What version of Linux should you use for Kazoo?
- You should only use FreeBSD, Linux is only for Penguins.
- Just kidding
- I love FreeBSD, but there is little Kazoo support at this time
- Erlang on FreeBSD is super production quality
- Ever heard of Whatsapp?
- https://www.erlang-solutions.com/about/news/erlang-powered-whatsapp-exceeds-200-million-monthly-users
- a couple hundred million users on Erlag/FreeBSD
- Ever heard of Whatsapp?
- moving on..
- You should only use FreeBSD, Linux is only for Penguins.
The answer used to be simple Centos 6
- 2600hz distributes Centos 6 RPM's for everything..
Centos 6 and Freeswitch (1.6+) do not "play nice"
- dependancies..
Centos 6 has python 2.6 baked in (boo hiss)
Kazoo 4.0 will likely require Debian for Freeswitch
- This is a Freeswitch recommendation/requirement more then 2600hz
Debian binary install packages are showing up for Freeswitch on repo.2600hz.com