this.pieces[capturedPieceId];
+ piece.style.setProperty("--transition-delay", "var(--transition-duration)");
+ piece.style.removeProperty("--pos-col");
+ piece.style.removeProperty("--pos-row");
+ piece.style.setProperty("--scale", "0");
+ }
+ drawPiecePositions(moves = [], moveInner = "") {
+ document.body.style.setProperty("--color-background", `var(--color-${this.game.turn.toLowerCase()}`);
+ const other = this.game.turn === "WHITE" ? "turn-black" : "turn-white";
+ const current = this.game.turn === "WHITE" ? "turn-white" : "turn-black";
+ this.element.classList.add(current);
+ this.element.classList.remove(other);
+ if (moves.length) {
+ this.element.classList.add("touching");
+ }
+ else {
+ this.element.classList.remove("touching");
+ }
+ const key = (row, col) => `${row}-${col}`;
+ const moveKeys = moves.map(({ row, col }) => key(row, col));
+ this.game.board.tileEach(({ row, col }, piece, pieceMoves, pieceCaptures) => {
+ const tileElement = this.tiles[row][col];
+ const move = moveKeys.includes(key(row, col)) ? moveInner : "";
+ const format = (id, className) => this.game.board.pieces[id].shape();
+ tileElement.innerHTML = `
+ ${move}
+ ${this.game.board.tilesPiecesBlackMoves[row][col].map((id) => format(id, "black")).join("")}
+ ${this.game.board.tilesPiecesWhiteMoves[row][col].map((id) => format(id, "white")).join("")}
+ ${this.game.board.tilesPiecesBlackCaptures[row][col].map((id) => format(id, "black")).join("")}
+ ${this.game.board.tilesPiecesWhiteCaptures[row][col].map((id) => format(id, "white")).join("")}
+ `;
+ if (piece) {
+ tileElement.classList.add("occupied");
+ const pieceElement = this.pieces[piece.data.id];
+ pieceElement.style.setProperty("--pos-col", Utils.colToInt(col).toString());
+ pieceElement.style.setProperty("--pos-row", Utils.rowToInt(row).toString());
+ pieceElement.style.setProperty("--scale", "1");
+ pieceElement.classList[(pieceMoves === null || pieceMoves === void 0 ? void 0 : pieceMoves.length) ? "add" : "remove"]("can-move");
+ pieceElement.classList[(pieceCaptures === null || pieceCaptures === void 0 ? void 0 : pieceCaptures.length) ? "add" : "remove"]("can-capture");
+ if (piece.updateShape) {
+ piece.updateShape = false;
+ pieceElement.innerHTML = piece.shape();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ tileElement.classList.remove("occupied");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ drawPositions(moves, captures) {
+ moves === null || moves === void 0 ? void 0 : moves.forEach(({ row, col }) => {
+ var _a, _b;
+ this.tiles[row][col].classList.add("highlight-move");
+ (_b = this.pieces[(_a = this.game.board.tileFind({ row, col })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.data.id]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.classList.add("highlight-move");
+ });
+ captures === null || captures === void 0 ? void 0 : captures.forEach(({ row, col, capture }) => {
+ var _a, _b;
+ if (capture) {
+ row = capture.row;
+ col = capture.col;
+ }
+ this.tiles[row][col].classList.add("highlight-capture");
+ (_b = this.pieces[(_a = this.game.board.tileFind({ row, col })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.data.id]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.classList.add("highlight-capture");
+ });
+ }
+ drawResetClassNames() {
+ document.querySelectorAll(".highlight-active").forEach((element) => element.classList.remove("highlight-active"));
+ document.querySelectorAll(".highlight-capture").forEach((element) => element.classList.remove("highlight-capture"));
+ document.querySelectorAll(".highlight-move").forEach((element) => element.classList.remove("highlight-move"));
+ }
+ handleTileClick(location) {
+ const { activePieceId, capturedPieceId, moves = [], captures = [], type } = this.game.activate(location);
+ this.drawResetClassNames();
+ if (type === "TOUCH") {
+ const enPassant = captures.find((capture) => !!capture.capture);
+ const passingMoves = enPassant ? moves.concat([enPassant]) : moves;
+ this.drawPiecePositions(passingMoves, this.game.board.pieces[activePieceId].shape());
+ }
+ else {
+ this.drawPiecePositions();
+ }
+ if (type === "CANCEL" || type === "INVALID") {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (type === "MOVE" || type === "CAPTURE") {
+ }
+ else {
+ this.drawActivePiece(activePieceId);
+ }
+ if (type === "TOUCH") {
+ this.drawPositions(moves, captures);
+ }
+ else if (type === "CAPTURE") {
+ this.drawCapturedPiece(capturedPieceId);
+ }
+ // crazy town
+ // this.setPerspective(this.game.turn);
+ }
+ setPerspective(perspective) {
+ const other = perspective === "WHITE" ? "perspective-black" : "perspective-white";
+ const current = perspective === "WHITE" ? "perspective-white" : "perspective-black";
+ this.element.classList.add(current);
+ this.element.classList.remove(other);
+ }
+class Control {
+ constructor(game, view) {
+ this.inputSpeedAsap = document.getElementById("speed-asap");
+ this.inputSpeedFast = document.getElementById("speed-fast");
+ this.inputSpeedMedium = document.getElementById("speed-medium");
+ this.inputSpeedSlow = document.getElementById("speed-slow");
+ this.inputRandomBlack = document.getElementById("black-random");
+ this.inputRandomWhite = document.getElementById("white-random");
+ this.inputPerspectiveBlack = document.getElementById("black-perspective");
+ this.inputPerspectiveWhite = document.getElementById("white-perspective");
+ this.game = game;
+ this.view = view;
+ this.inputPerspectiveBlack.addEventListener("change", this.updateViewPerspective.bind(this));
+ this.inputPerspectiveWhite.addEventListener("change", this.updateViewPerspective.bind(this));
+ this.updateViewPerspective();
+ }
+ get speed() {
+ if (this.inputSpeedAsap.checked) {
+ return 50;
+ }
+ if (this.inputSpeedFast.checked) {
+ return 250;
+ }
+ if (this.inputSpeedMedium.checked) {
+ return 500;
+ }
+ if (this.inputSpeedSlow.checked) {
+ return 1000;
+ }
+ }
+ autoplay() {
+ const input = this.game.turn === "WHITE" ? this.inputRandomWhite : this.inputRandomBlack;
+ if (!input.checked) {
+ setTimeout(this.autoplay.bind(this), this.speed);
+ return;
+ }
+ const position = this.game.randomMove();
+ this.view.handleTileClick(position);
+ setTimeout(this.autoplay.bind(this), this.speed);
+ }
+ updateViewPerspective() {
+ this.view.setPerspective(this.inputPerspectiveBlack.checked ? "BLACK" : "WHITE");
+ }
+const DEMOS = {
+ castle1: "XD8B3,B1X,C1X,D1X,F1X,G1X",
+ castle2: "XD8B3,B1X,C1X,C2X,D1X,F1X,G1X",
+ castle3: "XD8E3,B1X,C1X,F2X,D1X,F1X,G1X",
+ promote1: "E1,E8,C2C7",
+ promote2: "E1,E8E7,PC2C8",
+ start: "XE7E6,F7F5,D2D4,E2E5",
+ test2: "C8E2,E8,G8H1,D7E4,H7H3,PA2H7,PB2G7,D2D6,E2E39,A1H2,E1B3",
+ test: "C8E2,E8,G8H1,D7E4,H7H3,D1H7,PB2G7,D2D6,E2E39,A1H2,E1B3",
+const initialPositions = Utils.getInitialPiecePositions();
+// const initialPositions = Utils.getPositionsFromShortCode(DEMOS.castle1);
+const initialTurn = "WHITE";
+const perspective = "WHITE";
+const game = new Game(Utils.getInitialPieces(), initialPositions, initialTurn);
+const view = new View(document.getElementById("board"), game, perspective);
+const control = new Control(game, view);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Games/chess/drs/style.css b/src/Games/chess/drs/style.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a0734c4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Games/chess/drs/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+:root {
+ --border-width: calc(var(--diameter-tile) / 60);
+ --diameter-board: min(85vw, 85vh);
+ --diameter-tile: calc(1 / 8 * var(--diameter-board));
+ --edge-width: calc((min(100vw, 100vh) - var(--diameter-board)) * 0.3);
+ --color-danger: tomato;
+ --color-success: #1d83e0;
+ --color-white: #f0f0f0;
+ --color-black: #222;
+ --color-board-hue: 30;
+ --color-board-sat: 40%;
+ --color-shadow: hsl(var(--color-board-hue), var(--color-board-sat), 50%);
+ --color-shadow-lighter: hsl(var(--color-board-hue), var(--color-board-sat), 55%);
+ --transition-ease: cubic-bezier(0.25, 1, 0.5, 1);
+ --color-background: var(--color-black);
+ }
+ aside {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ left: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: calc(var(--edge-width) * -0.55);
+ transform: translateY(-50%);
+ width: 100%;
+ z-index: 999;
+ }
+ aside div {
+ align-items: center;
+ color: white;
+ display: flex;
+ }
+ aside div > * {
+ align-items: center;
+ display: flex;
+ }
+ aside div > * + * {
+ margin-left: calc(var(--border-width) * 2);
+ }
+ aside div h3,
+ aside div label {
+ font-size: calc(var(--edge-width) * 0.3);
+ height: calc(var(--edge-width) * 0.3);
+ line-height: 1;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ }
+ aside div label {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ }
