To achieve type safety, it is necessary to impose additional requirements on the well-formedness of signatures of members of covariant and contravariant generic types.
This block contains only informative text.
Covariant parameters can only appear in "producer," "reader," or "getter" positions in the type definition; i.e., in
result types of methods
inherited interfaces
Contravariant parameters can only appear in "consumer," "writer," or "setter" positions in the type definition; i.e., in
- argument types of methods
NonVariant parameters can appear anywhere.
End informative text.
We now define formally what it means for a co/contravariant generic type definition to be valid.
Generic type definition: A generic type definition G<var1 T1, …, varn Tn> is valid if G is an interface or delegate type, and each of the following holds, given S = <var1 T1, …, varn Tn>, where varn is +
, -
, or nothing:
Every instance method and virtual method declaration is valid with respect to S
Every inherited interface declaration is valid with respect to S
There are no restrictions on static members, instance constructors, or on the type's own generic parameter constraints.
Given the annotated generic parameters S = <var1 T1, …, varn Tn>, we define what it means for various components of the type definition to be valid with respect to S. We define a negation operation on annotations, written -S, to mean "flip negatives to positives, and positives to negatives". Think of
"valid with respect to S" as "behaves covariantly"
"valid with respect to ¬S" as "behaves contravariantly"
"valid with respect to S and to ¬S" as "behaves non-variantly".
Note that the last of these has the effect of prohibiting covariant and contravariant parameters from a type; i.e., all generic parameters appearing shall be non-variant.
Methods. A method signature t meth(t1, …, tn) is valid with respect to S if
its result type signature t is valid with respect to S; and
each argument type signature ti is valid with respect to ¬S.
each method generic parameter constraint type tj is valid with respect to ¬S.
[Note: In other words, the result behaves covariantly and the arguments behave contravariantly. Constraints on generic parameters also behave contravariantly. end note]
Type signatures. A type signature t is valid with respect to S if it is
a non-generic type (e.g., an ordinary class or value type)
a generic parameter Ti for which vari is
or none (i.e., it is a generic parameter that is marked covariant or non-variant) -
an array type u[] and u is valid with respect to S; i.e., array types behave covariantly
a closed generic type G<t1,…,tn> for which each
ti is valid with respect to S, if the i'th parameter of G is declared covariant
ti is valid with respect to ¬S, if the i'th parameter of G is declared contravariant
ti is valid with respect to S and with respect to ¬S, if the i'th parameter of G is declared non-variant.