This service returns name, path, county and code for given municipality code.
Map and menuDropDown are currently using this.
- If
is a municipal code, the data about that municipality is returned.
Used to update, create or delete datasets based on dataqueries
GET (should maybe be PUT?)
Update all:
"id": "*"
Update one:
"id": "some-dataquery-id"
"message": "Ingen ny data",
"updates": [{
"id": "1234134-sadf324afsd-2324saf324-324",
"status": NO_NEW_DATA,
"message": "Ingen ny data",
"dataset": [{
"newDatasetData": false,
"modified": "26.05.2020 15:09:56",
"modifiedReadable": "8 days ago"
"logData": [{
"queryId": "475e7964-6e28-48d8-9948-a20f44ecab5f",
"modified": "03.06.2020 10:36:42",
"by": {
"type": "user",
"key": "user:system:harry",
"displayName": "Harry Potter",
"disabled": false,
"email": "[email protected]",
"login": "harry",
"idProvider": "system"
"modifiedTs": "2020-06-03T08:36:42.689Z",
"modifiedResult": "NO_NEW_DATA",
"message": "Ingen ny data",
"modifiedReadable": "a few seconds ago"
Delete datasets for all dataqueries
Delete all dataset:
"id": "*"
Delete one dataset:
"id": "some-dataquery-id"
"updates": [{
"id": "475e7964-6e28-48d8-9948-a20f44ecab5f",
"message": "Sletting gjennomført",
"status": "DELETE_OK",
"dataset": {
"newDatasetData": true,
"modified": "",
"modifiedReadable": ""
"logData": {
"queryId": "475e7964-6e28-48d8-9948-a20f44ecab5f",
"modified": "03.06.2020 10:48:35",
"by": {
"type": "user",
"key": "user:system:harry",
"displayName": "Harry Potter",
"disabled": false,
"email": "[email protected]",
"login": "harry",
"idProvider": "system"
"modifiedTs": "2020-06-03T08:48:35.250Z",
"modifiedResult": "DELETE_OK",
"message": "Sletting gjennomført",
"modifiedReadable": "a few seconds ago"
"message": "Sletting gjennomført",
"publishResult": {
"pushedContents": [],
"deletedContents": ["d3742abc-8436-42fa-abf6-23891608fd5e"],
"failedContents": []
Creates a context to be used for
This is a service endpoint for a custom selector. It fetches all municipalities from KLASS, and return them in a format that custom selector needs.
At the moment it is used in SiteConfig to choose a default municiaplity for preview, and in municipalityAlert.