+ aside div input {
+ left: -99999px;
+ position: absolute;
+ }
+ aside div input + * {
+ opacity: 0.5;
+ }
+ aside div input:checked + * {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ opacity: 1;
+ }
+ aside div svg {
+ height: calc(var(--edge-width) * 0.5);
+ width: auto;
+ }
+ html,
+ body {
+ height: 100%;
+ }
+ body {
+ background: var(--color-background);
+ overflow: hidden;
+ transition: background-color 250ms ease-in-out;
+ }
+ #view {
+ background: var(--color-shadow-lighter);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 0 calc(var(--border-width) * 3) var(--color-shadow-lighter),
+ 0 0 0 var(--edge-width) var(--color-shadow);
+ height: var(--diameter-board);
+ margin: calc((100vh - var(--diameter-board)) * 0.5)
+ calc((100vw - var(--diameter-board)) * 0.5);
+ position: relative;
+ width: var(--diameter-board);
+ }
+ .board {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column-reverse;
+ height: 100%;
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ .board .row {
+ display: flex;
+ height: var(--diameter-tile);
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ .perspective-black .board .row {
+ flex-direction: row-reverse;
+ }
+ .perspective-black .board {
+ flex-direction: column;
+ }
+ .board .row .tile {
+ background-color: currentcolor;
+ border: none;
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 var(--border-width) var(--color-shadow-lighter);
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ height: var(--diameter-tile);
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: relative;
+ transition: background-color 350ms var(--transition-ease);
+ width: var(--diameter-tile);
+ }
+ .perspective-black .board .row:nth-child(even) .tile:nth-child(odd),
+ .perspective-black .board .row:nth-child(odd) .tile:nth-child(even),
+ .perspective-white .board .row:nth-child(even) .tile:nth-child(even),
+ .perspective-white .board .row:nth-child(odd) .tile:nth-child(odd) {
+ color: hsl(var(--color-board-hue), var(--color-board-sat), 62%);
+ }
+ .perspective-black .board .row:nth-child(even) .tile:nth-child(even),
+ .perspective-black .board .row:nth-child(odd) .tile:nth-child(odd),
+ .perspective-white .board .row:nth-child(even) .tile:nth-child(odd),
+ .perspective-white .board .row:nth-child(odd) .tile:nth-child(even) {
+ color: hsl(var(--color-board-hue), var(--color-board-sat), 70%);
+ }
+ /* .board .row .tile.highlight-active {}
+ .board .row .tile.highlight-capture {}
+ .board .row .tile.highlight-move {} */
+ .board .row .tile .move,
+ .board .row .tile .moves,
+ .board .row .tile .captures {
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-wrap: wrap;
+ height: var(--diameter-tile);
+ justify-content: center;
+ left: 0;
+ padding: calc(var(--diameter-tile) * 0.025);
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: var(--diameter-tile);
+ z-index: 9;
+ }
+ .board .row .tile .move,
+ .board .row .tile .moves {
+ align-content: center;
+ align-items: center;
+ }
+ .board .row .tile .captures {
+ align-items: flex-start;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ }
+ .board .row .tile:not(.occupied) .captures {
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+ }
+ .board .row .tile > div > svg {
+ --stroke: transparent;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ height: var(--di);
+ line-height: var(--di);
+ width: var(--di);
+ }
+ .board .row .tile .move svg {
+ --di: calc(var(--diameter-tile) / 4);
+ --fill: var(--color-shadow);
+ }
+ .board .row .tile .moves svg,
+ .board .row .tile .captures svg {
+ --di: calc(var(--diameter-tile) / 4);
+ --fill: var(--color-shadow);
+ opacity: 0.4;
+ }
+ .board .row .tile.occupied .captures svg { position: absolute; }
+ .board .row .tile.occupied .captures svg:nth-child(1) { top: 0; left: 0; }
+ .board .row .tile.occupied .captures svg:nth-child(2) { top: 0; right: 0; }
+ .board .row .tile.occupied .captures svg:nth-child(3) { bottom: calc(var(--di) * 0.1); left: 0; }
+ .board .row .tile.occupied .captures svg:nth-child(4) { bottom: calc(var(--di) * 0.1); right: 0; }
+ .board .row .tile.occupied .captures svg:nth-child(5) { top: calc(50% - var(--di) * 0.55); left: 0; }
+ .board .row .tile.occupied .captures svg:nth-child(6) { top: calc(50% - var(--di) * 0.55); right: 0; }
+ .board .row .tile.occupied .captures svg:nth-child(7) { top: 0; left: calc(50% - var(--di) * 0.5); }
+ .board .row .tile.occupied .captures svg:nth-child(8) { bottom: calc(var(--di) * 0.1); left: calc(50% - var(--di) * 0.5); }
+ .touching .board .row .tile .moves,
+ .touching .board .row .tile .captures,
+ .turn-black .board .row .tile .moves .white,
+ .turn-black .board .row .tile .captures .white,
+ .turn-white .board .row .tile .moves .black,
+ .turn-white .board .row .tile .captures .black {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ .board .row .tile[class*="highlight-"] .moves,
+ .board .row .tile[class*="highlight-"] .captures {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ button:focus {
+ outline: none;
+ position: relative;
+ z-index: 9;
+ }
+ svg {
+ --fill: var(--color-black);
+ --stroke: var(--color-shadow);
+ fill: var(--fill);
+ }
+ svg.white { --fill: var(--color-white); }
+ svg.black { --fill: var(--color-black); }
+ .pieces {
+ display: block;
+ height: var(--diameter-board);
+ left: 0;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: var(--diameter-board);
+ z-index: 99;
+ }
+ .pieces .piece.white {
+ --pos-row: -1;
+ }
+ .pieces .piece.black {
+ --pos-row: 8;
+ }
+ .pieces .piece {
+ --pos-col: 3.5;
+ --scale: 0;
+ --transition-delay: 0ms;
+ --transition-duration: 200ms;
+ bottom: 0;
+ display: block;
+ height: var(--diameter-tile);
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ transform: translate(
+ calc(var(--pos-col) * 100%),
+ calc(var(--pos-row) * -100%)
+ )
+ translateZ(0);
+ transform-origin: 50% 50%;
+ transition: all var(--transition-duration) var(--transition-ease)
+ var(--transition-delay);
+ width: var(--diameter-tile);
+ }
+ .perspective-black .pieces .piece {
+ transform: translate(
+ calc((7 - var(--pos-col)) * 100%),
+ calc((7 - var(--pos-row)) * -100%)
+ )
+ translateZ(0);
+ }
+ .pieces .piece svg {
+ display: block;
+ left: 50%;
+ opacity: 1;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ transform: translate(-50%, -50%) translateZ(0) scale(var(--scale));
+ transform-origin: 50% 50%;
+ transition: transform var(--transition-duration) var(--transition-ease),
+ fill var(--transition-duration) var(--transition-ease),
+ opacity var(--transition-duration) var(--transition-ease);
+ }
+ .turn-white .pieces .piece:not(.highlight-capture) svg.black,
+ .turn-black .pieces .piece:not(.highlight-capture) svg.white,
+ .turn-black .pieces .piece:not(.can-move):not(.can-capture) svg.black,
+ .turn-white .pieces .piece:not(.can-move):not(.can-capture) svg.white {
+ --stroke: transparent;
+ opacity: 0.8;
+ }
+ @-webkit-keyframes wobble {
+ 0%, 50%, 100% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) translateZ(0) scale(1) rotate(0deg); }
+ 25% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) translateZ(0) scale(1.1) rotate(-2deg); }
+ 75% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) translateZ(0) scale(1.1) rotate(2deg); }
+ }
+ @keyframes wobble {
+ 0%, 50%, 100% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) translateZ(0) scale(1) rotate(0deg); }
+ 25% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) translateZ(0) scale(1.1) rotate(-2deg); }
+ 75% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) translateZ(0) scale(1.1) rotate(2deg); }
+ }
+ .pieces .piece.highlight-active svg {
+ -webkit-animation: wobble 500ms linear infinite;
+ animation: wobble 500ms linear infinite;
+ --stroke: var(--color-success);
+ }
+ .pieces .piece.highlight-capture svg {
+ --stroke: var(--color-danger);
+ }
+ .piece svg {
+ --svg-di: calc(var(--diameter-tile) * 0.666);
+ display: block;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ height: var(--svg-di);
+ left: 50%;
+ line-height: var(--svg-di);
+ position: absolute;
+ stroke-linejoin: round;
+ text-align: center;
+ top: 50%;
+ transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+ width: var(--svg-di);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Games/chess/src/index.html b/src/Games/chess/src/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..838f14c37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Games/chess/src/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Games/chess/src/script.ts b/src/Games/chess/src/script.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b57e76ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Games/chess/src/script.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1237 @@
