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Releases: streamingfast/substreams


22 Jun 17:13
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Now using plugin: when generating the Protobuf Rust which fixes the warning that remote plugins are deprecated.

Previously we were using remote: But remote plugins when using (which we use to generate the Protobuf) are now deprecated and will cease to function on July 10th, 2023.

The net effect of this is that if you don't update your Substreams CLI to 1.1.7, on July 10th 2023 and after, the substreams protogen will not work anymore.


22 Jun 15:35
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Backend changes

  • substreams-tier1 and substreams-tier2 are now standalone Apps, to be used as such by server implementations (firehose-ethereum, etc.)

  • substreams-tier1 now listens to Connect protocol, enabling browser-based substreams clients

  • Authentication has been overhauled to take advantage of, allowing the use of a GRPC-based sidecar or reverse-proxy to provide authentication.

  • Metering has been overhauled to take advantage of plugins, allowing the use of a GRPC sidecar or logs to expose usage metrics.

  • The tier2 logs no longer show a parent_trace_id: the trace_id is now the same as tier1 jobs. Unique tier2 jobs can be distinguished by their stage and segment, corresponding to the output_module_name and startblock:stopblock

CLI changes

  • The substreams protogen command now uses this Buf plugin to generate the Rust code for your Substreams definitions.

  • The substreams protogen command no longer generate the FILE_DESCRIPTOR_SET constant which generates an unsued warning in Rust. We don't think nobody relied on having the FILE_DESCRIPTOR_SET constant generated, but if it's the case, you can provide your own buf.gen.yaml that will be used instead of the generated one when doing substreams protogen.

  • Added -H flag on the substreams run command, to set HTTP Headers in the Substreams request.


  • Fixed generated buf.gen.yaml not being deleted when an error occurs while generating the Rust code.


02 Jun 14:36
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This release fixes data determinism issues. This comes at a 20% performance cost but is necessary for integration with The Graph ecosystem.


  • When upgrading a substreams server to this version, you should delete all existing module caches to benefit from deterministic output


  • Tier1 now records deterministic failures in wasm, "blacklists" identical requests for 10 minutes (by serving them the same InvalidArgument error) with a forced incremental backoff. This prevents accidental bad actors from hogging tier2 resources when their substreams cannot go passed a certain block.
  • Tier1 now sends the ResolvedStartBlock, LinearHandoffBlock and MaxJobWorkers in SessionInit message for the client and gui to show
  • Substreams CLI can now read manifests/spkg directly from an IPFS address (subgraph deployment or the spkg itself), using ipfs://Qm... notation


  • When talking to an updated server, the gui will not overflow on a negative start block, using the newly available resolvedStartBlock instead.
  • When running in development mode with a start-block in the future on a cold cache, you would sometimes get invalid "updates" from the store passed down to your modules that depend on them. It did not impact the caches but caused invalid output.
  • The WASM engine was incorrectly reusing memory, preventing deterministic output. It made things go faster, but at the cost of determinism. Memory is now reset between WASM executions on each block.
  • The GUI no longer panics when an invalid output-module is given as argument


  • Changed default WASM engine from wasmtime to wazero, use SUBSTREAMS_WASM_RUNTIME=wasmtime to revert to prior engine. Note that wasmtime will now run a lot slower than before because resetting the memory in wasmtime is more expensive than in wazero.
  • Execution of modules is now done in parallel within a single instance, based on a tree of module dependencies.
  • The substreams gui and substreams run now accept commas inside a param value. For example: substreams run --param=p1=bar,baz,qux --param=p2=foo,baz. However, you can no longer pass multiple parameters using an ENV variable, or a .yaml config file.


26 May 14:36
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  • Module hashing changed to fix cache reuse on substreams use imported modules
  • Memory leak fixed on rpc-enabled servers
  • GUI more responsive


  • BREAKING: The module hashing algorithm wrongfully changed the hash for imported modules, which made it impossible to leverage caches when composing new substreams off of imported ones.

