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Mint, Transfer, and Trade User-Generated Tokens, All On-Chain

We created the tokenvm to showcase how to use the hypersdk in an application most readers are already familiar with, token minting and token trading. The tokenvm lets anyone create any asset, mint more of their asset, modify the metadata of their asset (if they reveal some info), and burn their asset. Additionally, there is an embedded on-chain exchange that allows anyone to create orders and fill (partial) orders of anyone else. To make this example easy to play with, the tokenvm also bundles a powerful CLI tool and serves RPC requests for trades out of an in-memory order book it maintains by syncing blocks.

If you are interested in the intersection of exchanges and blockchains, it is definitely worth a read (the logic for filling orders is < 100 lines of code!).


tokenvm is considered ALPHA software and is not safe to use in production. The framework is under active development and may change significantly over the coming months as its modules are optimized and audited.


Arbitrary Token Minting

The basis of the tokenvm is the ability to create, mint, and transfer user-generated tokens with ease. When creating an asset, the owner is given "admin control" of the asset functions and can later mint more of an asset, update its metadata (during a reveal for example), or transfer/revoke ownership (if rotating their key or turning over to their community).

Assets are a native feature of the tokenvm and the storage engine is optimized specifically to support their efficient usage (each balance entry requires only 72 bytes of state = assetID|publicKey=>balance(uint64)). This storage format makes it possible to parallelize the execution of any transfers that don't touch the same accounts. This parallelism will take effect as soon as it is re-added upstream by the hypersdk (no action required in the tokenvm).

Trade Any 2 Tokens

What good are custom assets if you can't do anything with them? To showcase the raw power of the hypersdk, the tokenvm also provides support for fully on-chain trading. Anyone can create an "offer" with a rate/token they are willing to accept and anyone else can fill that "offer" if they find it interesting. The tokenvm also maintains an in-memory order book to serve over RPC for clients looking to interact with these orders.

Orders are a native feature of the tokenvm and the storage engine is optimized specifically to support their efficient usage (just like balances above). Each order requires only 152 bytes of state = orderID=>inAsset|inTick|outAsset|outTick|remaining|owner. This storage format also makes it possible to parallelize the execution of any fills that don't touch the same order (there may be hundreds or thousands of orders for the same pair, so this still allows parallelization within a single pair unlike a pool-based trading mechanism like an AMM). This parallelism will take effect as soon as it is re-added upstream by the hypersdk (no action required in the tokenvm).

In-Memory Order Book

To make it easier for clients to interact with the tokenvm, it comes bundled with an in-memory order book that will listen for orders submitted on-chain for any specified list of pairs (or all if you prefer). Behind the scenes, this uses the hypersdk's support for feeding accepted transactions to any hypervm (where the tokenvm, in this case, uses the data to keep its in-memory record of order state up to date). The implementation of this is a simple max heap per pair where we arrange best on the best "rate" for a given asset (in/out).


Because any fill must explicitly specify an order (it is up to the client/CLI to implement a trading agent to perform a trade that may span multiple orders) to interact with, it is not possible for a bot to jump ahead of a transaction to negatively impact the price of your execution (all trades with an order occur at the same price). The worst they can do is to reduce the amount of tokens you may be able to trade with the order (as they may consume some of the remaining supply).

Not allowing the chain or block producer to have any control over what orders a transaction may fill is a core design decision of the tokenvm and is a big part of what makes its trading support so interesting/useful in a world where producers are willing to manipulate transactions for their gain.

Partial Fills and Fill Refunds

Anyone filling an order does not need to fill an entire order. Likewise, if you attempt to "overfill" an order the tokenvm will refund you any extra input that you did not use. This is CRITICAL to get right in a blockchain-context because someone may interact with an order just before you attempt to acquire any remaining would not be acceptable for all the assets you pledged for the fill that weren't used to disappear.

Expiring Fills

Because of the format of hypersdk transactions, you can scope your fills to be valid only until a particular time. This enables you to go for orders as you see fit at the time and not have to worry about your fill sitting around until you explicitly cancel it/replace it.


Someone: "Seems cool but I need to see it to really get it." Me: "Look no further."

The first step to running these demos is to launch your own tokenvm Subnet. You can do so by running the following command from this location (may take a few minutes):


By default, this allocates all funds on the network to token1rvzhmceq997zntgvravfagsks6w0ryud3rylh4cdvayry0dl97nsjzf3yp. The private key for this address is 0x323b1d8f4eed5f0da9da93071b034f2dce9d2d22692c172f3cb252a64ddfafd01b057de320297c29ad0c1f589ea216869cf1938d88c9fbd70d6748323dbf2fa7. For convenience, this key has is also stored at

To make it easy to interact with the tokenvm, we implemented the token-cli. Next, you'll need to build this. You can use the following command from this location to do so:


This command will put the compiled CLI in ./build/token-cli.

Lastly, you'll need to add the chains you created and the default key to the token-cli. You can use the following commands from this location to do so:

./build/token-cli key import
./build/token-cli chain import-anr

chain import-anr connects to the Avalanche Network Runner server running in the background and pulls the URIs of all nodes tracking each chain you created.

Mint and Trade

Step 1: Create Your Asset

First up, let's create our own asset. You can do so by running the following command from this location:

./build/token-cli action create-asset

When you are done, the output should look something like this:

database: .token-cli
address: token1qrzvk4zlwj9zsacqgtufx7zvapd3quufqpxk5rsdd4633m4wz2fdj73w34s
chainID: 2btpGNEt7pGXxYUMk7Pp3TTiq8ij4JsrDxTv9oNB46wpwqLVQ9
symbol: MARIO
decimals: 2
metadata: its a me, mario
continue (y/n): y
✅ txID: o7bJT3aRwgLR19c2avPSKBNjdrCsPgxBXA3oc1MeLvvEKKNP7
assetID: 2r9rd3oUGfir4pnmkyy7aBUcScQrkuqbYjdmxaJDAe1pb2Je8u

The "loaded address" here is the address of the default private key ( We use this key to authenticate all interactions with the tokenvm.

Step 2: Mint Your Asset

After we've created our own asset, we can now mint some of it. You can do so by running the following command from this location:

./build/token-cli action mint-asset

When you are done, the output should look something like this (usually easiest just to mint to yourself).

database: .token-cli
address: token1qrzvk4zlwj9zsacqgtufx7zvapd3quufqpxk5rsdd4633m4wz2fdj73w34s
chainID: 2btpGNEt7pGXxYUMk7Pp3TTiq8ij4JsrDxTv9oNB46wpwqLVQ9
assetID: 2r9rd3oUGfir4pnmkyy7aBUcScQrkuqbYjdmxaJDAe1pb2Je8u
symbol: MARIO decimals: 2 metadata: its a me, mario supply: 0
amount: 100
continue (y/n): y
✅ txID: Zrq8CUXeXQqjX97QnNAd4RRi2SiWz14cHyMh16NjQ15vFakPg

Step 3: View Your Balance

Now, let's check that the mint worked right by checking our balance. You can do so by running the following command from this location:

./build/token-cli key balance

When you are done, the output should look something like this:

database: .token-cli
address: token1qrzvk4zlwj9zsacqgtufx7zvapd3quufqpxk5rsdd4633m4wz2fdj73w34s
chainID: 2btpGNEt7pGXxYUMk7Pp3TTiq8ij4JsrDxTv9oNB46wpwqLVQ9
assetID (use TKN for native token): 2r9rd3oUGfir4pnmkyy7aBUcScQrkuqbYjdmxaJDAe1pb2Je8u
symbol: MARIO decimals: 2 metadata: its a me, mario supply: 10000
balance: 100.00 MARIO

Step 4: Create an Order

So, we have some of our token (MARIO) what? Let's put an order on-chain that will allow someone to trade the native token (TKN) for some. You can do so by running the following command from this location:

./build/token-cli action create-order

When you are done, the output should look something like this:

database: .token-cli
address: token1qrzvk4zlwj9zsacqgtufx7zvapd3quufqpxk5rsdd4633m4wz2fdj73w34s
chainID: 2btpGNEt7pGXxYUMk7Pp3TTiq8ij4JsrDxTv9oNB46wpwqLVQ9
in assetID (use TKN for native token): TKN
in tick: 1
out assetID (use TKN for native token): 2r9rd3oUGfir4pnmkyy7aBUcScQrkuqbYjdmxaJDAe1pb2Je8u
symbol: MARIO decimals: 2 metadata: its a me, mario supply: 10000
balance: 100.00 MARIO
out tick: 10
supply (must be multiple of out tick): 100
continue (y/n): y
✅ txID: 23xyvTKHZUy9ym2VC8ysdsaRz9xbLyfuUoRgGXn6zmotuvxw2e
orderID: 2hJdJV2JisA1ESQ2SbGapjHn9ZetouU6TyptMNLsRgufQK1hVc

The "in tick" is how much of the "in assetID" that someone must trade to get "out tick" of the "out assetID". Any fill of this order must send a multiple of "in tick" to be considered valid (this avoids ANY sort of precision issues with computing decimal rates on-chain).

Step 5: Fill Part of the Order

Now that we have an order on-chain, let's fill it! You can do so by running the following command from this location:

./build/token-cli action fill-order

When you are done, the output should look something like this:

database: .token-cli
address: token1qrzvk4zlwj9zsacqgtufx7zvapd3quufqpxk5rsdd4633m4wz2fdj73w34s
chainID: 2btpGNEt7pGXxYUMk7Pp3TTiq8ij4JsrDxTv9oNB46wpwqLVQ9
in assetID (use TKN for native token): TKN
balance: 9999999999.999856949 TKN
out assetID (use TKN for native token): 2r9rd3oUGfir4pnmkyy7aBUcScQrkuqbYjdmxaJDAe1pb2Je8u
symbol: MARIO decimals: 2 metadata: its a me, mario supply: 10000
available orders: 1
0) Rate(in/out): 1000000.0000 InTick: 1.000000000 TKN OutTick: 10.00 MARIO Remaining: 100.00 MARIO
select order: 0 [auto-selected]
value (must be multiple of in tick): 2
in: 2.000000000 TKN out: 20.00 MARIO
continue (y/n): y
✅ txID: B2MCLPTHouQMzd2dfxod2qiJC8p58vSahSDGVhZEJCCvQpzXB

Note how all available orders for this pair are listed by the CLI (these come from the in-memory order book maintained by the tokenvm).

Step 6: Close Order

Let's say we now changed our mind and no longer want to allow others to fill our order. You can cancel it by running the following command from this location:

./build/token-cli action close-order

When you are done, the output should look something like this:

database: .token-cli
address: token1qrzvk4zlwj9zsacqgtufx7zvapd3quufqpxk5rsdd4633m4wz2fdj73w34s
orderID: 2hJdJV2JisA1ESQ2SbGapjHn9ZetouU6TyptMNLsRgufQK1hVc
out assetID (use TKN for native token): 2r9rd3oUGfir4pnmkyy7aBUcScQrkuqbYjdmxaJDAe1pb2Je8u
continue (y/n): y
✅ txID: KuPqXinaS2H7uDLh6LriPCMyn8DzNQP9XZ8Lv7wWjY88sDK4A

Any funds that were locked up in the order will be returned to the creator's account.

Bonus: Watch Activity in Real-Time

To provide a better sense of what is actually happening on-chain, the token-cli comes bundled with a simple explorer that logs all blocks/txs that occur on-chain. You can run this utility by running the following command from this location:

./build/token-cli chain watch

If you run it correctly, you'll see the following input (will run until the network shuts down or you exit):

database: .token-cli
available chains: 2 excluded: []
0) chainID: Em2pZtHr7rDCzii43an2bBi1M2mTFyLN33QP1Xfjy7BcWtaH9
1) chainID: cKVefMmNPSKmLoshR15Fzxmx52Y5yUSPqWiJsNFUg1WgNQVMX
select chainID: 0
watching for new blocks on Em2pZtHr7rDCzii43an2bBi1M2mTFyLN33QP1Xfjy7BcWtaH9 👀
height:13 txs:1 units:488 root:2po1n8rqdpNuwpMGndqC2hjt6Xa3cUDsjEpm7D6u9kJRFEPmdL avg TPS:0.026082
✅ 2Qb172jGBtjTTLhrzYD8ZLatjg6FFmbiFSP6CBq2Xy4aBV2WxL actor: token1rvzhmceq997zntgvravfagsks6w0ryud3rylh4cdvayry0dl97nsjzf3yp units: 488 summary (*actions.CreateOrder): [1.000000000 TKN -> 10 27grFs9vE2YP9kwLM5hQJGLDvqEY9ii71zzdoRHNGC4Appavug (supply: 50 27grFs9vE2YP9kwLM5hQJGLDvqEY9ii71zzdoRHNGC4Appavug)]
height:14 txs:1 units:1536 root:2vqraWhyd98zVk2ALMmbHPApXjjvHpxh4K4u1QhSb6i3w4VZxM avg TPS:0.030317
✅ 2H7wiE5MyM4JfRgoXPVP1GkrrhoSXL25iDPJ1wEiWRXkEL1CWz actor: token1rvzhmceq997zntgvravfagsks6w0ryud3rylh4cdvayry0dl97nsjzf3yp units: 1536 summary (*actions.FillOrder): [2.000000000 TKN -> 20 27grFs9vE2YP9kwLM5hQJGLDvqEY9ii71zzdoRHNGC4Appavug (remaining: 30 27grFs9vE2YP9kwLM5hQJGLDvqEY9ii71zzdoRHNGC4Appavug)]
height:15 txs:1 units:464 root:u2FyTtup4gwPfEFybMNTgL2svvSnajfGH4QKqiJ9vpZBSvx7q avg TPS:0.036967
✅ Lsad3MZ8i5V5hrGcRxXsghV5G1o1a9XStHY3bYmg7ha7W511e actor: token1rvzhmceq997zntgvravfagsks6w0ryud3rylh4cdvayry0dl97nsjzf3yp units: 464 summary (*actions.CloseOrder): [orderID: 2Qb172jGBtjTTLhrzYD8ZLatjg6FFmbiFSP6CBq2Xy4aBV2WxL]

