📚 knowledge
Know JS, want to try Rust, but not sure where to start? This is for you!
“连续八年成为全世界最受喜爱的语言,无 GC 也无需手动内存管理、极高的性能和安全性、过程/OO/函数式编程、优秀的包管理、JS 未来基石" — 工作之余的第二语言来试试 Rust 吧。本书拥有全面且深入的讲解、生动贴切的示例、德芙般丝滑的内容,这可能是目前最用心的 Rust 中文学习教程 / Book
Ultimate Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract - Beginner to Expert Full Course | Python Edition
A guide to help you write better command-line programs, taking traditional UNIX principles and updating them for the modern day.
A website aiming to provide more accessible documentation for JSON schema.
经济学人(含音频)、纽约客、自然、新科学人、卫报、科学美国人、连线、大西洋月刊、国家地理等英语杂志免费下载,支持epub、mobi、pdf格式, 每周更新.
List of Computer Science courses with video lectures.
Notes about courses Dive into Deep Learning by Mu Li
My personal website + blog. Built with Gatsby.js.
Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript
I am trying to describe complex matters in simple doodles!
What happens behind the scenes when we type www.google.com in a browser?
The development repo for the Primer on Bézier curves, https://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo
Proposal for a programmable JS profiling API for collecting JS profiles from real end-user environments
Mirror of https://hg.css-houdini.org/drafts
Enabling safe experimentation with web APIs
Various recipes for testing common scenarios with Cypress
程序员如何优雅的挣零花钱,2.0版,升级为小书了。Most of this not work outside China , so no English translate
A keynote talk for LambdaJam 2015 (July 15--16)