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Introduction of Sklearn

Date: Apr - 2015 I start to learn scikit-learn for the package as my jigsaw of machine learning. Combining a book <Statistical Learning Methodology> (author: Dr.Li Hang in Huawei), I begin to step into the world of MachineLearning. Write first, I will use English & Chinese in the blog, for the reason that I want to improve my poor English. 2015年四月, 我打算看看Sklearn这个著名的Python下的第三方机器学习工具. 另结合了手头上的李航博士的**<统计学习方法>**, 作为今年的学习目标的第一步.


The install page provides different ways of installing on PC\Mac\Unix. For me (OS X), it's simple, just typing this line on Terminal: pip install -U scikit-learn Considering later examples code which also use numpy & matplotlib, my suggestion is that just pip them all.

sklearn包的安装很简单, 不管是Windows或者Mac\Linux环境, 都提供了各自的方式。 另外在后续的例子学常用到numpy和Matplotliby也请一起安装.

  • import convention

There have many useful sub-libraries in scikit-learn(i.e. sklearn for short). In most of cases, import * is absolutely not a good way to do that. Just import those libraries or specified functions to be used. from sklearn import xxx

And it is a good way to keep your code in a elegant way not only using sklearn. In my another blog <suggestions to improve your python code> mentioned this.

在sklearn包中, 拥有各式各样的(现在还在不断扩充中)机器学习模型, 因此 如无特别注明, 建议用此形式对sklearn中的包进行引用。 在我以前瞎翻译的一篇文章<改善Python代码的建议>中, 也有与此相关的建议.


When we want to learn machine learning, we need some dataset to analysis. The difficult for new guys (like me) is We do not know what kind of datasets is match to the model.

sklearn have prepared some typical datasets —— iris digits diabetes … … (I will list all datasets to be used here.)

Digits Pen-Based Recognition of Handwritten Digits Dataset Properties: 10992 instances, 16 Attributes, without missing values. This is easy understanding to build a estimator to classify. Iris Another famous dataset made up of iris of three related species(Setosa, Virginica and Versicolor) Properties: 50 samples from each of three species, each observation has 4 features: A-width, A-length, B-width, B-length (A, B is part of flower, does not matter). I think some students have used it for linear discriminant analysis. For me, I have used it in my SPSS exercise. >>> list(data.target_names) ['setosa', 'versicolor', 'virginica']

diabetes The diabetes dataset consists of 10 healthy variable related to diseases(age, sex, weights, blood pressure and so on) to measure more than 400 patients, and recording an indication of disease progression after one year as labelled target value. Properties: 442 inputs, 10 features ( -0.2 x 0.2),


>> Diabetes dataset

>> Prepare for modeling -- splitting dataset

diabetes = datasets.load_diabetes() indices = np.random.permutation(len( diabetes_X_train =[indices[:-20]] diabetes_X_test =[indices[-20:]] diabetes_y_train =[indices[:-20]] diabetes_y_test =[indices[-20:]]


sklearn已经内置了一些经典的数据集, 如用于判别分析的IRIS, 常用于SVM的digits等等。 每套数据集都可以用load_xxx来导入。


Build-in datasets are imported throuthis: from sklearn import datasets

``` iris = datasets.load_iris()

digits = datasets.load_digits() ``` And then you could use these two datasets.

datasets structure

Dataset is like a dictionary-like object that holds all meta-data. Here we go:


show digits' data and shape

print( print(len([0]), len( print(, len(


一般来说是用.data, .target来区别数据集中的各元素。

Simple Case

``` from sklearn import svm clf = svm.SVC(gamma=0.001, C=100)[:-1],[:-1]) print('predict result: {ele}'.format(ele=clf.predict([-1]))) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt img =[-1].reshape(8, 8) plt.imshow(img) ```

This code gives a SVM classfier based the digits dataset. Training set is the slice [:-1]; Test set is only the last one.

Using matplotlib to show the raw image.


When you built a model, you could store it and use it for different situations by picle.

The python code is uploaded in github.

Machine Learning Introduction

下面是对机器学习的简单介绍, 很浅显, 希望能够对你有所帮助。

What is the problem setting of machine learning?

In general, a learning problem considers a set of samples of data and then tries to predict the unknown data's properties.

There has a few large categories:

  • supervised learning Here is the page of methods provided by scikit learn. Shortly to say, it is a kind of problem to predict.

