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141 lines (78 loc) · 4.78 KB

File metadata and controls

141 lines (78 loc) · 4.78 KB


All programs

[ ] Sets up security before accessing any Hadoop services, including FileSystem APIs

[ ] Sets up security after loading local configuration files, such as core-site.xml. If you try to open an hdfs:// filesystem, an HdfsConfiguration instance is created, which pulls in hdfs-default.xml and hdfs-site.xml. To load in the Yarn settings, create an instance of YarnConfiguration.

[ ] Are tested against a secure cluster from a logged in user.

[ ] Are tested against a secure cluster from a not logged in user, and the program set up to use a keytab (if supported).

[ ] Are tested from a logged out user with a token file containing the tokens and the environment variable HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION set to this file. This verifies Oozie can support it without needing a keytab.

[ ] Can get tokens for all services which they may optionally need.

[ ] Don't crash on a secure cluster if the cluster filesystem does not issue tokens. That is: Kerberized clusters where the FS is something other than HDFS.

Hadoop RPC Service

[ ] Principal for Service defined. This is generally a configuration property.

[ ] SecurityInfo subclass written.

[ ] META-INF/services/ resource lists.

[ ] the SecurityInfo subclass written

[ ] PolicyProvider subclass written.

[ ] RPC server handed PolicyProvider subclass during setup.

[ ] Service verifies that caller has authorization for the action before executing it.

[ ] Service records authorization failures to audit log.

[ ] Service records successful action to audit log.

[ ] Uses doAs() to perform operations as the user making the RPC call.

YARN Client/launcher

[ ] HADOOP_USER env variable set on AM launch context in insecure clusters, and in launched containers.

[ ] In secure cluster: all delegation tokens needed (HDFS, Hive, HBase, Zookeeper) created and added to launch context.

YARN Application

[ ] Delegation tokens extracted and saved.

[ ] When launching containers, the relevant subset of delegation tokens are passed to the containers. (This normally omits the RM/AM token).

[ ] Container Credentials are retrieved in AM and containers.

[ ] Delegation tokens revoked during (managed) teardown.

YARN Web UIs and REST endpoints

[ ] Primary Web server: AmFilterInitializer used to redirect requests to the RM Proxy.

[ ] Other web servers: a custom authentication strategy is chosen and implemented.

Yarn Service

[ ] A strategy for token renewal is chosen and implemented

Web Service

[ ] AuthenticationFilter added to web filter chain

[ ] Token renewal policy defined and implemented. (Look at TimelineClientImpl for an example of this)


All clients

[ ] Supports keytab login and calls UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytab(principalName, keytabFilename) during initialization.

[ ] Issues UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().checkTGTAndReloginFromKeytab() call during connection setup/token reset. This is harmless on an insecure or non-keytab client.

[ ] Client supports Authentication Token option

[ ] Client supports Delegation Token option. (not so relevant for most YARN clients)

[ ] For Delegation-token authenticated connections, something runs in the background to regularly update delegation tokens.

[ ] Tested against secure clusters with user logged out (kdestroy).

[ ] Logs basic security operations at INFO, with detailed operations at DEBUG level.

RESTful client

[ ] Jersey: URL constructor handles SPNEGO Auth

[ ] Code invoking Jersey Client reacts to 401/403 exception responses when using Authentication Token by deleting creating a new Auth Token and re-issuing request. (this triggers re-authentication)

Debugging Workflow

[ ] host has an IP address (ifconfig / ipconfig)

[ ] host has an FQDN: hostname -f

[ ] FQDN resolves to hostname nslookup $hostname

[ ] hostname responds to pings ping $hostname

[ ] reverse DNS lookup of IPAddr returns hostname

[ ] clock is in sync with rest of cluster: date

[ ] JVM has Java Crypto Extensions

[ ] keytab exists

[ ] keytab is readable by account running service.

[ ] keytab contains principals in listing ktlist -kt $keytab

[ ] keytab FQDN is in entry of form shortname/$FQDN