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StopStalk official media elements

We want you to add your StopStalk profile on your portfolio websites so that people can get to your StopStalk profile. Add any of the above SVGs in your html and you will be able to see an icon which can we redirect to your StopStalk profile.


  • Adjust the width and height according to your website style.
  • CSS properties line-height, vertical-align, position might be of help.
<a href="" style="vertical-align: middle;">
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
  <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100" height="100" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd"
  viewBox="0 0 1544 1544"
    <style type="text/css">
      .str0 {stroke:#000;stroke-width:190.065}
      .fil1 {fill:none}
      .fil0 {fill:#000}
      .fil2 {fill:#000;fill-rule:nonzero}
   <g id="Layer_x0020_1">
    <polygon class="fil0" points="1204,183 1086,100 873,413 1048,416 "/>
    <circle class="fil1 str0" cx="772" cy="772" r="677"/>
    <path class="fil2" d="M833 480c2,-1 8,-7 19,-17 7,-7 15,-11 27,-11 2,0 13,1 31,3 4,3 7,8 9,17l30 132c1,7 2,11 2,12 0,5 -2,8 -6,10 -4,2 -14,2 -31,2 -19,0 -31,-1 -37,-5 -5,-3 -16,-17 -32,-42 -33,-52 -63,-78 -89,-78 -19,0 -28,9 -28,27 0,23 28,67 84,133 65,77 107,132 127,166 20,34 30,72 30,115 0,50 -18,88 -52,115 -34,26 -72,40 -114,40 -28,0 -53,-6 -78,-16 -10,-5 -18,-7 -23,-7 -5,0 -9,3 -12,8 -6,10 -21,15 -44,15 -9,0 -15,-1 -18,-3 -4,-2 -6,-7 -7,-16l-28 -129c-4,-17 -6,-26 -6,-27 0,-7 10,-11 30,-11 26,0 42,2 47,7 5,5 12,16 21,34 33,63 66,94 99,94 12,0 22,-3 30,-9 8,-6 12,-14 12,-23 0,-17 -9,-36 -26,-58 -17,-23 -38,-48 -62,-75 -60,-66 -101,-119 -126,-158 -24,-39 -37,-79 -37,-120 0,-47 15,-83 44,-111 29,-27 65,-41 107,-41 30,0 65,9 107,27z"/>
    <polygon class="fil0" points="415,1316 533,1398 709,1141 534,1138 "/>
  • The above will create an icon which links to the StopStalk profile


  • You can use the above html in your Static Github pages
  • You can also use the same on your Portfolio website hosted anywhere else
  • Example footer:
