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Exceptions.js is the library that makes Javascript Errors useful. Include stacktraces, screenshots, DOM dumps, browser information, etc. when users hit Javascript errors. The library can be used as a standalone open source project or can be used with the exceptionsjs platform ( which translates reported exceptions into emails and delivers them to registered developers. See demos here:

Basic setup and usage

<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/exceptions.js"></script>

    //Reporting to exceptionsjs platform is the easiest way to track your exceptions.
    //Register for free at
    .reportToExceptionsJsPlatform({ clientId: "CLIENT_ID" })
    //Set a custom report post request that will be issued when an exception is reported.
    //if you want to bypass the exceptionsjs platform and handle the exception yourself.
    .reportPost({ url: "http://localhost/path/to/errorhandler/" });
//exceptions.js will handle any error.
var foo = {}, oops = foo.uhoh.doesNotExist;
throw new Error("Something went wrong!");
throw "Something went wrong!";

//you can also report exceptions.
new ex.Exception("Something went wrong!").report();

//or throw an exception.
throw new ex.Exception("Something went wrong!");

//exceptions.js provides convienence methods that make code more readable.
function myFunc(requiredArg) {
    ex.throwIf(!requiredArg, "The requiredArg argument was not provided!!!");

//and types that make errors more explicit
function WillWriteInTheFuture() {
    throw ex.NotImplementedException();

//and other useful features including support for inner exceptions,
//ability to include extra data with your exceptions, abilities protect
//against bursts or repeated exceptions


exceptions.js adds the exceptions property to the window object which exposes:

Property Description
handler Object responsible for handling errors thrown that hit window.onerror and specifying global configurations including the stacktrace.js url, html2canvas.js url, post url (to make a post request when an error is reported), post headers, callback (function executed when an error is reported).
Guard Guard to protect your page from slowing down or a large influx of error emails when your application encounters a burst of exceptions
Options Options for what should be turned on or off when reporting an individual exception.
Exception Base exception. All other exceptions inherit from Exception.
ArgumentException An exception inherited from Exception that is useful for throwing or reporting exceptions related to function arguments
InvalidOperationException An exception inherited from Exception that is useful for throwing or reporting exceptions related to invalid operations
NotImplementedException An exception inherited from Exception that is useful for throwing or reporting exceptions related to unimplemented code
EvalException An exception inherited from Exception that is useful for throwing or reporting exceptions related to eval errors
RangeException An exception inherited from Exception that is useful for throwing or reporting exceptions related to range errors
ReferenceException An exception inherited from Exception that is useful for throwing or reporting exceptions related to reference errors
SyntaxException An exception inherited from Exception that is useful for throwing or reporting exceptions related to syntax errors
TypeException An exception inherited from Exception that is useful for throwing or reporting exceptions related to type errors
URIException An exception inherited from Exception that is useful for throwing or reporting exceptions related to URI errors
createCustomException Function you can use to create custom functions. ArgumentException, InvalidOperationException, and NotImplementedException are all created with createCustomException
throwIf Shorthand method to invoke Exception.throwIf. Use this function to conditionally throw exceptions.
reportIf Shorthand method to invoke Exception.reportIf. Use this function to conditionally throw exceptions.



Exception is the base Exception class that wraps an error and provides extra functionality that the native Error class does not provide. The Exception class can be extended to create custom exceptions with the exceptions.createCustomException.


Parameter Type Required Description
message string or Error no Create an Exception with an Error object or error message. This constructor will create a new Error(message) if you pass in a message or simply use the provided Error as the underlying Error it wraps.
config object no Configure the exception with a config object. All properties on the config are optional.


Property Type Description
name string provide a name for the exception. If no name is provided, we check if you manually set the name on the error created from this exception. Otherwise, we fallback to the name of this exception's constructor. Name is purely used for reporting purposes. No functionality pivots off of name. And the common case should be to not provide a name.
innerException Exception Exceptions are recursive, so you can create an inner exception that is wrapped by the current exception.
data object Provide any information you want to associate with this Exception. You'll notice a screenshot property is added to the data object when the screenshot option is enabled for this Exception. Also, a browser property is added to the data object.
options Options Provide an Options object In most cases, the defaultOptions will be sufficient and this property is not needed.