+// TODO: url based
+type MoveType = "CANCEL" | "CAPTURE" | "INVALID" | "MOVE" | "TOUCH";
+// prettier-ignore
+type PieceIdBlack = "A8" | "B8" | "C8" | "D8" | "E8" | "F8" | "G8" | "H8" |
+ "A7" | "B7" | "C7" | "D7" | "E7" | "F7" | "G7" | "H7";
+// prettier-ignore
+type PieceIdWhite = "A2" | "B2" | "C2" | "D2" | "E2" | "F2" | "G2" | "H2" |
+ "A1" | "B1" | "C1" | "D1" | "E1" | "F1" | "G1" | "H1";
+type PieceId = PieceIdWhite | PieceIdBlack;
+type PieceType = "PAWN" | "ROOK" | "KNIGHT" | "BISHOP" | "QUEEN" | "KING";
+type PlayerId = "WHITE" | "BLACK";
+type PositionColumn = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G" | "H";
+type PositionRow = "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8";
+interface ActivateResponse {
+ activePieceId?: PieceId;
+ capturedPieceId?: PieceId;
+ captures?: Position[];
+ castledId?: PieceId;
+ moves?: Position[];
+ type: MoveType;
+interface Options {
+ captures: Position[];
+ moves: Position[];
+interface PieceData {
+ id: PieceId;
+ type: PieceType;
+ player: PlayerId;
+interface PiecePositionOnBoard extends Position {
+ active: true;
+interface PiecePositionOffBoard {
+ active: false;
+ row?: undefined;
+ col?: undefined;
+interface Position {
+ row: PositionRow;
+ col: PositionColumn;
+ capture?: Position;
+ castles?: PositionColumn;
+ _moves?: number;
+ _promoted?: boolean;
+type BoardPieces = { [K in PieceId]: HTMLElement };
+type BoardState = { [K in PositionRow]?: { [K in PositionColumn]?: PieceId } };
+type BoardTiles = {
+ [K in PositionRow]: { [K in PositionColumn]: HTMLElement };
+type PiecePosition = PiecePositionOnBoard | PiecePositionOffBoard;
+type Pieces = { [K in PieceId]: Piece };
+type PieceDirResponse = Position | undefined;
+type PiecePositions = { [K in PieceId]: PiecePosition };
+type PiecesToTiles = { [K in PieceId]?: Position[] };
+type TilesToPieces = {
+ [K in PositionRow]: { [K in PositionColumn]: PieceId[] };
+type TileRelation = "FRIEND" | "ENEMY" | "BLANK";
+type ConstraintArguments = {
+ moveIndex: number;
+ piece: Piece;
+ pieces: Pieces;
+ piecePositions: PiecePositions;
+ state: BoardState;
+ kingCastles?: (king: Piece) => Position[];
+type ResultingChecksArguments = {
+ piece: Piece;
+ location: Position;
+ capture: boolean;
+ moveIndex: number;
+let PIECE_DIR_CALC = 0;
+class Utils {
+ static colToInt(col: PositionColumn): number {
+ return Board.COLS.indexOf(col);
+ }
+ static rowToInt(row: PositionRow): number {
+ return Board.ROWS.indexOf(row);
+ }
+ static intToCol(int: number): PositionColumn {
+ return Board.COLS[int];
+ }
+ static intToRow(int: number): PositionRow {
+ return Board.ROWS[int];
+ }
+ static getPositionsFromShortCode(shortCode: string): PiecePositions {
+ const positions = Utils.getInitialPiecePositions();
+ const overrides = {};
+ const defaultPositionMode = shortCode.charAt(0) === "X";
+ if (defaultPositionMode) {
+ shortCode = shortCode.slice(1);
+ }
+ shortCode.split(",").forEach((string) => {
+ const promoted = string.charAt(0) === "P";
+ if (promoted) {
+ string = string.slice(1);
+ }
+ if (defaultPositionMode) {
+ const inactive = string.length === 3;
+ const id = string.slice(0, 2);
+ const col = inactive ? undefined : string.charAt(2);
+ const row = inactive ? undefined : string.charAt(3);
+ const moves = string.charAt(4) || "1";
+ overrides[id] = {
+ col,
+ row,
+ active: !inactive,
+ _moves: parseInt(moves),
+ _promoted: promoted,
+ };
+ } else {
+ const moved = string.length >= 4;
+ const id = string.slice(0, 2);
+ const col = string.charAt(moved ? 2 : 0);
+ const row = string.charAt(moved ? 3 : 1);
+ const moves = string.charAt(4) || moved ? "1" : "0";
+ overrides[id] = { col, row, active: true, _moves: parseInt(moves), _promoted: promoted };
+ }
+ });
+ for (let id in positions) {
+ if (overrides[id]) {
+ positions[id] = overrides[id];
+ } else {
+ positions[id] = defaultPositionMode ? positions[id] : { active: false };
+ }
+ }
+ return positions;
+ }
+ static getInitialBoardPieces(parent: HTMLElement, pieces: Pieces): BoardPieces {
+ const boardPieces = {};
+ const container = document.createElement("div");
+ container.className = "pieces";
+ parent.appendChild(container);
+ for (let pieceId in pieces) {
+ const boardPiece = document.createElement("div");
+ boardPiece.className = `piece ${pieces[pieceId].data.player.toLowerCase()}`;
+ boardPiece.innerHTML = pieces[pieceId].shape();
+ container.appendChild(boardPiece);
+ boardPieces[pieceId] = boardPiece;
+ }
+ return boardPieces as BoardPieces;
+ }
+ static getInitialBoardTiles(parent: HTMLElement, handler: (params: Position) => void): BoardTiles {
+ const tiles = { 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 4: {}, 5: {}, 6: {}, 7: {}, 8: {} };
+ const board = document.createElement("div");
+ board.className = "board";
+ parent.appendChild(board);
+ for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ const row = document.createElement("div");
+ row.className = "row";
+ board.appendChild(row);
+ for (let j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+ const tile = document.createElement("button");
+ tile.className = "tile";
+ const r = Utils.intToRow(i);
+ const c = Utils.intToCol(j);
+ tile.addEventListener("click", () => handler({ row: r, col: c }));
+ row.appendChild(tile);
+ tiles[r][c] = tile;
+ }
+ }
+ return tiles as BoardTiles;
+ }
+ static getInitialBoardState(construct = () => undefined): any {
+ const blankRow = () => ({
+ A: construct(),
+ B: construct(),
+ C: construct(),
+ D: construct(),
+ E: construct(),
+ F: construct(),
+ G: construct(),
+ H: construct(),
+ });
+ return {
+ 1: { ...blankRow() },
+ 2: { ...blankRow() },
+ 3: { ...blankRow() },
+ 4: { ...blankRow() },
+ 5: { ...blankRow() },
+ 6: { ...blankRow() },
+ 7: { ...blankRow() },
+ 8: { ...blankRow() },
+ };
+ }
+ static getInitialPiecePositions(): PiecePositions {
+ return {
+ A8: { active: true, row: "8", col: "A" },
+ B8: { active: true, row: "8", col: "B" },
+ C8: { active: true, row: "8", col: "C" },
+ D8: { active: true, row: "8", col: "D" },
+ E8: { active: true, row: "8", col: "E" },
+ F8: { active: true, row: "8", col: "F" },
+ G8: { active: true, row: "8", col: "G" },
+ H8: { active: true, row: "8", col: "H" },
+ A7: { active: true, row: "7", col: "A" },
+ B7: { active: true, row: "7", col: "B" },
+ C7: { active: true, row: "7", col: "C" },
+ D7: { active: true, row: "7", col: "D" },
+ E7: { active: true, row: "7", col: "E" },
+ F7: { active: true, row: "7", col: "F" },
+ G7: { active: true, row: "7", col: "G" },
+ H7: { active: true, row: "7", col: "H" },
+ A2: { active: true, row: "2", col: "A" },
+ B2: { active: true, row: "2", col: "B" },
+ C2: { active: true, row: "2", col: "C" },
+ D2: { active: true, row: "2", col: "D" },
+ E2: { active: true, row: "2", col: "E" },
+ F2: { active: true, row: "2", col: "F" },
+ G2: { active: true, row: "2", col: "G" },
+ H2: { active: true, row: "2", col: "H" },
+ A1: { active: true, row: "1", col: "A" },
+ B1: { active: true, row: "1", col: "B" },
+ C1: { active: true, row: "1", col: "C" },
+ D1: { active: true, row: "1", col: "D" },
+ E1: { active: true, row: "1", col: "E" },
+ F1: { active: true, row: "1", col: "F" },
+ G1: { active: true, row: "1", col: "G" },
+ H1: { active: true, row: "1", col: "H" },
+ };
+ }
+ static getInitialPieces(): Pieces {
+ return {
+ A8: new Piece({ id: "A8", player: "BLACK", type: "ROOK" }),
+ B8: new Piece({ id: "B8", player: "BLACK", type: "KNIGHT" }),
+ C8: new Piece({ id: "C8", player: "BLACK", type: "BISHOP" }),
+ D8: new Piece({ id: "D8", player: "BLACK", type: "QUEEN" }),
+ E8: new Piece({ id: "E8", player: "BLACK", type: "KING" }),
+ F8: new Piece({ id: "F8", player: "BLACK", type: "BISHOP" }),
+ G8: new Piece({ id: "G8", player: "BLACK", type: "KNIGHT" }),
+ H8: new Piece({ id: "H8", player: "BLACK", type: "ROOK" }),
+ A7: new Piece({ id: "A7", player: "BLACK", type: "PAWN" }),
+ B7: new Piece({ id: "B7", player: "BLACK", type: "PAWN" }),
+ C7: new Piece({ id: "C7", player: "BLACK", type: "PAWN" }),
+ D7: new Piece({ id: "D7", player: "BLACK", type: "PAWN" }),
+ E7: new Piece({ id: "E7", player: "BLACK", type: "PAWN" }),
+ F7: new Piece({ id: "F7", player: "BLACK", type: "PAWN" }),
+ G7: new Piece({ id: "G7", player: "BLACK", type: "PAWN" }),
+ H7: new Piece({ id: "H7", player: "BLACK", type: "PAWN" }),
+ A2: new Piece({ id: "A2", player: "WHITE", type: "PAWN" }),
+ B2: new Piece({ id: "B2", player: "WHITE", type: "PAWN" }),
+ C2: new Piece({ id: "C2", player: "WHITE", type: "PAWN" }),
+ D2: new Piece({ id: "D2", player: "WHITE", type: "PAWN" }),
+ E2: new Piece({ id: "E2", player: "WHITE", type: "PAWN" }),
+ F2: new Piece({ id: "F2", player: "WHITE", type: "PAWN" }),
