VHDL Source: olo_axi_lite_slave
This component implements a very simple AXI4-Lite slave. It converts AXI4-Lite accesses to a simple address/read/write interface commonly used for mapping register banks and memory.
Below figures shows how write transactions are signaled to user-code. Write transactions do not require an acknowledge. The user code must expect them in the speed they arrive.
Below figures shows how read transactions are signaled to user-code. The validity of read-data must be acknowledged by Rb_RdValid. If this does not happen within ReadTimeoutClks_g an error is signaled to the master who requested the read. Note that the read latency (from Rb_Rd to Rb_Valid) does not have to be constant.
The olo_axi_lite_slave implements a read-timeout. In case the read data is not returned (Rb_RdValid) within the timeout specified, an error is signaled on the AXI bus. This mechanism prevents masters from becoming locked for infinite time if a read fails due to user code connected to the olo_axi_lite_slave.
The olo_axi_lite_slave does not aim for maximum performance. It requires 4 clock cycles per transaction (plus read-latency for read accesses). This is regarded as acceptable because the AXI4-Lite protocol does not aim for maximum performance anyways.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
AxiAddrWidth_g | positive | 8 | AXI4 address width (width of AwAddr and ArAddr signals) |
AxiDataWidth_g | positive | 32 | AXI data width (must be a power of 2) |
ReadTimeoutClks_g | positive | 100 | Read timeout in clock cycles (see Description) |
IdWidth_g | natural | 0 | Width of the signals AwId, ArId, BId and RId signals in bits. |
UserWidth_g | natural | 0 | Width of the siginals AwUser, ArUser, WUser, BUser and RUser in bits. |
Name | In/Out | Length | Default | Description |
Clk | in | 1 | - | Clock |
Rst | in | 1 | - | Reset input (high-active, synchronous to Clk) |
Name | In/Out | Length | Default | Description |
S_AxiLite_... | * | * | * | AXI4-Lite slave interface. For the exact meaning of the signals, refer to the AXI4-Lite protocol specification. |
Name | In/Out | Length | Default | Description |
Rb_Addr | out | AxiAddrWidth_g | - | Register address to access (as byte address) . E.g. for AxiDataWidth_g=32, the 2 LSBs are always zero. |
Rb_Wr | out | 1 | - | Write enable for registers |
Rb_ByteEna | out | AxiDataWidth_g/8 | - | Write byte enables |
Rb_WrData | out | AxiDataWidth_g | - | Write data |
Rb_Rd | out | 1 | - | Read enable for registers |
Rb_RdData | in | AxiDataWidth_g | - | Read data, valid when Rb_RdValid='1' |
Rb_RdValid | in | 1 | - | Read valid handshaking signal. Every Rb_Rd pulse must be acknowledged by a Rb_RdValid pulse together with the valid read data. |
The olo_axi_lite_slave is implemented as a single FSM that fetches one AR or AW command at a time, executes it and sends the response before fetching the next command. The decision for using a single FSM for read and write side was taken to avoid read and write accesses happening in the the same clock cycle and interfering with each other in an unpredictable way.
Below code snippet shows an example for the code of a register bank attached to the olo_axi_lite_slave:
p_rb : process(Clk)
if rising_edge(Clk) then
-- *** Write ***
if Rb_Wr = '1' then
case Rb_Addr is
when X"00" =>
-- Register with byte enables
for i in 0 to 3 loop
SomeReg(8*(i+1)-1 downto 8*i) <= Rb_WrData(8*i-1 downto 8*i);
end loop;$
when X"04" =>
-- Register without byte enables
OtherReg <= Rb_WrData;
when X"08" =>
-- Register with clear-by-write-one bits
VectorReg <= VectorReg and not Rb_WrData;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
-- *** Read ***
Rb_RdValid <= '0'; -- Defuault value
if Rb_Rd = '1' then
case Rb_Addr is
when X"00" =>
Rb_RdData <= SomeReg;
Rb_RdValid <= '1';
when X"04" =>
-- Register with clear-on-write
Rb_RdData <= OtherReg;
OtherReg <= (others => '0');
Rb_RdValid <= '1';
when X"08" =>
Rb_RdData <= VectorReg;
Rb_RdValid <= '1';
when others => null; -- Fail by timeout for illegal addreses
end case;
end if;
-- Reset and other logic omitted
end if;
end process;