Type Description
Exception The created exception
var foo = new ex.Exception("Oh no!");
var bar = new ex.Exception(new Error("Oh no!");
var baz = new ex.Exception("Oh no!", {
    name: "OverriddenExceptionName",
    innerException: foo,
    data: {
        foo: "bar"
    options: new ex.Options().stacktrace(false).screenshot(false)
static functions

Throw an exception if the condition is true.


Parameter Type Required Description
condition bool yes throw the exception if true
message string no create an exception with the message if provided. Else fallback to a generic message.
ex.Exception.throwIf(1 === 1, "Error message");

Report an exception if the condition is true.


Parameter Type Required Description
condition bool yes report the exception if true
message string no create an exception with the message if provided. Else fallback to a generic message.
ex.Exception.reportIf(1 === 1, "Error message");

Get the inner exception


Type Description
Exception inner exception

Get the stacktrace


Type Description
string stacktrace

Get data object


Type Description
object data object

Get the options


Type Description
Options options for the exception

Get the name


Type Description
string name of the exception

Get the underlying Error


Type Description
Error underlying Error

Get the error message


Type Description
string error message

Report the exception (without throwing it). Reporting an exception involves making a post request with a serialized exception object if the post request option is enabled, posting to the exception.js platform, and/or executing a custom report function if the report callback option is enabled.


Convert an Exception into a simple object that is easier to serialize.


Type Description
object { name: name, message: message, stacktrace: stacktrace, data: data, innerException: serializable inner exception object, error: underlying error }

Convert a serializable exception object created from toSerializableObject into a JSON string.


Type Description
string JSON string of serializable exception object


ArgumentException inherits from Exception. It has the same static functions and methods as Exception. However, it's default name is "ArgumentException" rather than "Exception." Use ArgumentException to throw or report invalid arguments.


InvalidOperationException inherits from Exception. It has the same static functions and methods as Exception. However, it's default name is "InvalidOperationException" rather than "Exception." Use InvalidOperationException to throw or report invalid operations.


NotImplementedException inherits from Exception. It has the same static functions and methods as Exception. However, it's default name is "NotImplementedException" rather than "Exception." Use NotImplementedException to throw or report attempts of executed code that is not implemented.


NotImplementedException inherits from Exception. It has the same static functions and methods as Exception. However, it's default name is "NotImplementedException" rather than "Exception." Use NotImplementedException to throw or report attempts of executed code that is not implemented. And the default error will be an EvalError.


NotImplementedException inherits from Exception. It has the same static functions and methods as Exception. However, it's default name is "NotImplementedException" rather than "Exception." Use NotImplementedException to throw or report attempts of executed code that is not implemented. And the default error will be a RangeError.


NotImplementedException inherits from Exception. It has the same static functions and methods as Exception. However, it's default name is "NotImplementedException" rather than "Exception." Use NotImplementedException to throw or report attempts of executed code that is not implemented. And the default error will be a ReferenceError.


NotImplementedException inherits from Exception. It has the same static functions and methods as Exception. However, it's default name is "NotImplementedException" rather than "Exception." Use NotImplementedException to throw or report attempts of executed code that is not implemented. And the default error will be a SyntaxError.


NotImplementedException inherits from Exception. It has the same static functions and methods as Exception. However, it's default name is "NotImplementedException" rather than "Exception." Use NotImplementedException to throw or report attempts of executed code that is not implemented. And the default error will be a TypeError.


NotImplementedException inherits from Exception. It has the same static functions and methods as Exception. However, it's default name is "NotImplementedException" rather than "Exception." Use NotImplementedException to throw or report attempts of executed code that is not implemented. And the default error will be a URIError.

##createCustomException Create a custom exception class with the createCustomException function


Parameter Type Required Description
config object yes config object to create the custom exception


Property Type Description
exception function Constructor for the custom exception. This constructor should call its base exception's constructor. For debugging convenience, you'll probably want this function to have a name.
baseException Exception Exception that the custom exception will inherit from
defaultOptions Options Options that will be used by default for the exception if no others are specified. You'll usually want to enable all options by default.