+ G2: new Piece({ id: "G2", player: "WHITE", type: "PAWN" }),
+ H2: new Piece({ id: "H2", player: "WHITE", type: "PAWN" }),
+ A1: new Piece({ id: "A1", player: "WHITE", type: "ROOK" }),
+ B1: new Piece({ id: "B1", player: "WHITE", type: "KNIGHT" }),
+ C1: new Piece({ id: "C1", player: "WHITE", type: "BISHOP" }),
+ D1: new Piece({ id: "D1", player: "WHITE", type: "QUEEN" }),
+ E1: new Piece({ id: "E1", player: "WHITE", type: "KING" }),
+ F1: new Piece({ id: "F1", player: "WHITE", type: "BISHOP" }),
+ G1: new Piece({ id: "G1", player: "WHITE", type: "KNIGHT" }),
+ H1: new Piece({ id: "H1", player: "WHITE", type: "ROOK" }),
+ };
+ }
+class Shape {
+ static shape(player: string, piece: string) {
+ return `
+ `;
+ }
+ static shapeBishop(player: string) {
+ return Shape.shape(player, "bishop");
+ }
+ static shapeKing(player: string) {
+ return Shape.shape(player, "king");
+ }
+ static shapeKnight(player: string) {
+ return Shape.shape(player, "knight");
+ }
+ static shapePawn(player: string) {
+ return Shape.shape(player, "pawn");
+ }
+ static shapeQueen(player: string) {
+ return Shape.shape(player, "queen");
+ }
+ static shapeRook(player: string) {
+ return Shape.shape(player, "rook");
+ }
+class Constraints {
+ static generate(args: ConstraintArguments, resultingChecks?: (args: ResultingChecksArguments) => PiecePosition[]): Options {
+ let method;
+ const { piecePositions, piece } = args;
+ if (piecePositions[piece.data.id].active) {
+ switch (piece.data.type) {
+ case "BISHOP":
+ method = Constraints.constraintsBishop;
+ break;
+ case "KING":
+ method = Constraints.constraintsKing;
+ break;
+ case "KNIGHT":
+ method = Constraints.constraintsKnight;
+ break;
+ case "PAWN":
+ method = Constraints.constraintsPawn;
+ break;
+ case "QUEEN":
+ method = Constraints.constraintsQueen;
+ break;
+ case "ROOK":
+ method = Constraints.constraintsRook;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ const result = method ? method(args) : { moves: [], captures: [] };
+ if (resultingChecks) {
+ const moveIndex = args.moveIndex + 1;
+ result.moves = result.moves.filter((location) => !resultingChecks({ piece, location, capture: false, moveIndex }).length);
+ result.captures = result.captures.filter((location) => !resultingChecks({ piece, location, capture: true, moveIndex }).length);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ static constraintsBishop(args: ConstraintArguments): Options {
+ return Constraints.constraintsDiagonal(args);
+ }
+ static constraintsDiagonal(args: ConstraintArguments): Options {
+ const response = { moves: [], captures: [] };
+ const { piece } = args;
+ Constraints.runUntil(piece.dirNW.bind(piece), response, args);
+ Constraints.runUntil(piece.dirNE.bind(piece), response, args);
+ Constraints.runUntil(piece.dirSW.bind(piece), response, args);
+ Constraints.runUntil(piece.dirSE.bind(piece), response, args);
+ return response;
+ }
+ static constraintsKing(args: ConstraintArguments): Options {
+ const { piece, kingCastles, piecePositions } = args;
+ const moves = [];
+ const captures = [];
+ const locations = [
+ piece.dirN(1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dirNE(1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dirE(1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dirSE(1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dirS(1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dirSW(1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dirW(1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dirNW(1, piecePositions),
+ ];
+ if (kingCastles) {
+ const castles = kingCastles(piece);
+ castles.forEach((position) => moves.push(position));
+ }
+ locations.forEach((location) => {
+ const value = Constraints.relationshipToTile(location, args);
+ if (value === "BLANK") {
+ moves.push(location);
+ } else if (value === "ENEMY") {
+ captures.push(location);
+ }
+ });
+ return { moves, captures };
+ }
+ static constraintsKnight(args: ConstraintArguments): Options {
+ const { piece, piecePositions } = args;
+ const moves = [];
+ const captures = [];
+ const locations = [
+ piece.dir(1, 2, piecePositions),
+ piece.dir(1, -2, piecePositions),
+ piece.dir(2, 1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dir(2, -1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dir(-1, 2, piecePositions),
+ piece.dir(-1, -2, piecePositions),
+ piece.dir(-2, 1, piecePositions),
+ piece.dir(-2, -1, piecePositions),
+ ];
+ locations.forEach((location) => {
+ const value = Constraints.relationshipToTile(location, args);
+ if (value === "BLANK") {
+ moves.push(location);
+ } else if (value === "ENEMY") {
+ captures.push(location);
+ }
+ });
+ return { moves, captures };
+ }
+ static constraintsOrthangonal(args: ConstraintArguments): Options {
+ const { piece } = args;
+ const response = { moves: [], captures: [] };
+ Constraints.runUntil(piece.dirN.bind(piece), response, args);
+ Constraints.runUntil(piece.dirE.bind(piece), response, args);
+ Constraints.runUntil(piece.dirS.bind(piece), response, args);
+ Constraints.runUntil(piece.dirW.bind(piece), response, args);
+ return response;
+ }
+ static constraintsPawn(args: ConstraintArguments): Options {
+ const { piece, piecePositions } = args;
+ const moves = [];
+ const captures = [];
+ const locationN1 = piece.dirN(1, piecePositions);
+ const locationN2 = piece.dirN(2, piecePositions);
+ if (Constraints.relationshipToTile(locationN1, args) === "BLANK") {
+ moves.push(locationN1);
+ if (!piece.moves.length && Constraints.relationshipToTile(locationN2, args) === "BLANK") {
+ moves.push(locationN2);
+ }
+ }
+ [
+ [piece.dirNW(1, piecePositions), piece.dirW(1, piecePositions)],
+ [piece.dirNE(1, piecePositions), piece.dirE(1, piecePositions)],
+ ].forEach(([location, enPassant]) => {
+ const standardCaptureRelationship = Constraints.relationshipToTile(location, args);
+ const enPassantCaptureRelationship = Constraints.relationshipToTile(enPassant, args);
+ if (standardCaptureRelationship === "ENEMY") {
+ captures.push(location);
+ } else if (piece.moves.length > 0 && enPassantCaptureRelationship === "ENEMY") {
+ const enPassantRow = enPassant.row === (piece.playerWhite() ? "5" : "4");
+ const other = Constraints.locationToPiece(enPassant, args);
+ if (enPassantRow && other && other.data.type === "PAWN") {
+ if (other.moves.length === 1 && other.moves[0] === args.moveIndex - 1) {
+ location.capture = { ...enPassant };
+ captures.push(location);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return { moves, captures };
+ }
+ static constraintsQueen(args: ConstraintArguments): Options {
+ const diagonal = Constraints.constraintsDiagonal(args);
+ const orthagonal = Constraints.constraintsOrthangonal(args);
+ return {
+ moves: diagonal.moves.concat(orthagonal.moves),
+ captures: diagonal.captures.concat(orthagonal.captures),
+ };
+ }
+ static constraintsRook(args: ConstraintArguments): Options {
+ return Constraints.constraintsOrthangonal(args);
+ }
+ static locationToPiece(location: Position, args: ConstraintArguments): Piece | undefined {
+ if (!location) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ const { state, pieces } = args;
+ const row = state[location.row];
+ const occupyingId = row === undefined ? undefined : row[location.col];
+ return pieces[occupyingId];
+ }
+ static relationshipToTile(location: Position, args: ConstraintArguments): TileRelation | undefined {
+ if (!location) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ const { piece } = args;
+ const occupying = Constraints.locationToPiece(location, args);
+ if (occupying) {
+ return occupying.data.player === piece.data.player ? "FRIEND" : "ENEMY";
+ } else {
+ return "BLANK";
+ }
+ }
+ static runUntil(locationFunction: (integer: number, positions: PiecePositions) => PieceDirResponse, response: Options, args: ConstraintArguments) {
+ const { piecePositions } = args;
+ let inc = 1;
+ let location = locationFunction(inc++, piecePositions);
+ while (location) {
+ let abort = false;
+ const relations = Constraints.relationshipToTile(location, args);
+ if (relations === "ENEMY") {
+ response.captures.push(location);
+ abort = true;
+ } else if (relations === "FRIEND") {
+ abort = true;
+ } else {
+ response.moves.push(location);
+ }
+ if (abort) {
+ location = undefined;
+ } else {
+ location = locationFunction(inc++, piecePositions);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class Piece {
+ data: PieceData;
+ moves = [];
+ promoted = false;
+ updateShape = false;
+ constructor(data: PieceData) {
+ this.data = data;
+ }
+ get orientation() {
+ return this.data.player === "BLACK" ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ dirN(steps: number, positions: PiecePositions): PieceDirResponse {
+ return this.dir(steps, 0, positions);
