- Each operation is performed in an immutable container with provenance and signed attestation of all generated artifacts
- Each branch is a step that should be performed in parallel
- The build should fail if any attestation fails (leveraging in-toto & SPIRE)
* indicates that this could happen at a different frequency based upon compute/cost/risk tradeoffs; the minimum frequency is that these steps must be completed before the PR may be merged
graph LR
Pre-commit --> Secret(Secret scan)
graph LR
Per-commit --> Linters
Linters --> Language(Language-specific)
Linters --> IaC("Infrastructure as Code (IaC)")
Linters --> OpenAPI
Per-commit --> Compile
Compile --> OpenAPISpec[(OpenAPI specs)]
OpenAPISpec --> OpenAPI
Compile --> CodeCoverage(Code Coverage)
CodeCoverage --> UnitTest(Unit tests)
CodeCoverage --> IntegrationTest(Integration tests)
UnitTest --> Coverage("Coverage aggregation (e.g. Sonar)")
IntegrationTest --> Coverage
CodeCoverage --> Container("Container / Buildpack")
Linters --> Container
Container --> SCA("SCA Scan*") --> Manifest[(Manifest / Notices)]
Container --> ContainerScan("Container scan")
ContainerScan --> SignedContainer[(Signed Identity)]
ContainerScan --> Image[(Published image)]
Per-commit --> SAST("Static security scans (SAST)*")
graph LR
PR(Per-PR) --> Deploy("Deploy to test environment*")
Deploy --> SystemTests(System tests) --> Chaos(Reliability / chaos testing)
Deploy --> Dynamic("Dynamic security scans (DAST)")
Deploy --> API(API fuzzing scan)
Deploy --> InfrastructureVuln(Infrastructure vulnerability scan)
Deploy --> InfrastructureConfig(Cloud misconfiguration scan)
Deploy --> Performance(Performance tests)
PR --> Peer(Peer review)
** Publication/promotion to production upon stakeholder approval depends upon risk tolerance
graph LR
Merge(Per-merge) --> Approval("Stakeholder approval")
Approval --> SagingRepo(Publish artefacts to staging repository) --> Deploy(Deploy to staging/beta)
Approval -.-> Promote(Publish arefacts to production repository**)