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Confluence Server

Atlassian Confluence Server is your remote-friendly team workspace where knowledge and collaboration meet.

Installing the Chart

Before you can install the chart you will need to add the stevehipwell repo to Helm.

helm repo add stevehipwell

After you've installed the repo you can install the chart.

helm upgrade --install --namespace default --values ./my-values.yaml my-release stevehipwell/confluence-server


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Confluence Server chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
image.repository Image repository. atlassian/confluence-server
image.tag Image tag. {{ .Chart.AppVersion }}-jdk11
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets DEPRECATED Image pull secrets, use imagePullSecrets instead. []
imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets, will override image.pullSecrets. []
nameOverride Override the name of the chart. nil
fullnameOverride Override the fullname of the chart. nil
commonLabels Labels to add to all chart resources. {}
serviceAccount.create If true, create a new service account. true
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to the service account. {} Service account to be used. If not set and serviceAccount.create is true, a name is generated using the full name template. nil
serviceAccount.automountToken If true, mount the ServiceAccount token. false
deployment If true, a Deployment will be created instead of a StatefulSet. IMPORTANT - Do not change this value after installing the chart, you could loose your data. true
podLabels Labels to add to the pod. {}
podAnnotations Annotations to add to the pod. {}
podSecurityContext Security context for the pod. { fsGroup: 2002 }
securityContext Security context for the confluence container. {}
priorityClassName Priority class name to use. ""
livenessProbe The liveness probe. See values.yaml
readinessProbe The readiness probe. See values.yaml
service.type Service type. ClusterIP
service.clusterIP Service cluster IP. null
service.annotations Annotations to add to the service. {}
service.port Service port. 8090
ingress.enabled If true, create an ingress object. false
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations. {}
ingress.ingressClassName Ingress class to use. ""
ingress.hosts Ingress hosts. []
ingress.tls Ingress TLS configuration []
persistence.enabled If true, create a PVC. false
persistence.annotations Annotations to add to the PVC. {}
persistence.existingClaim Use an existing PVC to persist data. nil
persistence.accessMode Persistence access mode. ReadWriteOnce
persistence.storageClass PVC storage class (use - for default). standard
persistence.size Size of PVC to create. 8Gi
persistence.retainDeleted If true and deployment: false, keep the PVC when the StatefulSet is deleted. true
resources Resource requests and limits for the confluence container. {}
terminationGracePeriodSeconds Termination grace period in seconds. 30
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment. {}
affinity Affinity for pod assignment. If an explicit label selector is not provided for pod affinity or pod anti-affinity one will be created from the pod selector labels. {}
topologySpreadConstraints Topology spread constraints for the pod. If an explicit label selector is not provided one will be created from the pod selector labels. []
tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment. []
caCerts.enabled If true, add provided CA certificates to the JVM cacerts key store. false
caCerts.secret Secret containing the additional CA certificates. nil
envVars.jvmMinHeapSize JVM min heap size (should match jvmMaxHeapSize). 1024m
envVars.jvmMaxHeapSize JVM max heap size (should match jvmMinHeapSize). 1024m
envVars.jvmReservedCodeCacheSize JVM reserved code cache size. 256m
envVars.jvmAdditionalMemoryOptions Additional JVM memory options. ""
envVars.jvmAdditionalOptions Additional JVM options. ""
envVars.synchronyMaxMemory Maximum memory that Synchrony should use. 0m
envVars.forceConfigUpdate If true, recreate the config at each startup. false
env Environment variables for the confluence container. []
extraVolumeMounts Additional volume mounts for the confluence container. []
extraInitContainers Additional init containers for the pod. []
extraVolumes Additional volumes for the pod. [] External PostgreSQL host to use (if this is set the additional psql values need to be set) nil
psql.port External PostgreSQL port nil
psql.database External PostgreSQL database nil
psql.username External PostgreSQL username nil
psql.password.secret Name of the secret containing the external PostgreSQL password nil
psql.password.key Key on the secret containing the external PostgreSQL password nil
postgresql.enabled Enable PostgreSQL sub chart, see chart for additional values. false


By default the atlassian/confluence-server image will create a H2 database for evaluation purposes, this should NOT be used in production. You can either allow this chart to create a PostgreSQL instance specifically for Confluence Server by specifying postgresql.enabled as true or you can use an external PostgreSQL instance by specifying the connection details on psql.


The atlassian/confluence-server image stores the Confluence Server data and configurations at the /var/atlassian/application-data/confluence path in the container.

Persistent Volume Claims are used to keep the data across deployments. This is known to work in GCE, AWS, and minikube. See the Configuration section to configure the PVC or to disable persistence.