Releases: sswelm/KSPInterstellar
Releases · sswelm/KSPInterstellar
- Added Magneto Inertial Fusion Rocket Engine (Artist nli2work)
- Added Tokamak Engine, which Combines Fusion Reactor with integrated Magnetic Nozzle (Credits for SilverSilver for re-texture)
- Added XI Fusion Reactor which combines a Magnetic Confinement Reactor with Direct Energy Converter
- Added Half Size Wrap Radiator (Artist PorkJet)
- Added 4 additional tech-level to Interstellar Radiators which are unlock by CTT heat management tech nodes
- Improve Compatibility with Navigation tools like MechJeb and Better Burn prediction (Thanks to RxTen1)
- Increased Isp of open cycle Gas Core Reactor
- Thermal Nozzle with Isp higher than 3000s will function as a magnetic nozzle and therefore will not be effective withing atmospheres
- Science Lab now requires MegaWatt power to convert science data into research data
- Mass Energy Generator depends on Power output reactor and Technology
- Direct Energy Converter now requires High Tech Electric Systems to be unlocked
- Increased Volume Fusion Reactor, Increased Mass and Reduced Initial Power Output
- Fusion Reactors now has up to 5 tech-levels
- Merged Dumbo and Solid Core Reactor (NERVA) which now has 5 tech levels
- Reduced Initial Power Output Pebble Bed Reactor but added 2 additional tech levels
- Fusion Mode proton-Boron11 now required Exotic Fusion Tech
- Darkened Wrapped Radiators
- VISTA Isp limited to 15500 -17200s which can be modified in the right click menu. High Isp is less efficient and causes more Wasteheat to be produced
- VISTA Power usage is integrated into main throttle
- VISTA Engine regains 1% gimbal
- NERVA Engine gain 1% gimbal
- Thermal Launch Nozzle is fully tweakscalable
- Fixed issue for reactor where it would continue to use fuel while deactivated
- Reduced Fuel Efficency Pebble Bed to 5%, and slightly reduce overheating effects
- Doubled maximum effect Gravity Wells for Warp travel and it effect will extend longer in space
- Fixed a minor bug with Charged Particle Electric Generator no working at peak power
- Split Thermal Nozzle into Thermal Launch Nozzle (which is heavier,has better atmospheric performance and maneuverability and LFO mode) and Thermal Ramjet Nozzle (Which is lighter, can function as ramjet but has low maneuverability and inefficient in atmosphere)
- Replaced Molten Salt Rector by a new reactor which has integrated Thermal Generator
- Added resizable 2.5m to 3.75m Interstellar Fuel Tank
- Decreased Size Pebble Bed Reactor and limited to single upgrade
- Increased mass JUMBO reactor
- Fixed a bug with Molten Salt Reactor causing it switch to a fuel mode that can o longer be used, locking it's ability to switch
- Changed tech requirment for Thermal Electric Generator to Large Nuclear Power Tech
- Changed tech requirment for CHarged Particle Electric Generator to Advanced Nuclear Power Tech
There are many, changes, but these were the latest:
- Added Inline Arcjet Thruster Stack (4 x 2) with switchable resource
- Improved and Balanced ViSTA engine which now can adjust power level and can function during time warp. It now has 2 Upgrade tech which significantly improve, Laser and Fusion Efficiency
- Increased minimum Tech requirement for Fordable Radiator
- Fixed double consumption as continuous shaking and lag during Warp
- Warp drives are now affected by gravity well, forcing lower maximum speed, this effectively means it will be harder to go to warp near gravity well like platelets and makes flying into star at high warp impossible.
KSP Interstellar 1.1.2
First BETA release of KSPI Extended