    • Operationally, if you want to keep your caches, you will need to copy or move the old hashes to the new ones.
      • You can obtain the prior hashes for a given spkg with: substreams info my.spkg, using a prior release of the substreams
      • With a more recent substreams release, you can obtain the new hashes with the same command.
      • You can then cp or mv the caches for each module hash.
    • You can also ignore this change. This will simply invalidate your cache.
  • Fixed a memory leak where "PostJobHooks" were not always called. These are used to hook in rpc calls in ethereum chain. They are now always called, even if no block has been processed (can be called with nil value for the clock)

  • Jobs that fail deterministically (during WASM execution) on tier2 will fail faster, without retries from tier1.

  • substreams gui command now handles params flag (it was ignored)

  • Substeams GUI responsiveness improved significantly when handling large payloads


Known issues

  • If the cached substreams states are missing a 'full-kv' file in its sequence (not a normal scenario), requests will fail with opening file: not found #222


18 May 15:56
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This release contains fixes for race conditions that happen when multiple request tries to sync the same range using the same .spkg. Those fixes will avoid weird state error at the cost of duplicating work in some circumstances. A future refactor of the Substreams engine scheduler will come later to fix those inefficiencies.

Operators, please read the operators section for upgrade instructions.


Note This upgrade procedure to you applies if your Substreams deployment topology includes both tier1 and tier2 processes. If you have defined somewhere the config value substreams-tier2: true, then this applies to you, otherwise, if you can ignore the upgrade procedure.

This release includes a small change in the internal RPC layer between tier1 processes and tier2 processes. This change requires an ordered upgrade of the processes to avoid errors.

The components should be deployed in this order:

  1. Deploy and roll out tier1 processes first
  2. Deploy and roll out tier2 processes in second

If you upgrade in the wrong order or if somehow tier2 processes start using the new protocol without tier1 being aware, user will end up with backend error(s) saying that some partial file are not found. Those will be resolved only when tier1 processes have been upgraded successfully.


  • Fixed a race when multiple Substreams request execute on the same .spkg, it was causing races between the two executors.
  • GUI: fixed an issue which would slow down message consumption when progress page was shown in ascii art "bars" mode
  • GUI: fixed the display of blocks per second to represent actual blocks, not messages count


  • [binary]: Commands substreams <...> that fails now correctly return an exit code 1.

  • [library]: The manifest.NewReader signature changed and will now return a *Reader, error (previously *Reader).


  • [library]: The manifest.Reader gained the ability to infer the path if provided with input "" based on the current working directory.

  • [library]: The manifest.Reader gained the ability to infer the path if provided with input that is a directory.


17 May 14:42
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This release contains bug fixes and speed/scaling improvements around the Substreams engine. It also contains few small enhancements for substreams gui.

This release contains the fix to an important bug that could have generated corrupted store state files. This is important for developers and operators.

Sinkers & Developers

The store state files will be fully deleted on the Substreams server to start fresh again. The impact for you as a developer is that Substreams that were fully synced will now need to re-generate from initial block the store's state. So you might see long delays before getting a new block data while the Substreams engine is re-computing the store states from scratch.


You need to clear the state store and remove all the files that are stored under substreams-state-store-url flag. You can also make it point to a brand new folder and delete the old one after the rollout.


  • Fix a bug where not all extra modules would be sent back on debug mode
  • Fixed a bug in tier1 that could result in corrupted state files when getting close to chain HEAD
  • Fixed some performance and stalling issues when using GCS for blocks
  • Fixed storage logs not being shown properly
  • GUI: Fixed panic race condition
  • GUI: Cosmetic changes


  • GUI: Added traceID


05 May 14:20
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This release introduces a new RPC protocol and the old one has been removed. The new RPC protocol is in a new Protobuf package sf.substreams.rpc.v2 and it drastically changes how chain re-orgs are signaled to the user. Here the highlights of this release:

  • Getting rid of undo payload during re-org
  • substreams gui Improvements
  • Substreams integration testing
  • Substreams Protobuf definitions updated

Getting rid of undo payload during re-org

Previously, the GRPC endpoint sf.substreams.v1.Stream/Blocks would send a payload with the corresponding "step", NEW or UNDO.

Unfortunately, this led to some cases where the payload could not be deterministically generated for old blocks that had been forked out, resulting in a stalling request, a failure, or in some worst cases, incomplete data.