+ }
+ dirS(steps: number, positions: PiecePositions): PieceDirResponse {
+ return this.dir(-steps, 0, positions);
+ }
+ dirW(steps: number, positions: PiecePositions): PieceDirResponse {
+ return this.dir(0, -steps, positions);
+ }
+ dirE(steps: number, positions: PiecePositions): PieceDirResponse {
+ return this.dir(0, steps, positions);
+ }
+ dirNW(steps: number, positions: PiecePositions): PieceDirResponse {
+ return this.dir(steps, -steps, positions);
+ }
+ dirNE(steps: number, positions: PiecePositions): PieceDirResponse {
+ return this.dir(steps, steps, positions);
+ }
+ dirSW(steps: number, positions: PiecePositions): PieceDirResponse {
+ return this.dir(-steps, -steps, positions);
+ }
+ dirSE(steps: number, positions: PiecePositions): PieceDirResponse {
+ return this.dir(-steps, steps, positions);
+ }
+ dir(stepsRow: number, stepsColumn: number, positions: PiecePositions): PieceDirResponse {
+ const row = Utils.rowToInt(positions[this.data.id].row) + this.orientation * stepsRow;
+ const col = Utils.colToInt(positions[this.data.id].col) + this.orientation * stepsColumn;
+ if (row >= 0 && row <= 7 && col >= 0 && col <= 7) {
+ return { row: Utils.intToRow(row), col: Utils.intToCol(col) };
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ move(moveIndex: number) {
+ this.moves.push(moveIndex);
+ }
+ options(
+ moveIndex: number,
+ state: BoardState,
+ pieces: Pieces,
+ piecePositions: PiecePositions,
+ resultingChecks?: (args: ResultingChecksArguments) => PiecePosition[],
+ kingCastles?: (king: Piece) => Position[]
+ ): Options {
+ return Constraints.generate({ moveIndex, state, piece: this, pieces, piecePositions, kingCastles }, resultingChecks);
+ }
+ playerBlack() {
+ return this.data.player === "BLACK";
+ }
+ playerWhite() {
+ return this.data.player === "WHITE";
+ }
+ promote(type: PieceType = "QUEEN") {
+ this.data.type = type;
+ this.promoted = true;
+ this.updateShape = true;
+ }
+ shape() {
+ const player = this.data.player.toLowerCase();
+ switch (this.data.type) {
+ case "BISHOP":
+ return Shape.shapeBishop(player);
+ case "KING":
+ return Shape.shapeKing(player);
+ case "KNIGHT":
+ return Shape.shapeKnight(player);
+ case "PAWN":
+ return Shape.shapePawn(player);
+ case "QUEEN":
+ return Shape.shapeQueen(player);
+ case "ROOK":
+ return Shape.shapeRook(player);
+ }
+ }
+class Board {
+ checksBlack: PiecePosition[] = [];
+ checksWhite: PiecePosition[] = [];
+ piecesTilesCaptures: PiecesToTiles = {};
+ piecesTilesMoves: PiecesToTiles = {};
+ tilesPiecesBlackCaptures: TilesToPieces = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ tilesPiecesBlackMoves: TilesToPieces = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ tilesPiecesWhiteCaptures: TilesToPieces = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ tilesPiecesWhiteMoves: TilesToPieces = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ pieceIdsBlack: PieceIdBlack[] = [];
+ pieceIdsWhite: PieceIdWhite[] = [];
+ piecePositions: PiecePositions;
+ pieces: Pieces;
+ state: BoardState = Utils.getInitialBoardState() as BoardState;
+ static COLS: PositionColumn[] = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H"];
+ static ROWS: PositionRow[] = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"];
+ constructor(pieces: Pieces, piecePositions: PiecePositions) {
+ this.pieces = pieces;
+ for (let id in pieces) {
+ if (pieces[id].playerWhite()) {
+ this.pieceIdsWhite.push(id as PieceIdWhite);
+ } else {
+ this.pieceIdsBlack.push(id as PieceIdBlack);
+ }
+ }
+ this.initializePositions(piecePositions);
+ }
+ initializePositions(piecePositions: PiecePositions) {
+ this.piecePositions = piecePositions;
+ this.initializeState();
+ this.piecesUpdate(0);
+ }
+ initializeState() {
+ for (let pieceId in this.pieces) {
+ const { row, col, active, _moves, _promoted } = this.piecePositions[pieceId];
+ if (_moves) {
+ delete this.piecePositions[pieceId]._moves;
+ // TODO: come back to this
+ // this.pieces[pieceId].moves = new Array(_moves);
+ }
+ if (_promoted) {
+ delete this.piecePositions[pieceId]._promoted;
+ this.pieces[pieceId].promote();
+ }
+ if (active) {
+ this.state[row] = this.state[row] || [];
+ this.state[row][col] = pieceId;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ kingCastles(king: Piece): Position[] {
+ const castles = [];
+ // king has to not have moved
+ if (king.moves.length) {
+ return castles;
+ }
+ const kingIsWhite = king.playerWhite();
+ const moves = kingIsWhite ? this.tilesPiecesBlackMoves : this.tilesPiecesWhiteMoves;
+ const checkPositions = (row: PositionRow, rookCol: PositionColumn, castles: Position[]) => {
+ const cols: PositionColumn[] = rookCol === "A" ? ["D", "C", "B"] : ["F", "G"];
+ // rook has to not have moved
+ const rookId = `${rookCol}${row}`;
+ const rook = this.pieces[rookId];
+ const { active } = this.piecePositions[rookId];
+ if (active && rook.moves.length === 0) {
+ let canCastle = true;
+ cols.forEach((col) => {
+ // each tile has to be empty
+ if (this.state[row][col]) {
+ canCastle = false;
+ // each tile cant be in the path of the other team
+ } else if (moves[row][col].length) {
+ canCastle = false;
+ }
+ });
+ if (canCastle) {
+ castles.push({ col: cols[1], row, castles: rookCol });
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ const row = kingIsWhite ? "1" : "8";
+ if (!this.pieces[`A${row}`].moves.length) {
+ checkPositions(row, "A", castles);
+ }
+ if (!this.pieces[`H${row}`].moves.length) {
+ checkPositions(row, "H", castles);
+ }
+ return castles;
+ }
+ kingCheckStates(kingPosition: PiecePosition, captures: TilesToPieces, piecePositions: PiecePositions): PiecePosition[] {
+ const { col, row } = kingPosition;
+ return captures[row][col].map((id) => piecePositions[id]).filter((pos) => pos.active);
+ }
+ pieceCalculateMoves(
+ pieceId: PieceId,
+ moveIndex: number,
+ state: BoardState,
+ piecePositions: PiecePositions,
+ piecesTilesCaptures: PiecesToTiles,
+ piecesTilesMoves: PiecesToTiles,
+ tilesPiecesCaptures: TilesToPieces,
+ tilesPiecesMoves: TilesToPieces,
+ resultingChecks?: (args: ResultingChecksArguments) => PiecePosition[],
+ kingCastles?: (king: Piece) => Position[]
+ ) {
+ const { captures, moves } = this.pieces[pieceId].options(moveIndex, state, this.pieces, piecePositions, resultingChecks, kingCastles);
+ piecesTilesCaptures[pieceId] = Array.from(captures);
+ piecesTilesMoves[pieceId] = Array.from(moves);
+ captures.forEach(({ col, row }) => tilesPiecesCaptures[row][col].push(pieceId));
+ moves.forEach(({ col, row }) => tilesPiecesMoves[row][col].push(pieceId));
+ }
+ pieceCapture(piece: Piece) {
+ const pieceId = piece.data.id;
+ const { col, row } = this.piecePositions[pieceId];
+ this.state[row][col] = undefined;
+ delete this.piecePositions[pieceId].col;
+ delete this.piecePositions[pieceId].row;
+ this.piecePositions[pieceId].active = false;
+ }
+ pieceMove(piece: Piece, location: Position) {
+ const pieceId = piece.data.id;
+ const { row, col } = this.piecePositions[pieceId];
+ this.state[row][col] = undefined;
+ this.state[location.row][location.col] = pieceId;
+ this.piecePositions[pieceId].row = location.row;
+ this.piecePositions[pieceId].col = location.col;
+ if (piece.data.type === "PAWN" && (location.row === "8" || location.row === "1")) {
+ piece.promote();
+ }
+ }
+ piecesUpdate(moveIndex: number) {
+ this.tilesPiecesBlackCaptures = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ this.tilesPiecesBlackMoves = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ this.tilesPiecesWhiteCaptures = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ this.tilesPiecesWhiteMoves = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ this.pieceIdsBlack.forEach((id) =>
+ this.pieceCalculateMoves(
+ id,
+ moveIndex,
+ this.state,
+ this.piecePositions,
+ this.piecesTilesCaptures,
+ this.piecesTilesMoves,
+ this.tilesPiecesBlackCaptures,
+ this.tilesPiecesBlackMoves,
+ this.resultingChecks.bind(this),
+ this.kingCastles.bind(this)
+ )
+ );
+ this.pieceIdsWhite.forEach((id) =>
+ this.pieceCalculateMoves(
+ id,
+ moveIndex,
+ this.state,
+ this.piecePositions,
+ this.piecesTilesCaptures,
+ this.piecesTilesMoves,
+ this.tilesPiecesWhiteCaptures,
+ this.tilesPiecesWhiteMoves,
+ this.resultingChecks.bind(this),
+ this.kingCastles.bind(this)
+ )
+ );
+ this.checksBlack = this.kingCheckStates(this.piecePositions.E1, this.tilesPiecesBlackCaptures, this.piecePositions);
+ this.checksWhite = this.kingCheckStates(this.piecePositions.E8, this.tilesPiecesWhiteCaptures, this.piecePositions);
+ }
+ resultingChecks({ piece, location, capture, moveIndex }: ResultingChecksArguments) {
+ const tilesPiecesCaptures = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ const tilesPiecesMoves = Utils.getInitialBoardState(() => []);