    • classification: When we want to predict the number of unknown dataset's category, it is a classification problem. The target vector is always a finite number of discrete categories. Use case: to identify a client is good or bad for some credit-loan companies.
    • regression: In other cases, we want to predict a precise value, such as the price of house, the salary, and so on.
  • unsupervised learning

    If your input sets is all x without corresponding target values\label, and the goal in such problems maybe to find similar examples within the data, where it is called clustering, or to give prediction to the whole input, known as density estimation.

I think supervised learning is my first step to deep in.

Training set and Testing set

Simply to understand, the training set is to build a model, being applied to the testing set.

对于数据集的划分, 对于supervised类的模型常把数据集分成训练集和预测集。

Exmaples of supervised learning

predicting an output variable from high-dimensional observations Supervised learning is to find the link between two datasets: input X and y to predict (also called labels). Most often, y is a 1D array data.

The curse of dimensionality

For an estimator to be effective, you need the distance between neighboring points to be less some value d, which depends on the problem. In one dimension, this requires on average n/d. In the KNN context, if data is described by just one feature with values ranging from 0 to 1, and with n training observations, then new data will be no further away from 1/n. Therefore, the NN decision rule will be efficient as soon as 1/n si small compared to the scale of between-class feature variations.

If the number of features is p, such as p=10, you now require d**10 points in 10 dimensions to pave the [0, 1] space. As p becomes large, the number of training points required for a good estimator.

这一部分的描述我自己还没有完全理会, 参考wiki的内容也许能有更多收获。

Linear Regression

Linear model: regression Use diabetes as example, to find the regression line in this case.


from sklearn import linear_model regr = linear_model.LinearRegression(), diabetes_y_train)

LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False)


The mean square error

print(np.mean( (regr.predict(diabetes_X_test) - diabetes_y_test )**2 ))

MSE: 2413.65599655

Explained Variance Score: 1 is the perfect prediction, and 0 is worst -> There is no linear relationship -> You choose wrong estimator.

print(regr.score(diabetes_X_test, diabetes_y_test))


x_indices = np.arange(len(diabetes_X_test))

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.scatter(x_indices, regr.predict(diabetes_X_test), color='g') plt.scatter(x_indices, diabetes_y_test, color='r')

``` 这段代码是对简单线性回归OLS模型的操作, 利用了diabetes数据, 数据集划分是随机排列后取后20作Test set. 建模后regr封装了线性回归模型的系数, 模型评分(R Square) 等信息

Shrinkage - Ridge Regression

If there are few data points per dimension, noise in the observations induces high variance:


import numpy as np X = np.c_[.5, 1].T y = [.5, 1] test = np.c_[0, 2].T from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression regr = LinearRegression() import pylab as pl pl.figure()

np.random.seed(1424) for _ in range(6): this_X = 0.1 * np.random.normal(size=(2, 1)) + X, y) pl.plot(test, regr.predict(test)) pl.scatter(this_X, y, s=3) ```

In high-dimensional statistical learning is to shrink the regression coefficient to zero: any two randomly chosen set of observations are likely to be uncorrelated.

在数据量少而维度多时, 随机效应作会产生高方差的现象。


``` from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression regr = LinearRegression() import pylab as pl pl.figure() import numpy as np X = np.c_[.5, 1].T y = [.5, 1] test = np.c_[0, 2].T np.random.seed(1428) for _ in range(6): this_X = 0.1 * np.random.normal(size=(2,1)) + X, y) pl.plot(test, regr.predict(test)) pl.scatter(this_X, y, s=3)

trade off

regr = linear_model.Ridge(alpha=0.1) pl.figure() np.random.seed(0) for _ in range(6): this_X = 0.1 * np.random.normal(size=(2,1)) + X, y) pl.plot(test, regr.predict(test)) pl.scatter(this_X, y, s=3) ```

Ridge回归中的参数alpha, 实际上是对模型无偏性造成影响, alpha值越大, 模型越有偏, 方差越小。


Lasso is the abbreviation of Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator, can set some coefficients to zero. Such methods are called sparse method and sparsity can be seen as an application of Occam's razor : prefer simpler models.


from future import print_function

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn import linear_model import pylab as pl pl.figure() import numpy as np from sklearn import datasets diabetes = datasets.load_diabetes() np.random.seed(1424) indices = np.random.permutation(len( diabetes_X_train =[indices[:-20]] diabetes_X_test =[indices[-20:]] diabetes_y_train =[indices[:-20]] diabetes_y_test =[indices[-20:]]

alphas = np.logspace(-4, -1, 6) regr = linear_model.Lasso() scores = [regr.set_params(alpha=alpha).fit(diabetes_X_train, diabetes_y_train).score(diabetes_X_test, diabetes_y_test) for alpha in alphas]

best_alpha = alphas[scores.index(max(scores))] regr.alpha = best_alpha

print(, diabetes_y_train)) print(regr.coef_) ```

Different algorithms for the same problem For the same mathematical problem, we can use different algorithms. For instance the Lasso object in scikit-learn solves the lasso regression problem using a coordinate decent method, that is efficient on large datasets. However, there is another algorithm named LassoLars using the LARS, which is very efficient for problems in which the weight vector estimated is ver sparse (i.e. problems with very few observations).