The new design, under sf.substreams.rpc.v2.Stream/Blocks, takes care of these situations by removing the 'step' component and using these two messages types:

  • sf.substreams.rpc.v2.BlockScopedData when chain progresses, with the payload
  • sf.substreams.rpc.v2.BlockUndoSignal during a reorg, with the last valid block number + block hash

The client now has the burden of keeping the necessary means of performing the undo actions (ex: a map of previous values for each block). The BlockScopedData message now includes the final_block_height to let you know when this "undo data" can be discarded.

With these changes, a substreams server can even handle a cursor for a block that it has never seen, provided that it is a valid cursor, by signaling the client to revert up to the last known final block, trading efficiency for resilience in these extreme cases.

substreams gui Improvements

  • Added key 'f' shortcut for changing display encoding of bytes value (hex, pruned string, base64)
  • Added jq search mode (hit / twice). Filters the output with the jq expression, and applies the search to match all blocks.
  • Added search history (with up/down), similar to less.
  • Running a search now applies it to all blocks, and highlights the matching ones in the blocks bar (in red).
  • Added O and P, to jump to prev/next block with matching search results.
  • Added module search with m, to quickly switch from module to module.

Substreams integration testing

Added a basic Substreams testing framework that validates module outputs against expected values.
The testing framework currently runs on substreams run command, where you can specify the following flags:

  • test-file Points to a file that contains your test specs
  • test-verbose Enables verbose mode while testing.

The test file, specifies the expected output for a given substreams module at a given block.

Substreams Protobuf definitions updated

We changed the Substreams Protobuf definitions making a major overhaul of the RPC communication. This is a breaking change for those consuming Substreams through gRPC.

Note The is no breaking changes for Substreams developers regarding your Rust code, Substreams manifest and Substreams package.

  • Removed the Request and Response messages (and related) from sf.substreams.v1, they have been moved to sf.substreams.rpc.v2. You will need to update your usage if you were consuming Substreams through gRPC.
  • The new Request excludes fields and usages that were already deprecated, like using multiple module_outputs.
  • The Response now contains a single module output
  • In development mode, the additional modules output can be inspected under debug_map_outputs and debug_store_outputs.
Separating Tier1 vs Tier2 gRPC protocol (for Substreams server operators)

Now that the Blocks request has been moved from sf.substreams.v1 to sf.substreams.rpc.v2, the communication between a substreams instance acting
as tier1 and a tier2 instance that performs the background processing has also been reworked, and put under sf.substreams.internal.v2.Stream/ProcessRange. It has also been stripped of parameters that were not used for that level of communication (ex: cursor, logs...)


  • The final_blocks_only: true on the Request was not honored on the server. It now correctly sends only blocks that are final/irreversible (according to Firehose rules).

  • Prevent substreams panic when requested module has unknown value for "type"


  • The substreams run command now has flag --final-blocks-only


13 Apr 20:44
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This should be the last release before a breaking change in the API and handling of the reorgs and UNDO messages.


  • Added support for resolving a negative start-block on server (also added to run command)
  • The run and gui command no longer resolve a start-block=-1 to the 'initialBlock' of the requested module. To get this behavior, simply assign an empty string value to the flag start-block instead.
  • Added support for search within the Substreams gui output view. Usage of search within output behaves similar to the less command, and can be toggled with "/".

Note This was initially released as 1.0.2 but it has been retracted because it accidentally included the upcoming refactoring.


13 Apr 17:22
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Release v1.0.2 has been retracted because it was actually containing an upcoming refactoring that should not have been released yet. Please upgrade to instead.


06 Apr 20:03
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Substreams v1.0.1


  • "undo" messages incorrectly contained too many module outputs (all modules, with some duplicates)
  • Fixed status bar message cutoff bug
  • Fixed substreams run when manifest contains unknown attributes
  • Fixed bubble tea program error when existing the run command


  • Improved the substreams alpha init command to now create a ready-to-go Substreams package. Its parameter is the desired project path, and the package created is similar to our substreams-template repo which tracks an ERC-721 project's transfers.