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103 lines (76 loc) · 2.28 KB

File metadata and controls

103 lines (76 loc) · 2.28 KB

Quick Start

1.Download dble Release

Get package from


2.1 MySQL

Make sure there is at least two MySQL Instance with url $url(e.g., localhost:3306) ,$user(e.g., test) and $password(e.g., testPsw) in your machine.
You also need to make sure that the url(localhost/ IP) can connect to MySQL, otherwise,you will get an error "NO ROUTE TO HOST" later. So Check your configurations of “/etc/hosts” ,“/etc/hosts.allow” ,“/etc/hosts.deny”
Add 6 database ,the SQL as below:


create database db_1;  
create database db_3;  
create database db_5;  


create database db_2;  
create database db_4;  
create database db_6;  

2.2 JVM

Make sure JAVA version is 1.8 and JAVA_HOME has been set.The older version may occurs Exception.


mkdir -p $working_dir  
cd $working_dir  
tar -xvf actiontech-dble-$version.tar.gz  
cd $working_dir/dble/conf  
cp rule_template.xml rule.xml  
cp schema_template.xml schema.xml  
cp server_template.xml server.xml  


Edit the file schema.xml.
Find the dataHost element, delete all the writeHost/readHost element below. Create a new writeHost element like

  <writeHost host="hostM1" url="$url" user="$user" password="$password"/>

(replace to your own MySQL information)
the other writehost also need to config
Save the schema.xml


start cmd:

$working_dir/dble/bin/dble start

check log in $working_dir/logs

tail -f logs/wrapper.log 

You should see "Server startup successfully. see logs in logs/dble.log".


As a distributed-database imitate mysql,you can use all Mysql classic connection.
In this case you can connect to the dble using command:

mysql -p -P8066 -h -u root

Enter the password 123456 to login in

use testdb;
drop table if exists tb_enum_sharding;
create table if not exists tb_enum_sharding (
  id int not null,
  code int not null,
  content varchar(250) not null,
  primary key(id)
)engine=innodb charset=utf8;
insert into tb_enum_sharding values(1,10000,'1'),(2,10010,'2'),(3,10000,'3'),(4,10010,'4');

show full tables;


cd $working_dir/dble
./bin/dble stop