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UrbanFootprint Local Installation

These are the recommended steps for installing and running a local UrbanFootprint development environment on a computer running Mac OS X or MS Windows.


Mac Prerequisites - Install all in Mac OS X or Linux Desktop

Windows Prerequisites - Install all in Windows

NOTE: In order to use VirtualBox v5.1.x (on Windows or Mac) you must to install Vagrant 1.8.5+. For older versions of Vagrant make sure to install VirtualBox version 5.0.x, which is available from the VirtualBox Old Builds.

Developer VM Configuration

This version installs and configures a full developer environment. It runs all services in "development" mode, which is slower and more resource intensive than "production" mode. We recommend running in this mode once you are ready to dive into Python and JavaScript development for UrbanFootprint.

For reference, the "host" computer is the machine running VirtualBox (your Mac or Windows computer). The "guest" machine is the virtual machine running within VirtualBox.

Run the following commands on the host computer:

git clone urbanfootprint
cd urbanfootprint
git submodule init
git submodule update
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

You will now be ssh'd into the guest VM and should have a Linux command prompt in the /srv/calthorpe/urbanfootprint directory.

cp .env.sample .env
gunzip urbanfootprint-sacog-source-db.sql.gz
psql -U postgres -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS urbanfootprint_sacog_source;"
psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE urbanfootprint_sacog_source;"
psql -U postgres urbanfootprint_sacog_source < urbanfootprint-sacog-source-db.sql

pip install -r requirements.txt
fab -f footprint/installer localhost build:dev
fab -f footprint/installer localhost restart_dev

Running UF in Developer Mode

To run all services on the VM (RECOMMENDED)

All developer services are managed by supervisor. The easiest way to make sure everything is up and running is this:

fab -f footprint/installer localhost restart_dev

NOTE: After every VM reboot (via a vagrant reload or otherwise) YOU MUST run fab -f footprint/installer localhost restart_dev

If you want to see what commands are being run by supervisor, look in conf/etc/supervisor/conf.d/

Access your UF instance in a browser from your workstation


OPTIONAL (Mac Only): Run Nginx + Sproutcore on the Host Machine

The sproutcore server is faster when served up from your local Mac, but the Django server must be run on the VM.

Install and configure rbenv on your Mac

You only have to do this once.

cd ~/src/urbanfootprint
git pull
CONFIGURE_OPTS=--with-openssl-dir=`brew --prefix openssl` rbenv install 1.9.3-p551

Add this line to your .bashrc:

eval "$(rbenv init -)"

Install bundle and set up:

This will install gems to your local rbenv.

eval "$(rbenv init -)"
gem install bundler
bundle config build.eventmachine --with-cppflags=-I`brew --prefix openssl`/include
bundle install

Install and configure nginx on the Mac:

brew install nginx
rm /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
sudo mkdir /var/log/nginx
sudo touch /var/log/nginx/uf_dev.log
ln -s `pwd`/conf/etc/nginx/sites-available/calthorpe.nginx.osx /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Start services

Once the above setup is done, this is how you run the services on your Mac:

sudo nginx
cd sproutcore
sproutcore server

Access UF instance from your Mac:


Using UF

Login with the default login:

When you first access your UF instance, you will be directed to the login page. Login credentials are the following:

username: [email protected]

password: admin@uf

For information on how to create new users, please reference the User Manager section of the documentation.

User Guide

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