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Quick Start
ClrVpin supports lots of different workflows. Below are the most popular workflows with a brief explanation.
- Run Cleaner with trainer wheels enabled to confirm your collection is 'clean' (based on user preferences).
- If required, re-run Cleaner without trainer wheels to clean the collection.
Run Cleaner _before _making any changes to ensure your content files are correctly synchronized with your database(s).
Select 'fuzzy matching' to check online content against your local content (PinballX/Y database format only)
Individual table..
Add Missing Table - select green add icon ('+' symbol) to add a new table entry
Update Matched Table - select blue update icon ('swirl' symbol) to update a matched table entry
Update Unmatched Table - select green update icon ('swirl' symbol) to update an unmatched table entry.
Under normal circumstances this is NOT required as the fuzzy matching logic will automatically link your local table with the online source, but under rare circumstances (e.g. table name is too short) then this may not be possible and the following fields can be updated to ensure a successful match to the online source..
- Name
- Manufacturer
- Year
All tables..
- Select 'Add Missing Info' to add any missing information
- Select 'Overwrite All Info' to replace any old/incorrect information
Re-run Cleaner after making any changes to ensure your content files are one again correctly synchronized with your database(s).
- Use filters (on the left hand side) to show missing and/or updated content.
- Click URL links (on the right hand side) to navigate to the various web sites/forums to download the content.
- Ideally unzip content into appropriate folders so that merger can automatically detect the content type. For example..
- Run Merger for each content type to add the files to your collection. This must be done one at a time for each content type (e.g. tables, backglass, etc).
- Run Cleaner to ensure your merged collection is correctly renamed, duplicates removed, etc.
- Run Explorer to navigate your existing collection.
- Filter displayed tables via the filtering options on the left hand side.
- Open content type via the buttons on the right hand side.
- FILES ARE NEVER ACTUALLY DELETED. Any files that are renamed, merged, or removed are always copied to the backup folder.
- Recommend enabling 'Trainer Wheels' on the first pass to confirm (via the log window) that the proposed changes are acceptable
- Hover the mouse of the various options for additional help.
ClrVpin v7