+ const piecesTilesCaptures = {};
+ const piecesTilesMoves = {};
+ const state = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.state));
+ const piecePositions = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.piecePositions));
+ if (capture) {
+ const loc = location.capture || location;
+ const capturedId = state[loc.row][loc.col];
+ if (this.pieces[capturedId].data.type === "KING") {
+ // this is a checking move
+ } else {
+ delete piecePositions[capturedId].col;
+ delete piecePositions[capturedId].row;
+ piecePositions[capturedId].active = false;
+ }
+ }
+ const pieceId = piece.data.id;
+ const { row, col } = piecePositions[pieceId];
+ state[row][col] = undefined;
+ state[location.row][location.col] = pieceId;
+ piecePositions[pieceId].row = location.row;
+ piecePositions[pieceId].col = location.col;
+ const ids = piece.playerWhite() ? this.pieceIdsBlack : this.pieceIdsWhite;
+ const king = piece.playerWhite() ? piecePositions.E1 : piecePositions.E8;
+ ids.forEach((id) =>
+ this.pieceCalculateMoves(id, moveIndex, state, piecePositions, piecesTilesCaptures, piecesTilesMoves, tilesPiecesCaptures, tilesPiecesMoves)
+ );
+ return this.kingCheckStates(king, tilesPiecesCaptures, piecePositions);
+ }
+ tileEach(callback: (position: Position, piece?: Piece, pieceMoves?: Position[], pieceCaptures?: Position[]) => void) {
+ Board.ROWS.forEach((row) => {
+ Board.COLS.forEach((col) => {
+ const piece = this.tileFind({ row, col });
+ const moves = piece ? this.piecesTilesMoves[piece.data.id] : undefined;
+ const captures = piece ? this.piecesTilesCaptures[piece.data.id] : undefined;
+ callback({ row, col }, piece, moves, captures);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ tileFind({ row, col }: Position): Piece | undefined {
+ const id = this.state[row][col];
+ return this.pieces[id];
+ }
+ toShortCode() {
+ const positionsAbsolute = [];
+ const positionsDefaults = [];
+ for (let id in this.piecePositions) {
+ const { active, col, row } = this.piecePositions[id];
+ const pos = `${col}${row}`;
+ const moves = this.pieces[id].moves;
+ const promotedCode = this.pieces[id].promoted ? "P" : "";
+ const movesCode = moves > 9 ? "9" : moves > 1 ? moves.toString() : "";
+ if (active) {
+ positionsAbsolute.push(`${promotedCode}${id}${id === pos ? "" : pos}${movesCode}`);
+ if (id !== pos || moves > 0) {
+ positionsDefaults.push(`${promotedCode}${id}${pos}${movesCode}`);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (id !== "BQ" && id !== "WQ") {
+ positionsDefaults.push(`${promotedCode}${id}X`);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const pA = positionsAbsolute.join(",");
+ const pD = positionsDefaults.join(",");
+ return pA.length > pD.length ? `X${pD}` : pA;
+ }
+class Game {
+ active: Piece | null = null;
+ activePieceOptions: Position[] = [];
+ board: Board;
+ moveIndex = 0;
+ moves = [];
+ turn: PlayerId;
+ constructor(pieces: Pieces, piecePositions: PiecePositions, turn: PlayerId = "WHITE") {
+ this.turn = turn;
+ this.board = new Board(pieces, piecePositions);
+ }
+ activate(location: Position): ActivateResponse {
+ const tilePiece = this.board.tileFind(location);
+ if (tilePiece && !this.active && tilePiece.data.player !== this.turn) {
+ this.active = null;
+ return { type: "INVALID" };
+ // a piece is active rn
+ } else if (this.active) {
+ const activePieceId = this.active.data.id;
+ this.active = null;
+ const validatedPosition = this.activePieceOptions.find((option) => option.col === location.col && option.row === location.row);
+ const positionIsValid = !!validatedPosition;
+ this.activePieceOptions = [];
+ const capturePiece: Piece | undefined = validatedPosition?.capture ? this.board.tileFind(validatedPosition.capture) : tilePiece;
+ // a piece is on the tile
+ if (capturePiece) {
+ const capturedPieceId = capturePiece.data.id;
+ // cancelling the selected piece on invalid location
+ if (capturedPieceId === activePieceId) {
+ return { type: "CANCEL" };
+ } else if (positionIsValid) {
+ // capturing the selected piece
+ this.capture(activePieceId, capturedPieceId, location);
+ return {
+ type: "CAPTURE",
+ activePieceId,
+ capturedPieceId,
+ captures: [location],
+ };
+ // cancel
+ } else if (capturePiece.data.player !== this.turn) {
+ return { type: "CANCEL" };
+ } else {
+ // proceed to TOUCH or CANCEL
+ }
+ } else if (positionIsValid) {
+ // moving will return castled if that happens (only two move)
+ const castledId = this.move(activePieceId, location);
+ return { type: "MOVE", activePieceId, moves: [location], castledId };
+ // invalid spot. cancel.
+ } else {
+ return { type: "CANCEL" };
+ }
+ }
+ // no piece selected or new CANCEL + TOUCH
+ if (tilePiece) {
+ const tilePieceId = tilePiece.data.id;
+ const moves = this.board.piecesTilesMoves[tilePieceId];
+ const captures = this.board.piecesTilesCaptures[tilePieceId];
+ if (!moves.length && !captures.length) {
+ return { type: "INVALID" };
+ }
+ this.active = tilePiece;
+ this.activePieceOptions = moves.concat(captures);
+ return { type: "TOUCH", captures, moves, activePieceId: tilePieceId };
+ // cancelling
+ } else {
+ this.activePieceOptions = [];
+ return { type: "CANCEL" };
+ }
+ }
+ capture(capturingPieceId: PieceId, capturedPieceId: PieceId, location: Position) {
+ const captured = this.board.pieces[capturedPieceId];
+ this.board.pieceCapture(captured);
+ this.move(capturingPieceId, location, true);
+ }
+ handleCastling(piece: Piece, location: Position): PieceId | undefined {
+ if (
+ piece.data.type !== "KING" ||
+ piece.moves.length ||
+ location.row !== (piece.playerWhite() ? "1" : "8") ||
+ (location.col !== "C" && location.col !== "G")
+ ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return `${location.col === "C" ? "A" : "H"}${location.row}` as PieceId;
+ }
+ move(pieceId: PieceId, location: Position, capture = false): PieceId | undefined {
+ const piece = this.board.pieces[pieceId];
+ const castledId = this.handleCastling(piece, location);
+ piece.move(this.moveIndex);
+ if (castledId) {
+ const castled = this.board.pieces[castledId];
+ castled.move(this.moveIndex);
+ this.board.pieceMove(castled, { col: location.col === "C" ? "D" : "F", row: location.row });
+ this.moves.push(`${pieceId}O${location.col}${location.row}`);
+ } else {
+ this.moves.push(`${pieceId}${capture ? "x" : ""}${location.col}${location.row}`);
+ }
+ this.moveIndex++;
+ this.board.pieceMove(piece, location);
+ this.turn = this.turn === "WHITE" ? "BLACK" : "WHITE";
+ this.board.piecesUpdate(this.moveIndex);
+ const state = this.moveResultState();
+ console.log(state);
+ if (!state.moves && !state.captures) {
+ alert(state.stalemate ? "Stalemate!" : `${this.turn === "WHITE" ? "Black" : "White"} Wins!`);
+ }
+ return castledId;
+ }
+ moveResultState() {
+ let movesWhite = 0;
+ let capturesWhite = 0;
+ let movesBlack = 0;
+ let capturesBlack = 0;
+ this.board.tileEach(({ row, col }) => {
+ movesWhite += this.board.tilesPiecesWhiteMoves[row][col].length;
+ capturesWhite += this.board.tilesPiecesWhiteCaptures[row][col].length;
+ movesBlack += this.board.tilesPiecesBlackMoves[row][col].length;
+ capturesBlack += this.board.tilesPiecesBlackCaptures[row][col].length;
+ });
+ const activeBlack = this.board.pieceIdsBlack.filter((pieceId) => this.board.piecePositions[pieceId].active).length;
+ const activeWhite = this.board.pieceIdsWhite.filter((pieceId) => this.board.piecePositions[pieceId].active).length;
+ const moves = this.turn === "WHITE" ? movesWhite : movesBlack;
+ const captures = this.turn === "WHITE" ? capturesWhite : capturesBlack;
+ const noMoves = movesWhite + capturesWhite + movesBlack + capturesBlack === 0;
+ const checked = !!this.board[this.turn === "WHITE" ? "checksBlack" : "checksWhite"].length;
+ const onlyKings = activeBlack === 1 && activeWhite === 1;
+ const stalemate = onlyKings || noMoves || ((moves + captures === 0) && !checked);
+ const code = this.board.toShortCode();
+ return { turn: this.turn, checked, moves, captures, code, stalemate };
+ }
+ randomMove(): Position {
+ if (this.active) {
+ if (this.activePieceOptions.length) {
+ const { col, row } = this.activePieceOptions[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.activePieceOptions.length)];
+ return { col, row };
+ } else {
+ const {col, row} = this.board.piecePositions[this.active.data.id];
+ return { col, row };
+ }
+ } else {
+ const ids: PieceId[] = this.turn === "WHITE" ? this.board.pieceIdsWhite : this.board.pieceIdsBlack;
+ const positions = ids.map((pieceId: PieceId) => {
+ const moves = this.board.piecesTilesMoves[pieceId];
+ const captures = this.board.piecesTilesCaptures[pieceId];
+ return (moves.length || captures.length) ? this.board.piecePositions[pieceId] : undefined;