Here we will use iris datasets, in which linear regression is not the right approach.

But someone have used linear regression's function to be as a classifier -- a sigmoid function or logistic function like follows:


Logistic Regression

``` logistic = linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=1e5) print(, iris_y_train))


Often to say, the logistic regression is to be used as a classifier of binary classification problem.

Logistic Regression in Sklearn

Sklearn Doc sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression

model Parameter

  • penalty= 'l1' or 'l2' Used to specify the norm used in the penalization. (Newton-Cg and lbfgs solvers support only l2 penalties)
  • dual= True or False Dual or Primal formulation. Dual formulation is only implemented for l2 penalty with liblinear solver. Prefer dual=False when n_samples > n_features.
  • tol= FLOAT optional tolerance for stopping criteria. 「迭代停止准则」
  • C= 1.0 (default) positive float Inverse of regularization strength. Smaller values specify strnger regularization.
  • fit_intercept= True(default) or False if model is with bias(y-intercept is not equal to zero), True.
  • intercept_scaling = 1 (default) |float useful only if solver is liblinear.
  • class_weight= {dict, 'auto'}
    The 'auto' mode selects weights inversely proportional to class frequencies in the training set.
  • random_state= INT seed, RandomState instance, or None(default) The seed of pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data.
  • solver= {'newton-cg', 'lbfgs', 'liblinear'} Algorithm to use in the optimization problem.
  • max_iter= INT type useful only for the newton-cg and lbfgs solvers. Maximum number of iterations taken for the solvers to converge.
  • multi_class= {'ovr', 'multinomial'} ovr: a binary problem is fit for each label. else (multi class), the loss minimised is the multinomial loss fit across the entire probability distribution. Works only for the 'lbfgs' solver.
  • verbose= INT For the liblinear and lbfgs solvers set verbose to any positive number fo verbosity.

== == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==

modeler attributes:

  • coef_: like ols model, type-array | shape (n_classes, n_features).
  • intercept_ : array, shape(n_classes).
  • n_iter_ int, Maximum of the actual number of iteration.

Support Vector Machines(SVMs)

SVMs belongs to the discriminant model family. They try to find a line combining samples to build a plane maximizing the margin between two classes.

Regularization Regularization is set by the c parameter: smaller c means the margins is calculated using many or all observations around the separating line; larger value c means the margin is calculated on observations close to the line (less regularization).

Example: Plot-Iris

At first We consider the 2 features of this dataset:

  • Separ length
  • Separ width

We'll show how to plot the decision surface(hyper-line) for four SVM classifiers with different kernels.


The Linear Models LinearSVC() and SVC(kernel='linear') yield slight different decision boundaries.

  • LinearSVC minimizes the squared hinge loss while minimize the regular hinge loss;
  • LinearSVC uses the One-vs-All (also known as One-vs-Rest) multiclass reduction while SVC uses the One-vs-One multiclass reduction.

Linear vs Non-linear model

Linear Model often gives linear boundaries when being classifier. Whereas, non-linear model are more flexible with shapes that depend on kind of kernel and its parameters, such polynomial or Gaussian RBF model.



SVMs are often used as typical classifier, however, they actually also can be used in regression. So in sklearn you will import svm, and then use its svc function.

  • from sklearn import svm
  • svc = svm.SVC(...)

Normalizing Data For many situations, including SVMs, having datasets with unit std. for each feature is important to get good prediction.

SVM's kernel

  • svm.SVC(kernel='linear')
  • ... kernel = 'poly', degree=3
  • ... kernel = 'rbf' # Radial Basis Function




Model Selection

How to choose the right\better estimator

Often the toughest task of solving a machine problem can be finding the estimator.

A Chinese saying goes "因地制宜", which means methods
are of different effects for different types of data and problems. In this picture you can get a first eye of use guiding. img

关于模型选择, sklearn 给出了相关的建议。