Running a Load Test

Before running this demo, make sure to stop the network you started using killall avalanche-network-runner.

The tokenvm load test will provision 5 tokenvms and process 500k transfers on each between 10k different accounts.


This test SOLELY tests the speed of the tokenvm. It does not include any network delay or consensus overhead. It just tests the underlying performance of the hypersdk and the storage engine used (in this case MerkleDB on top of Pebble).

Measuring Disk Speed

This test is extremely sensitive to disk performance. When reporting any TPS results, please include the output of:


Run this test RARELY. It writes/reads many GBs from your disk and can fry an SSD if you run it too often. We run this in CI to standardize the result of all load tests.

Zipkin Tracing

To trace the performance of tokenvm during load testing, we use OpenTelemetry + Zipkin.

To get started, startup the Zipkin backend and ElasticSearch database (inside hypersdk/trace):

docker-compose -f trace/zipkin.yml up

Once Zipkin is running, you can visit it at http://localhost:9411.

Next, startup the load tester (it will automatically send traces to Zipkin):

TRACE=true ./scripts/

When you are done, you can tear everything down by running the following command:

docker-compose -f trace/zipkin.yml down

Creating a Devnet

In the world of Avalanche, we refer to short-lived, test-focused Subnets as devnets.

Using avalanche-ops, we can create a private devnet (running on a custom Primary Network with traffic scoped to the deployer IP) across any number of regions and nodes in ~30 minutes with a single script.

Step 1: Install Dependencies

Install and Configure aws-cli

Install the AWS CLI. This is used to authenticate to AWS and manipulate CloudFormation.

Once you've installed the AWS CLI, run aws configure sso to login to AWS locally. See the avalanche-ops documentation for additional details. Set a profile_name when logging in, as it will be referenced directly by avalanche-ops commands. Do not set an SSO Session Name (not supported).

Install yq

Install yq using Homebrew. yq is used to manipulate the YAML files produced by avalanche-ops.

You can install yq using the following command:

brew install yq

Step 2: Deploy Devnet on AWS

Once all dependencies are installed, we can create our devnet using a single script. This script deploys 10 validators (equally split between us-west-2, us-east-2, and eu-west-1):


When devnet creation is complete, this script will emit commands that can be used to interact with the devnet (i.e. tx load test) and to tear it down.

Configuration Options

  • --arch-type: avalanche-ops supports deployment to both amd64 and arm64 architectures
  • --anchor-nodes/--non-anchor-nodes: anchor-nodes + non-anchor-nodes is the number of validators that will be on the Subnet, split equally between --regions (anchor-nodes serve as bootstrappers on the custom Primary Network, whereas non-anchor-nodes are just validators)
  • --regions: avalanche-ops will automatically deploy validators across these regions
  • --instance-types: avalanche-ops allows instance types to be configured by region (make sure it is compatible with arch-type)
  • --upload-artifacts-avalanchego-local-bin: avalanche-ops allows a custom AvalancheGo binary to be provided for validators to run

Future Work

If you want to take the lead on any of these items, please start a discussion or reach out on the Avalanche Discord.

  • Document GUI/Faucet/Feed
  • Add more config options for determining which order books to store in-memory
  • Add option to CLI to fill up to some amount of an asset as long as it is under some exchange rate (trading agent command to provide better UX)
  • Add expiring order support (can't fill an order after some point in time but still need to explicitly close it to get your funds back -> async cleanup is not a good idea)