+ }).filter((position) => position?.active);
+ const remaining = positions[Math.floor(Math.random() * positions.length)];
+ const { col, row } = remaining || { col: "E", row: "1" };
+ return { col, row };
+ }
+ }
+class View {
+ element: HTMLElement;
+ game: Game;
+ pieces: BoardPieces;
+ tiles: BoardTiles;
+ constructor(element: HTMLElement, game: Game, perspective?: PlayerId) {
+ this.element = element;
+ this.game = game;
+ this.setPerspective(perspective || this.game.turn);
+ this.tiles = Utils.getInitialBoardTiles(this.element, this.handleTileClick.bind(this));
+ this.pieces = Utils.getInitialBoardPieces(this.element, this.game.board.pieces);
+ this.drawPiecePositions();
+ }
+ drawActivePiece(activePieceId: PieceId) {
+ const { row, col } = this.game.board.piecePositions[activePieceId];
+ this.tiles[row][col].classList.add("highlight-active");
+ this.pieces[activePieceId].classList.add("highlight-active");
+ }
+ drawCapturedPiece(capturedPieceId: PieceId) {
+ const piece = this.pieces[capturedPieceId];
+ piece.style.setProperty("--transition-delay", "var(--transition-duration)");
+ piece.style.removeProperty("--pos-col");
+ piece.style.removeProperty("--pos-row");
+ piece.style.setProperty("--scale", "0");
+ }
+ drawPiecePositions(moves: Position[] = [], moveInner: string = "") {
+ document.body.style.setProperty("--color-background", `var(--color-${this.game.turn.toLowerCase()}`);
+ const other = this.game.turn === "WHITE" ? "turn-black" : "turn-white";
+ const current = this.game.turn === "WHITE" ? "turn-white" : "turn-black";
+ this.element.classList.add(current);
+ this.element.classList.remove(other);
+ if (moves.length) {
+ this.element.classList.add("touching");
+ } else {
+ this.element.classList.remove("touching");
+ }
+ const key = (row, col) => `${row}-${col}`;
+ const moveKeys = moves.map(({ row, col }) => key(row, col));
+ this.game.board.tileEach(({ row, col }, piece, pieceMoves, pieceCaptures) => {
+ const tileElement = this.tiles[row][col];
+ const move = moveKeys.includes(key(row, col)) ? moveInner : "";
+ const format = (id, className) => this.game.board.pieces[id].shape();
+ tileElement.innerHTML = `
+ ${move}
+ ${this.game.board.tilesPiecesBlackMoves[row][col].map((id) => format(id, "black")).join("")}
+ ${this.game.board.tilesPiecesWhiteMoves[row][col].map((id) => format(id, "white")).join("")}
+ ${this.game.board.tilesPiecesBlackCaptures[row][col].map((id) => format(id, "black")).join("")}
+ ${this.game.board.tilesPiecesWhiteCaptures[row][col].map((id) => format(id, "white")).join("")}
+ `;
+ if (piece) {
+ tileElement.classList.add("occupied");
+ const pieceElement = this.pieces[piece.data.id];
+ pieceElement.style.setProperty("--pos-col", Utils.colToInt(col).toString());
+ pieceElement.style.setProperty("--pos-row", Utils.rowToInt(row).toString());
+ pieceElement.style.setProperty("--scale", "1");
+ pieceElement.classList[pieceMoves?.length ? "add" : "remove"]("can-move");
+ pieceElement.classList[pieceCaptures?.length ? "add" : "remove"]("can-capture");
+ if (piece.updateShape) {
+ piece.updateShape = false;
+ pieceElement.innerHTML = piece.shape();
+ }
+ } else {
+ tileElement.classList.remove("occupied");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ drawPositions(moves: Position[], captures: Position[]) {
+ moves?.forEach(({ row, col }) => {
+ this.tiles[row][col].classList.add("highlight-move");
+ this.pieces[this.game.board.tileFind({ row, col })?.data.id]?.classList.add("highlight-move");
+ });
+ captures?.forEach(({ row, col, capture }) => {
+ if (capture) {
+ row = capture.row;
+ col = capture.col;
+ }
+ this.tiles[row][col].classList.add("highlight-capture");
+ this.pieces[this.game.board.tileFind({ row, col })?.data.id]?.classList.add("highlight-capture");
+ });
+ }
+ drawResetClassNames() {
+ document.querySelectorAll(".highlight-active").forEach((element) => element.classList.remove("highlight-active"));
+ document.querySelectorAll(".highlight-capture").forEach((element) => element.classList.remove("highlight-capture"));
+ document.querySelectorAll(".highlight-move").forEach((element) => element.classList.remove("highlight-move"));
+ }
+ handleTileClick(location: Position) {
+ const { activePieceId, capturedPieceId, moves = [], captures = [], type } = this.game.activate(location);
+ this.drawResetClassNames();
+ if (type === "TOUCH") {
+ const enPassant = captures.find((capture) => !!capture.capture);
+ const passingMoves = enPassant ? moves.concat([enPassant]) : moves;
+ this.drawPiecePositions(passingMoves, this.game.board.pieces[activePieceId].shape());
+ } else {
+ this.drawPiecePositions();
+ }
+ if (type === "CANCEL" || type === "INVALID") {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (type === "MOVE" || type === "CAPTURE") {
+ } else {
+ this.drawActivePiece(activePieceId);
+ }
+ if (type === "TOUCH") {
+ this.drawPositions(moves, captures);
+ } else if (type === "CAPTURE") {
+ this.drawCapturedPiece(capturedPieceId);
+ }
+ // crazy town
+ // this.setPerspective(this.game.turn);
+ }
+ setPerspective(perspective: PlayerId) {
+ const other = perspective === "WHITE" ? "perspective-black" : "perspective-white";
+ const current = perspective === "WHITE" ? "perspective-white" : "perspective-black";
+ this.element.classList.add(current);
+ this.element.classList.remove(other);
+ }
+class Control {
+ game: Game;
+ inputSpeedAsap: HTMLInputElement = document.getElementById("speed-asap") as HTMLInputElement;
+ inputSpeedFast: HTMLInputElement = document.getElementById("speed-fast") as HTMLInputElement;
+ inputSpeedMedium: HTMLInputElement = document.getElementById("speed-medium") as HTMLInputElement;
+ inputSpeedSlow: HTMLInputElement = document.getElementById("speed-slow") as HTMLInputElement;
+ inputRandomBlack: HTMLInputElement = document.getElementById("black-random") as HTMLInputElement;
+ inputRandomWhite: HTMLInputElement = document.getElementById("white-random") as HTMLInputElement;
+ inputPerspectiveBlack: HTMLInputElement = document.getElementById("black-perspective") as HTMLInputElement;
+ inputPerspectiveWhite: HTMLInputElement = document.getElementById("white-perspective") as HTMLInputElement;
+ view: View;
+ constructor(game: Game, view: View) {
+ this.game = game;
+ this.view = view;
+ this.inputPerspectiveBlack.addEventListener("change", this.updateViewPerspective.bind(this));
+ this.inputPerspectiveWhite.addEventListener("change", this.updateViewPerspective.bind(this));
+ this.updateViewPerspective();
+ }
+ get speed() {
+ if (this.inputSpeedAsap.checked) {
+ return 50;
+ }
+ if (this.inputSpeedFast.checked) {
+ return 250;
+ }
+ if (this.inputSpeedMedium.checked) {
+ return 500;
+ }
+ if (this.inputSpeedSlow.checked) {
+ return 1000;
+ }
+ }
+ autoplay() {
+ const input = this.game.turn === "WHITE" ? this.inputRandomWhite : this.inputRandomBlack;
+ if (!input.checked) {
+ setTimeout(this.autoplay.bind(this), this.speed);
+ return;
+ }
+ const position = this.game.randomMove();
+ this.view.handleTileClick(position);
+ setTimeout(this.autoplay.bind(this), this.speed);
+ }
+ updateViewPerspective() {
+ this.view.setPerspective(this.inputPerspectiveBlack.checked ? "BLACK" : "WHITE");
+ }
+const DEMOS = {
+ castle1: "XD8B3,B1X,C1X,D1X,F1X,G1X",
+ castle2: "XD8B3,B1X,C1X,C2X,D1X,F1X,G1X",
+ castle3: "XD8E3,B1X,C1X,F2X,D1X,F1X,G1X",
+ promote1: "E1,E8,C2C7",
+ promote2: "E1,E8E7,PC2C8",
+ start: "XE7E6,F7F5,D2D4,E2E5",
+ test2: "C8E2,E8,G8H1,D7E4,H7H3,PA2H7,PB2G7,D2D6,E2E39,A1H2,E1B3",
+ test: "C8E2,E8,G8H1,D7E4,H7H3,D1H7,PB2G7,D2D6,E2E39,A1H2,E1B3",
+const initialPositions = Utils.getInitialPiecePositions();
+// const initialPositions = Utils.getPositionsFromShortCode(DEMOS.castle1);
+const initialTurn = "WHITE";
+const perspective = "WHITE";
+const game = new Game(Utils.getInitialPieces(), initialPositions, initialTurn);
+const view = new View(document.getElementById("board"), game, perspective);
+const control = new Control(game, view);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Games/chess/src/style.css b/src/Games/chess/src/style.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d917822f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Games/chess/src/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+:root {
+ --border-width: calc(var(--diameter-tile) / 60);
+ --diameter-board: min(85vw, 85vh);
+ --diameter-tile: calc(1 / 8 * var(--diameter-board));
+ --edge-width: calc((min(100vw, 100vh) - var(--diameter-board)) * 0.3);
+ --color-danger: tomato;
+ --color-success: #1d83e0;
+ --color-white: #f0f0f0;
+ --color-black: #222;
+ --color-board-hue: 30;
+ --color-board-sat: 40%;
+ --color-shadow: hsl(var(--color-board-hue), var(--color-board-sat), 50%);
