diff --git a/cloud/elm.md b/cloud/elm.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5a9ade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloud/elm.md
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+layout: page
+toc: true
+title: Globus and Elm
+see-also: true
+id: cloud
+description: Globus works with Elm, but with a number of restrictions.
+Elm may be accessed through the [Stanford Elm Storage (project:
+Before continuing, you may need to do some one-time setup work. You will need
+* Review the service limitations, to see if
+ they will affect your usage. If you are still OK using Globus, your next
+ step will be to…
+* Create an Access Key, which will give
+ you an access key (officially an "Access Key ID") and a secret key
+ (officially a "Secret Access Key"). Once your access key is created, you
+ will need to…
+* Load the credentials into
+ Globus. This gives Globus access to Elm, with the credentials you
+ provide.
+Once the one-time setup work is complete, you should proceed to access your files on Elm.
+Each step is described in detail below.
+## Service Limitations
+{% include info-box.html
+ icon="weight-hanging"
+ header="Big Data is Best"
+ content="Elm works best with large files (hundreds of megabytes and larger). If you are thinking of uploading smaller files, you may wish to combine them into a larger `.tar` or `.zip` file before you upload them to Elm."
+{% include info-box.html
+ icon="hourglass"
+ header="Expect Slow Restores"
+ content="Data on Elm are eventually sent to tape. File listing will be fast, but downloads from Elm will be slower than expected, and you may see timeouts."
+Globus has a number of limitations when working with Elm. These limits
+do not affect most common use cases, but they might affect you, so you should
+review them before starting to use Globus with Elm.
+Globus for Elm does not support the following S3 features:
+* Custom Metadata / Tags: Custom Metadata and tags on existing objects are
+ ignored when those objects are downloaded, and new objects do not have custom
+ metadata or tags set.
+* Versions: When downloading a file from an S3 bucket, Globus will always
+ access the latest version.
+* ACLs: ACLs on existing objects (and the bucket) will influence what you can
+ download through Globus, but those ACLs are not copied out of S3. When
+ uploading new objects, ACLs are not explicitly set, and so inherit any
+ bucket-level ACL that is set.
+* Additional Checksum Algorithms: At this time, if an object in Elm needs to be
+ verified, Globus will re-download it in order to compute the checksum.
+These limitations are present because Globus supports only a common set of
+features between storage platforms, to make file transfers as portable as
+If you are OK with the limitations above, you should move on to creating an
+Access Key, which Globus will need to interact with Elm.
+## Creating an Access Key
+Once your Elm bucket is created, and you have been given access to the
+appropriate workgroup, you should [log in to
+Elm](https://campus.elm.stanford.edu:9001/browser). After going through
+Stanford Login, you will see your buckets.
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmBuckets.png"
+ alt="The Elm main page, showing your buckets."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+Select the "Access Keys" option:
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmBucketsWithAccessKeys.png"
+ alt="The Elm main page, with the 'Access Keys' link hilighted."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+You will see the list of access keys. Click "Create access key":
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmAccessKeysCreate.png"
+ alt="The Elm 'Access Keys' page, with 'Create Access Key' hilighted."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+You'll now be presented with the screen to configure the new access key.
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmCreateAccessKey.png"
+ alt="The Create Access Key page."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+To start, in the *Name* field, enter your name and the word "Globus", so that
+others will know what you are using the Access Key for:
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmCreateAccessKeyWithName.png"
+ alt="The Create Access Key page, with a name filled in."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+Next, turn on the "Restrict beyond user policy" setting:
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmCreateAccessKeyWithRestrictSetting.png"
+ alt="The Create Access Key page, with a name filled in."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+You will now be presented with the current User Policy, allowing you to change
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmCreateAccessKeyWithRestrictSettingOn.png"
+ alt="The Create Access Key page, with a name filled in."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+### Setting a User Policy
+The default User Policy allows more access than Globus needs. So, you should
+change it to a policy that restricts Globus to just the buckets, and actions,
+that you want to allow.
+Below, fill in the names of the buckets you want to access through Globus, and
+choose if you want to allow Globus to upload and/or delete files.
+ "Version": "2012-10-17",
+ "Statement": [
+ {
+ "Effect": "Allow",
+ "Action": [
+ "s3:ListAllMyBuckets",
+ "s3:GetBucketLocation"
+ ],
+ "Resource": [
+ "arn:aws:s3:::*"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Effect": "Allow",
+ "Action": [
+ "s3:ListBucket",
+ "s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads"
+ ],
+ "Resource": [
+ "arn:aws:s3:::allcats" <------ ONE LINE PER BUCKET
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Effect": "Allow",
+ "Action": [
+ "s3:DeleteObject", <------- If allowing deletions
+ "s3:PutObject", <------\
+ "s3:ListMultipartUploadParts", <------|- If allowing uploads
+ "s3:AbortMultipartUpload", <------/
+ "s3:GetObject"
+ ],
+ "Resource": [
+ "arn:aws:s3:::allcats/*" <------ ONE LINE PER BUCKET
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+Replace the default Current User Policy with the custom policy above, and click
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmCreateAccessKeyWithPolicy.png"
+ alt="The Create Access Key page, with a name and policy filled in."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+Once created, you will be given your new Access Key and Secret Key. Make a
+note of these, to load into Globus.
