From within the docs
folder run the following:
To autogenerate the packages and modules documentation from their docstrings:
sphinx-apidoc ../qsr_lib/src/ -o rsts/api/ -e
NOTE: sphinx-apidoc
does not overwrite any files, so if you want to regenerate the documentation for a package or a
module then delete first its rst file in the docs/rsts/api
Then simply run:
make html
The table in qsrs.rst
is generated from
as writing tables in RsT is a pain.
md files can be converted to rst ones using pandoc
The actual command run from within the docs/rsts/handwritten/qsrs
folder is:
pandoc --from=markdown --to=rst --output=qsrs_table.rst
If pandoc converts "`" to "``" then do two string replacements:
- "``" to "`"
- "` " to "` ", i.e 'backtilt+2 spaces' to 'backtilt+6 spaces'