Convert test failures to jira issues
go build -o . ./...
go test ./...
Usage of junit2jira:
-base-link string
Link to source code at the exact version under test.
-build-id string
Build job run ID.
-build-link string
Link to build job.
-build-tag string
Built tag or revision.
-csv-output string
Convert XML to a CSV file (use dash [-] for stdout)
Enable debug log level
When set to true issues will NOT be created.
-html-output string
Generate HTML report to this file (use dash [-] for stdout)
-jira-url string
Url of JIRA instance (default "")
-job-name string
Name of CI job.
-junit-reports-dir string
Dir that contains jUnit reports XML files
-orchestrator string
Orchestrator name (such as GKE or OpenShift), if any.
-slack-output string
Generate JSON output in slack format (use dash [-] for stdout)
-threshold int
Number of reported failures that should cause single issue creation. (default 10)
-timestamp string
Timestamp of CI test. (default "2023-09-04T17:50:36+02:00")
-v short alias for -version
print version information and exit
JIRA_TOKEN="..." junit2jira \
-jira-url "https://..." \
-junit-reports-dir "..." \
-base-link "https://..." \
-build-id "$BUILD_ID|GITHUB_RUN_ID" \
-build-link "https://..." \
-orchestrator "$ORCHESTRATOR_FLAVOR" \
-timestamp $(date --rfc-3339=seconds)
-csv-output -