weewx-Weather34 is a strong supporter of the wider WeeWX community with its reputation for collaboration and collective support. Collaboration is important to weewx_Weather34 as one key workstream for its continued development.
The version nomenclature consists of 3 digits seperated by a '.'
First digit indicates a major version update with significant changes to core features, coding and major new features. Second digit indicates a mid-version update to add additional features. Third digit indicates fixes and corrections made during the duration of the version.
For example 4.3.5 would represent version 4 with 3 additional features and 5 fixes applied.
This repository consists of 3 branches
The 'main' branch is the current stable version. The 'development' branch which is in constant devlopment and is the basis for the next major version update. The 'gh-pages' branch which hosts the pre-installation input page.
Make you own fork from the 'development' branch and use that for your own working platform. Any pull requests you make should be made back to the 'development' branch where it will be evaluated.