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Releases: striezel/echarts-node-export-server

Version 4.1.2 (2022-11-06)

06 Nov 18:54
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Update dependency tar to 6.1.12.

Version 4.1.1 (2022-10-31)

31 Oct 19:56
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Update dependency canvas to 2.10.2.

Note: canvas 2.10.2 is the first version which has prebuilds for Node.js 16 and Node.js 18, so the initial npm install should now work smoother for people using those versions of Node.js.

Version 4.1.0 (2022-10-16)

16 Oct 15:10
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The ECharts library is updated from version 5.3.3 to version 5.4.0. ECharts 5.4.0 brings several fixes and a few new features, compared to 5.3.3. For a full list of those see the release notes of ECharts:

Version 4.0.1 (2022-10-16)

15 Oct 23:37
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Update dependencies nan to 2.17.0, and semver to 7.3.8.

Version 4.0.0 (2022-09-21)

21 Sep 00:30
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  • [breaking change]
    Support for Node.js 8, Node.js 9, Node.js 10, and Node.js 11 is dropped.
    The minimum required version is now Node.js 12.
    Node.js 8 has reached its end of life on 2019-12-31, Node.js 9 reached its end of life on 2018-06-30, Node.js 10 reached its end of life on 2021-04-30, Node.js 11 reached its end of life on 2019-06-01. All those versions are not maintained anymore by the Node.js developers. If you are still using older versions of Node.js, then please consider updating to a newer one.
  • [breaking change]
    Update dependency uuid to 9.0.0. This version of uuid drops support for Node.js 10 (and earlier).

Version 3.0.4 (2022-09-12)

12 Sep 21:24
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Update dependencies canvas to 2.10.1, and @mapbox/node-pre-gyp to 1.0.10.

Version 3.0.3 (2022-07-03)

03 Jul 19:26
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Update dependencies canvas to 2.9.3, and minipass to 3.3.4.

Version 3.0.2 (2022-07-03)

03 Jul 17:43
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The requirement for Node.js 8 or a later version is now explicitly stated in the package.json file. While Node.js 8 or later has been required since version 3.0.0, this step provides clarity on the required version of Node.js.

Version 3.0.1 (2022-06-18)

18 Jun 17:06
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The ECharts library is updated from version 5.3.2 to version 5.3.3. ECharts 5.3.3 brings several fixes and a few new features, compared to 5.3.2. For a full list of those see the release notes of ECharts:

Version 3.0.0 (2022-06-07)

07 Jun 00:56
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Rendering is switched from PhantomJS to server-side rendering of ECharts, available since ECharts 5.3.0. This should be faster than the previous approach with PhantomJS.

[new feature]
Furthermore, it is now possible to get the plots rendered as SVG images. To switch to SVG, add the HTTP header X-Image-Format to the request and set its value to svg (all lower case).

[breaking change]
PNG images will now use a transparent background instead of the previous white background. To set a background color, use the option backgroundColor of ECharts. For example, to get the white background as in previous versions, add "backgroundColor": "#ffffff" to the chart options.

Furthermore, the application will now require at least version 8 of Node.js, but the use of a later version that is still maintained (e. g. Node.js 14 LTS) is preferred.

Update dependency uuid to 8.3.2.