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmCreateAccessKeyWithKey.png"
+ alt="The Create Access Key page, showing the newly-created Access Key and Secret Key."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+{% include info-box.html
+ icon="warning"
+ header="Safeguard these credentials!"
+ content="This is the only time you will be shown the Secret Key. Keep that information somewhere safe."
+## Loading Credentials into Globus
+With an Access Key configured, you can now upload your credentials to Globus.
+Using the link at the top of the page, access the Elm collection. You might be
+asked to log in; if so, log in through *Stanford University*.
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmCollectionwithCredentials.png"
+ alt="The Elm collection, with the Credentials tab hilighted."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+You will be taken to the main page for the collection. Click on the
+'Credentials' tab.
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmCollectioncredentialsconsent1.png"
+ alt="A prompt to give Globus consent to manage your Elm credentials."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+If this is the first time you accessed this collection, you will be asked to
+give consent for Globus to store your Elm credentials. Click 'Continue'.
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/Consentidentityselection.png"
+ alt="A prompt to select an identity for giving consent."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+Some institutions allow you to have multiple accounts. Stanford only allows
+one SUNetID per person, so click on your SUNetID.
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmCollectioncredentialsconsent2.png"
+ alt="A prompt to give consent to the Globus Web app to manage your IAM User credentials in the S3 collection."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+Finally, click on 'Allow' to give Globus permission to store your Elm
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmCollectioncredentialentry.png"
+ alt="A form to enter your IAM User's Access Key ID and Secret Access Key."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+Once consent is granted, you will be asked to enter your Elm credentials.
+Enter the Access Key and Secret Key from when you created your access key.
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmCollectionCredentialList.png"
+ alt="The credentials page after an Access Key has been entered, showing the Access Key ID and associated Globus identity."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+If you go to the Credentials tab after entering an Access Key, you
+will see the Access Key ID, along with an option to replace the credential (the
+gear icon) or delete the credential (the trashcan icon).
+{% include info-box.html
+ icon="clock"
+ header="Rotate credentials regularly"
+ content="You should rotate credentials—generating a new Secret Key—once every three months."
+You should now proceed to accessing the collection!
+## Accessing Files on Elm
+With Elm Access Key loaded and permissions granted, you may now proceed to
+access your data on Elm through Globus!
+Using the link at the top of the page, access the Elm collection. You might be
+asked to log in; if so, log in through *Stanford University*.
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmCollectionwithOverviewandFileManager.png"
+ alt="The Elm collection, with the Overview tab and File Manager buttons hilighted."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+Click on the "Open in File Manager" button. That will take you to the File
+Manager and connect to Elm.
+### First-Time Access
+The first time you access the Elm collection, you will be asked for consent.
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmFileManagerWithConsentScreen.png"
+ alt="The Elm collection, saying that consent is required."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+When you first loaded your credentials, you gave Globus consent to store those
+credentials for you. Now, you are giving Globus consent to actually use those
+credentials to talk to Elm. Click the "Continue" button.
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/Consentidentityselection.png"
+ alt="A prompt to select an identity for giving consent."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+Some institutions allow you to have multiple accounts. Stanford only allows
+one SUNetID per person, so click on your SUNetID.
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmCollectionAccessConsent.png"
+ alt="A prompt to give consent to the Globus Web app to access Elm on your behalf."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+Finally, click on 'Allow' to give Globus permission to use your AWS IAM User
+credentials to access Elm.
+### Subsequent Accesses
+When you access the S3 collection—assuming you have previously provided
+consent—you should be greeted with a list of the buckets from Elm.
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmFileManagerRoot.png"
+ alt="The File Manager showing the root of the Elm collection, listing buckets."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+To access one of the buckets—*assuming your Access Key has
+permissions*—double-click on the bucket's name.
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmFileManagerBucket.png"
+ alt="The File Manager showing the root of an S3 bucket."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+If your Access Key does not have permissions, attempting to list the contents of
+the bucket will give an error.
+{% include hero-image.html
+ src="/assets/cloud/ElmFileManagerListingError.png"
+ alt="The File Manager, showing an erorr when trying to access a bucket in the Elm collection."
+ caption-overlay=false
+ caption-header=""
+ caption-text=""
+Once you have access to a bucket, you can transfer files in and out like any
+other Globus collection.
+{% include info-box.html
+ icon="weight-hanging"
+ header="Big Data is Best"
+ content="Elm works best with large files (hundreds of megabytes and larger). If you are thinking of uploading smaller files, you may wish to combine them into a larger `.tar` or `.zip` file before you upload them to Elm."
+{% include info-box.html
+ icon="hourglass"
+ header="Expect Slow Restores"
+ content="Data on Elm are eventually sent to tape. File listing will be fast, but downloads from Elm will be slower than expected, and you may see timeouts."