Type Description
object Custom exception. The type will be the function you provided in the config.exception property.
var ArgumentException = ex.createCustomException({
    exception: function ArgumentException(message, config) {
        if (!(this instanceof ArgumentException)) {
            return new ArgumentException(message, config);
        }, message, config);
    baseException: ex.Exception
var FooArgumentException = ex.createCustomException({
    exception: function FooArgumentException(message, config) {
        if (!(this instanceof FooArgumentException)) {
            return new FooArgumentException(message, config);
        }, message, config);
    baseException: ex.ArgumentException,
    defaultOptions: new ex.Options().toggleAll(true).reportCallback(false)

##handler The handler is responsible for handling errors thrown that hit window.onerror and specifying global configurations including the stacktrace.js url, html2canvas.js url, post url (to make a post request when an error is reported), post headers, callback (function executed when an error is reported).

static properties

Scope options for the handler. Options are none, exceptions, and all. Setting the scope to none signals that the handler won't handle anything in window.onerror. Setting the scope to exceptions signals that the handler will handle only thrown Exceptions, nothing else that is thrown. Setting the scope to all signals that the handler will handle everything in window.onerror.

static functions

Get or set the scope of the handler when executed in window.onerror. Scope refers to handler.scopeOption which has three options: none, exceptions, and all. Setting the scope to none signals that the handler won't handle anything in window.onerror. Setting the scope to exceptions signals that the handler will handle only thrown Exceptions, nothing else that is thrown. Setting the scope to all signals that the handler will handle everything in window.onerror.


Parameter Type Required Description
scope int no Set the handler scope if specified. Use window.handler.scopeOption.


Type Description
handler scopeOption

Get or set a guard that will be used to restrict Exception options. parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
guard Guard no guard that protects against bursts of exceptions, repeated exceptions, or any other exceptions that should not be reported.


Type Description
handler Guard
ex.handler.guard(new ex.Guard()
    //Protect against a burst of exceptions where you're considering
    //a "burst" 10 exceptions in the last two seconds.  This protection
    //will ensure that we'll never report more than 10 exceptions in a
    //2 second window.
    .protectAgainstBurst({ count: 10, seconds: 2 })
    //Protect against any situation you desire with the protectAgainst
    //funciton.  We happen to be protecting ourselves from generating
    //a stacktrace for SyntaxExceptions.  Note, this is an arbitrary
    //protection and not necessary.  It is only used to show you can
    //protect against any situation and can turn on/off options individually.
    .protectAgainst(function (o, exception) {
        if (exception instanceof ex.SyntaxException) {
        return o;

Get or set url that pulls html2canvas.js.

Parameter Type Required Description
html2canvasUrl string no url to html2canvas.js


Type Description
handler string

Get or set url that pulls html2canvas.js.

Parameter Type Required Description
stacktraceUrl string no url to stacktrace.js


Type Description
handler string

Get or set the configuration used to post the serialized exception when reported.

Parameter Type Required Description
config object no Configuration for how to send the post request to report the exception to an arbitrary url
Property Type Required Description
postUrl string yes post request url
postHeaders array no Array of objects with the form { bstrHeader: "header", bstrValue: "value" }


Type Description
handler config

Get or set callback that will be executed when an Exception is reported.

Parameter Type Required Description
callback function no callback that will be executed when the Exception is reported.


Type Description
handler function

Enable posting to exceptionsjs platform. The exceptionsjs platform handles your Javascript error by parsing the serialized exception and constructing a useful exception email that includes stacktraces, screenshots, and extra information. Register for exceptionsjs platform at This option only works if you've enabled the option to allow unsecure reporting. If you have enabled secure reporting you must send your exceptions to excpetionsjs platform using the full oauth2 process. See for useful libraries in many languages that make submitting exceptions with the full oauth2 process easy.

Parameter Type Required Description
config object no configuration object to specify how you want to report to the exceptionsjs platform
Property Type Required Description
clientId string no clientId that will be used with exceptionsjs platform
to string no email address that will receive the exception


Type Description
handler object

Asynchronously load stacktrace.js


Asynchronously load html2cavas.js and execute the callback when the script is loaded.

Parameter Type Required Description
callback function no callback that will be executed when html2canvas.js has loaded

Get all reported exceptions. This includes all exeptions reported with report() and all errors handled by exeptions.handler in window.onerror.


