Run the following SQL files in order in your database to successfully set up this section of the OregonCore project.
- sql/create/create_mysql.sql
- sql/base/world.sql
- sql/base/characters.sql
- sql/base/realmd.sql
- (should be extracted first)
In order for us to keep track of SQL fixes we prefix our SQL files with a date format YYYY_MM_DD followed by the table the update is most likely to affect. In some cases, where an update fixes a quest or zone, it is okay to put that instead.
- A query must always end in a semi-colon( ; )
- Supply names where applicable
- DELETE before INSERT & Use exact fields
- If you're referencing a value more than 3 times, use a variable
- Comments and Author references must be provided where applicable
- If the last line of the file is a comment - add a new line after it (because when concatenating files the first statement after your file will not be execued)
INSERT INTO spell_group VALUES (1, 1239)
-- Add spell 1239 (Example Spell) to spell group 1
DELETE FROM `spell_group` WHERE `id` = 1 AND `spell_id` = 1239;
INSERT INTO spell_group (`id`,`spell_id`) VALUES
(1, 1239); -- (Example Spell)