+ --color-shadow-lighter: hsl(var(--color-board-hue), var(--color-board-sat), 55%);
+ --transition-ease: cubic-bezier(0.25, 1, 0.5, 1);
+ --color-background: var(--color-black);
+ }
+ aside {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ left: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: calc(var(--edge-width) * -0.55);
+ transform: translateY(-50%);
+ width: 100%;
+ z-index: 999;
+ }
+ aside div {
+ align-items: center;
+ color: white;
+ display: flex;
+ }
+ aside div > * {
+ align-items: center;
+ display: flex;
+ }
+ aside div > * + * {
+ margin-left: calc(var(--border-width) * 2);
+ }
+ aside div h3,
+ aside div label {
+ font-size: calc(var(--edge-width) * 0.3);
+ height: calc(var(--edge-width) * 0.3);
+ line-height: 1;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ }
+ aside div label {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ }
+ aside div input {
+ left: -99999px;
+ position: absolute;
+ }
+ aside div input + * {
+ opacity: 0.5;
+ }
+ aside div input:checked + * {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ opacity: 1;
+ }
+ aside div svg {
+ height: calc(var(--edge-width) * 0.5);
+ width: auto;
+ }
+ html,
+ body {
+ height: 100%;
+ }
+ body {
+ background: var(--color-background);
+ overflow: hidden;
+ transition: background-color 250ms ease-in-out;
+ }
+ #view {
+ background: var(--color-shadow-lighter);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 0 calc(var(--border-width) * 3) var(--color-shadow-lighter),
+ 0 0 0 var(--edge-width) var(--color-shadow);
+ height: var(--diameter-board);
+ margin: calc((100vh - var(--diameter-board)) * 0.5)
+ calc((100vw - var(--diameter-board)) * 0.5);
+ position: relative;
+ width: var(--diameter-board);
+ }
+ .board {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column-reverse;
+ height: 100%;
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ .board .row {
+ display: flex;
+ height: var(--diameter-tile);
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ .perspective-black .board .row {
+ flex-direction: row-reverse;
+ }
+ .perspective-black .board {
+ flex-direction: column;
+ }
+ .board .row .tile {
+ background-color: currentcolor;
+ border: none;
+ box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 var(--border-width) var(--color-shadow-lighter);
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ height: var(--diameter-tile);
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: relative;
+ transition: background-color 350ms var(--transition-ease);
+ width: var(--diameter-tile);
+ }
+ .perspective-black .board .row:nth-child(even) .tile:nth-child(odd),
+ .perspective-black .board .row:nth-child(odd) .tile:nth-child(even),
+ .perspective-white .board .row:nth-child(even) .tile:nth-child(even),
+ .perspective-white .board .row:nth-child(odd) .tile:nth-child(odd) {
+ color: hsl(var(--color-board-hue), var(--color-board-sat), 62%);
+ }
+ .perspective-black .board .row:nth-child(even) .tile:nth-child(even),
+ .perspective-black .board .row:nth-child(odd) .tile:nth-child(odd),
+ .perspective-white .board .row:nth-child(even) .tile:nth-child(odd),
+ .perspective-white .board .row:nth-child(odd) .tile:nth-child(even) {
+ color: hsl(var(--color-board-hue), var(--color-board-sat), 70%);
+ }
+ /* .board .row .tile.highlight-active {}
+ .board .row .tile.highlight-capture {}
+ .board .row .tile.highlight-move {} */
+ .board .row .tile .move,
+ .board .row .tile .moves,
+ .board .row .tile .captures {
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-wrap: wrap;
+ height: var(--diameter-tile);
+ justify-content: center;
+ left: 0;
+ padding: calc(var(--diameter-tile) * 0.025);
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: var(--diameter-tile);
+ z-index: 9;
+ }
+ .board .row .tile .move,
+ .board .row .tile .moves {
+ align-content: center;
+ align-items: center;
+ }
+ .board .row .tile .captures {
+ align-items: flex-start;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ }
+ .board .row .tile:not(.occupied) .captures {
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+ }
+ .board .row .tile > div > svg {
+ --stroke: transparent;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ height: var(--di);
+ line-height: var(--di);
+ width: var(--di);
+ }
+ .board .row .tile .move svg {
+ --di: calc(var(--diameter-tile) / 4);
+ --fill: var(--color-shadow);
+ }
+ .board .row .tile .moves svg,
+ .board .row .tile .captures svg {
+ --di: calc(var(--diameter-tile) / 4);
+ --fill: var(--color-shadow);
+ opacity: 0.4;
+ }
+ .board .row .tile.occupied .captures svg { position: absolute; }
+ .board .row .tile.occupied .captures svg:nth-child(1) { top: 0; left: 0; }
+ .board .row .tile.occupied .captures svg:nth-child(2) { top: 0; right: 0; }
+ .board .row .tile.occupied .captures svg:nth-child(3) { bottom: calc(var(--di) * 0.1); left: 0; }
+ .board .row .tile.occupied .captures svg:nth-child(4) { bottom: calc(var(--di) * 0.1); right: 0; }
+ .board .row .tile.occupied .captures svg:nth-child(5) { top: calc(50% - var(--di) * 0.55); left: 0; }
+ .board .row .tile.occupied .captures svg:nth-child(6) { top: calc(50% - var(--di) * 0.55); right: 0; }
+ .board .row .tile.occupied .captures svg:nth-child(7) { top: 0; left: calc(50% - var(--di) * 0.5); }
+ .board .row .tile.occupied .captures svg:nth-child(8) { bottom: calc(var(--di) * 0.1); left: calc(50% - var(--di) * 0.5); }
+ .touching .board .row .tile .moves,
+ .touching .board .row .tile .captures,
+ .turn-black .board .row .tile .moves .white,
+ .turn-black .board .row .tile .captures .white,
+ .turn-white .board .row .tile .moves .black,
+ .turn-white .board .row .tile .captures .black {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ .board .row .tile[class*="highlight-"] .moves,
+ .board .row .tile[class*="highlight-"] .captures {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ button:focus {
+ outline: none;
+ position: relative;
+ z-index: 9;
+ }
+ svg {
+ --fill: var(--color-black);
+ --stroke: var(--color-shadow);
+ fill: var(--fill);
+ }
+ svg.white { --fill: var(--color-white); }
+ svg.black { --fill: var(--color-black); }
+ .pieces {
+ display: block;
+ height: var(--diameter-board);
+ left: 0;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: var(--diameter-board);
+ z-index: 99;
+ }
+ .pieces .piece.white {
+ --pos-row: -1;
+ }
+ .pieces .piece.black {
+ --pos-row: 8;
+ }
+ .pieces .piece {
+ --pos-col: 3.5;
+ --scale: 0;
+ --transition-delay: 0ms;
+ --transition-duration: 200ms;
+ bottom: 0;
+ display: block;
+ height: var(--diameter-tile);
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ transform: translate(
+ calc(var(--pos-col) * 100%),
+ calc(var(--pos-row) * -100%)
+ )
+ translateZ(0);
+ transform-origin: 50% 50%;
+ transition: all var(--transition-duration) var(--transition-ease)
+ var(--transition-delay);
+ width: var(--diameter-tile);
+ }
+ .perspective-black .pieces .piece {
+ transform: translate(
+ calc((7 - var(--pos-col)) * 100%),
+ calc((7 - var(--pos-row)) * -100%)
+ )
+ translateZ(0);
+ }
+ .pieces .piece svg {
+ display: block;
+ left: 50%;
+ opacity: 1;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ transform: translate(-50%, -50%) translateZ(0) scale(var(--scale));
+ transform-origin: 50% 50%;
+ transition: transform var(--transition-duration) var(--transition-ease),
+ fill var(--transition-duration) var(--transition-ease),
+ opacity var(--transition-duration) var(--transition-ease);
+ }
+ .turn-white .pieces .piece:not(.highlight-capture) svg.black,
+ .turn-black .pieces .piece:not(.highlight-capture) svg.white,
+ .turn-black .pieces .piece:not(.can-move):not(.can-capture) svg.black,
+ .turn-white .pieces .piece:not(.can-move):not(.can-capture) svg.white {
+ --stroke: transparent;
+ opacity: 0.8;
+ }
+ @keyframes wobble {
+ 0%, 50%, 100% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) translateZ(0) scale(1) rotate(0deg); }
+ 25% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) translateZ(0) scale(1.1) rotate(-2deg); }
+ 75% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) translateZ(0) scale(1.1) rotate(2deg); }
+ }
+ .pieces .piece.highlight-active svg {
+ animation: wobble 500ms linear infinite;
+ --stroke: var(--color-success);
+ }
+ .pieces .piece.highlight-capture svg {
+ --stroke: var(--color-danger);
+ }
+ .piece svg {
+ --svg-di: calc(var(--diameter-tile) * 0.666);
+ display: block;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ height: var(--svg-di);
+ left: 50%;
+ line-height: var(--svg-di);
+ position: absolute;
+ stroke-linejoin: round;
+ text-align: center;
+ top: 50%;
+ transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+ width: var(--svg-di);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file