Helper function to get the count of reported exceptions (see handler.reportedExceptions) within the past x number of seconds.

Parameter Type Required Description
seconds int no Last number of seconds for which we care to count exceptions. If not specified, we'll use the total number of exceptions reported since the exception handler was setup.

##Options Options for an exception. Options include retrieving a stacktrace, printing a screenshot, posting a serialized JSON representation of an exception to a specified url when the exception is reported, posting a request to the exceptionsjs platform, and/or excecuting a reportCallback that receives the exception when the exception is reported.


Get or set the retrieve stacktrace option.

Parameter Type Required Description
enable bool no Return the current option if undefined. Enable the stacktrace option if enable is true. Disable the stacktrace option if enable is false.


Type Description
Options bool

Get or set the retrieve screenshot option.

Parameter Type Required Description
enable bool no Return the current option if undefined. Enable the screenshot option if enable is true. Disable the screenshot option if enable is false.


Type Description
Options bool

Get or set the retrieve post option.

Parameter Type Required Description
enable bool no Return the current option if undefined. Enable reporting to an arbitrary url via a post request option if enable is true. Disable the option if enable is false.


Type Description
Options bool

Get or set the report callback option.

Parameter Type Required Description
enable bool no Return the current option if undefined. Enable the callback option if enable is true. Disable the callback option if enable is false.

Get or set the report to exceptionsjs platform option.

Parameter Type Required Description
enable bool no Return the current option if undefined. Enable the post to reportToExceptionsJsPlatform if enable is true. Disable the reportToExceptionsJsPlatform option if enable is false.


Type Description
Options bool

Get or set the DOM dump option.

Parameter Type Required Description
enable bool no Return the current option if undefined. Enable the DOM dump option if enable is true. Disable the DOM dump option if enable is false.


Type Description
Options bool

Toggle all options according to the enable parameter

Parameter Type Required Description
enable bool no Enable all options if true. Disable all options if false or undefined.


Type Description
Options Options object

##Guard Performing exception operations can be expensive or superfluous sometimes. For example, you may not want to take a screenshot of your page if you've hit 10 errors in a row because it could cause noticable performance errors. Specify a guard with ex.handler.guard() to disable exception options you do not wish to perform. The guard restricts options for all reported exceptions.


Disable Exception options if the exception reported count threshold has been exceeded. See handler.reportedExceptions for more information about how we defined a reported exception.

Parameter Type Required Description
config object yes configuration object to specify how you want to protect your page from bursts of exceptions
Property Type Required Description
count int yes Threshold that must not be exceed lest you'll disable Exception options.
seconds int no Last number of seconds for which we care to count ex. If not specified, we'll use the total number of exceptions reported since the exception handler was setup.
optionsFunc function no function that enables/disables and returns the options if the exception threshold has been exceeded. If not specified, we'll disable all options for the Exception. You'll likely only want to disable options in this function.


Type Description
Guard The guard
ex.handler.guard(new ex.Guard()
        count: 10,
        seconds: 2,
        optionsFunc: function (o) { return o.stacktrace(false); }

Disable Exception options with a specified restriction function. Note: see window.handler.retrieveReportedExceptionsCount and window.handler.reportedExceptions for a convient utilities.

Parameter Type Required Description
restrictFunc function yes Function that disables Exception options and returns the options object. The function will receive two parameters: the current options for the Exception and the Exception itself. It should return the provided options object.


Type Description
Guard The guard
ex.handler.guard(new ex.Guard()
    //Protect against a burst of exceptions where you're considering
    //a "burst" 10 exceptions in the last two seconds.  This protection
    //will ensure that we'll never report more than 10 exceptions in a
    //2 second window.
    .protectAgainstBurst({ count: 10, seconds: 2 })
    //Protect against any situation you desire with the protectAgainst
    //funciton.  We happen to be protecting ourselves from generating
    //a stacktrace for SyntaxExceptions.  Note, this is an arbitrary
    //protection and not necessary.  It is only used to show you can
    //protect against any situation and can turn on/off options individually.
    .protectAgainst(function (o, exception) {
        if (exception instanceof ex.SyntaxException) {
        return o;