the point of this repo is to document how to setup a private ethereum block-chain for development purposes.
For this you will need to install geth
$ mkdir privatenetwork
Now we initialize the genesis block that will use the config we just created:
$ geth --datadir privatenetwork init genesis.json
Then we run the geth console:
$ geth --datadir privatenetwork console --networkid 100
Now we can dump the admin info for the server - NOTE - make sure you can see the >
meaning we are in the console:
> admin
datadir: "/Users/kai/projects/private-blockchain/privatenetwork/privatenetwork",
nodeInfo: {
enode: "enode://07c25495068df19102c0e2a62f9e5b183becb12893a5b3316fb41270c5d6bb9773397ff09454e13f6b18bcac518e8e745df28e090bf87c43fb5641390d394c9a@[::]:30303",
id: "07c25495068df19102c0e2a62f9e5b183becb12893a5b3316fb41270c5d6bb9773397ff09454e13f6b18bcac518e8e745df28e090bf87c43fb5641390d394c9a",
ip: "::",
listenAddr: "[::]:30303",
name: "Geth/v1.7.0-stable-6c6c7b2a/darwin-amd64/go1.9",
ports: {
discovery: 30303,
listener: 30303
protocols: {
eth: {
difficulty: 400,
genesis: "0xa7aac261cc19872089526fb17580ac6406bda1326cb86f9a9c04eae4b8ba86f5",
head: "0xa7aac261cc19872089526fb17580ac6406bda1326cb86f9a9c04eae4b8ba86f5",
network: 1
peers: [],
addPeer: function(),
exportChain: function(),
getDatadir: function(callback),
getNodeInfo: function(callback),
getPeers: function(callback),
importChain: function(),
removePeer: function(),
sleep: function*bridge).Sleep-fm(),
sleepBlocks: function*bridge).SleepBlocks-fm(),
startRPC: function(),
startWS: function(),
stopRPC: function(),
stopWS: function()
Type the following into the console to ensure we are starting with zero blocks:
> eth.blockNumber
Run a single geth server on ONE node:
$ geth --datadir privatenetwork --networkid 100
This will have created a listening server running on
You can test this:
$ telnet 30303
Grab the UDP listener up
line and copy the enode://XXX@[::]:30303
Find out your local ip address ($ ifconfig | grep 192
) - and replace [::]
with that ip:
e.g. here is a bootnode address:
This is used to created the geth
command to be run on the other nodes using the --bootnodes
flag - for example:
$ geth --datadir privatenetwork --networkid 100 --bootnodes enode://165ec598b922a9ab8b195a098afe2524fecd8b23edb758ceeca064299d72b4c037f504af84f2cbec494094f23734ca0490dc9e4b437efe92efee261423625e04@
You can join multiple nodes by using a CSV value for --bootnodes
$ geth --datadir privatenetwork --networkid 100 --bootnodes enode://4325e709245171b5062e5d01ff015988ab58b08910988d0f5b6455402d2878a4fa3112cd0e2b74630de669778355a889821b2f9489d82d99df5770e6b7699abf@,enode://a6ec0b75d1db77b0f408b5c9e1ec3e1841de4d36951370b3e0913e4c3710a8849a26e2b56f25efa0cf6f89e10b715fa0989bafdeb51a405426f9911a602aa888@,enode://bdc6fe600013a786c2cb3471e00d7e03351e9433349ebbde13af13b8fe5836e38aa8995c78f33184cd566a0c903ec473b284d69dc1309ab94ea1c579c0ffd8c1@
If you have a geth server already running - here is how to attach to it:
$ geth attach ipc:geth.ipc
In the console, create a personal account with:
$ personal.newAccount('password')
check your account is here:
$ eth.accounts
set your account for mining:
$ miner.setEtherbase(eth.accounts[0])
start mining with defined number of threads:
$ miner.start(2)
check hashrate:
$ miner.getHashrate()
get the address of the last miner who mined a block:
$ eth.getBlock(eth.blockNumber).miner
geth --datadir privatenetwork --networkid 100 --bootnodes enode://d5ca08c309ce34d5e91337dd244d04446a494762d8af684c0f4c896630118a57c0f4b54d4b6534b437ed3c895ebca88835e7bcefcf9edcf1704b90c13295e27b@ --unlock 0xbe74344e18d96d2b0ea67f6cfbdd333b3a1bb853 --rpc --rpcapi "eth,net,web3" --rpccorsdomain '*' --rpcaddr localhost --rpcport 8545