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File metadata and controls

286 lines (229 loc) · 12.2 KB


⚠️ DISCLAIMER: This hasn't been updated for a while and may be outdated. For a more current guide, please refer to

This project is Taiko-specific, SGX-enabled fork of Zeth called Raiko. It consists of 2 'modules': raiko-guest and host.

  • host is capable of fetching relevant block data and saving it to the *.json.gz file. host is not being run inside SGX enclave.
  • raiko-guest is responsible for generating public-private key pair and signing. It can run inside SGX enclave.


To build the project make sure you have correct toolchain selected:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~/zeth$ rustup default
nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)

and compile the project:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~/zeth$ cargo build

The above command creates /target directory with host and raiko-guest compilation artifacts.


You can either run raiko-guest directly, or indirectly by running host JSON-RPC server. In any case running it requires some Gramine-specific preconfiguration before you can run the binary. This can be automated in the future.

If you are running raiko-guest directly, you can either use one-shot mode, or a long-running RA-TLS server (which is experimental). Production environment uses host JSON-RPC server that starts raiko-guest in one-shot mode.

To sum up, these are the ways to run raiko-guest:

  • Run raiko-guest directly in:
    • one-shot mode, or:
    • long-running mode (RA-TLS server).
  • Run host that in turn runs raiko-guest in one-shot mode.

One-shot mode

To run raiko-guest in one-shot mode with SGX using Gramine:

  1. Compile Gramine's configuration file:

    ubuntu@ubuntu:~/zeth$ cd target/debug
    ubuntu@ubuntu:~/zeth/target/debug$ cp ../../raiko-guest/config/raiko-guest.local.manifest.template .
    ubuntu@ubuntu:~/zeth/target/debug$ gramine-manifest -Dlog_level=error -Darch_libdir=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ raiko-guest.local.manifest.template raiko-guest.manifest
  2. Sign Gramine's configuration file. MRENCLAVE – a.k.a. measurement – is also calculated at this stage (see last line of the below log):

    ubuntu@ubuntu:~/zeth/target/debug$ gramine-sgx-sign --manifest raiko-guest.manifest --output raiko-guest.manifest.sgx
        size:        0x10000000000
        edmm:        True
        max_threads: 16
        isv_prod_id: 0
        isv_svn:     0
        attr.flags:  0x4
        attr.xfrm:   0x3
        misc_select: 0x0
    SGX remote attestation:
        000000ffffff3000-0000010000000000 [REG:R--] (manifest) measured
        000000fffff73000-000000ffffff3000 [REG:RW-] (ssa) measured
        000000fffff63000-000000fffff73000 [TCS:---] (tcs) measured
        000000fffff53000-000000fffff63000 [REG:RW-] (tls) measured
        000000fffff13000-000000fffff53000 [REG:RW-] (stack) measured
        000000ffffed3000-000000fffff13000 [REG:RW-] (stack) measured
        000000ffffe93000-000000ffffed3000 [REG:RW-] (stack) measured
        000000ffffe53000-000000ffffe93000 [REG:RW-] (stack) measured
        000000ffffe13000-000000ffffe53000 [REG:RW-] (stack) measured
        000000ffffdd3000-000000ffffe13000 [REG:RW-] (stack) measured
        000000ffffd93000-000000ffffdd3000 [REG:RW-] (stack) measured
        000000ffffd53000-000000ffffd93000 [REG:RW-] (stack) measured
        000000ffffd13000-000000ffffd53000 [REG:RW-] (stack) measured
        000000ffffc53000-000000ffffc93000 [REG:RW-] (stack) measured
        000000ffffc13000-000000ffffc53000 [REG:RW-] (stack) measured
        000000ffffbd3000-000000ffffc13000 [REG:RW-] (stack) measured
        000000ffffb93000-000000ffffbd3000 [REG:RW-] (stack) measured
        000000ffffb53000-000000ffffb93000 [REG:RW-] (stack) measured
        000000ffffb43000-000000ffffb53000 [REG:RW-] (sig_stack) measured
        000000ffffb33000-000000ffffb43000 [REG:RW-] (sig_stack) measured
        000000ffffa49000-000000ffffa53000 [REG:RW-] (data) measured

    The above command creates raiko-guest.sig file (next to raiko-guest.manifest.sgx). You can check MRSIGNER and MRENCLAVE values by running:

    ubuntu@ubuntu:~/zeth/target/debug$ gramine-sgx-sigstruct-view ./raiko-guest.sig
     mr_signer: 669b80648c2d9c97f32263fa1961f95f83818682d6359758221f0e7acb9584c0
     mr_enclave: 3c2ef3d06dfb2ebb3ba664d82439f4636138c8d0cfd63793d47bb030f07125ca
        isv_prod_id: 0
        isv_svn: 0
        debug_enclave: False
  3. Initialize secrets directory where the encrypted (or more precisely, sealed) private keys will be saved and rotated:

    ubuntu@ubuntu:~/zeth/target/debug$ mkdir secrets
    ubuntu@ubuntu:~/zeth/target/debug$ gramine-sgx ./raiko-guest bootstrap
    Gramine is starting. Parsing TOML manifest file, this may take some time...
    Gramine detected the following insecure configurations:
      - loader.insecure__use_cmdline_argv = true   (forwarding command-line args from untrusted host to the app)
      - sys.insecure__allow_eventfd = true         (host-based eventfd is enabled)
      - sgx.allowed_files = [ ... ]                (some files are passed through from untrusted host without verification)
    Gramine will continue application execution, but this configuration must not be used in production!
    Bootstrapping the app
    Next public key: 0x021d90eee5c402692fa3a3d3edd43a052367efbd6e4d26b9ca14099516525b9d09
    Entry: /root/.config/raiko/secrets/priv.key
  4. Run raiko-guest with the input file of your choice:

    ubuntu@ubuntu:~/zeth/target/debug$ gramine-sgx ./raiko-guest one-shot --blocks-data-file /tmp/ethereum/173.json.gz
    Gramine is starting. Parsing TOML manifest file, this may take some time...
    Gramine detected the following insecure configurations:
      - loader.insecure__use_cmdline_argv = true   (forwarding command-line args from untrusted host to the app)
      - sys.insecure__allow_eventfd = true         (host-based eventfd is enabled)
      - sgx.allowed_files = [ ... ]                (some files are passed through from untrusted host without verification)
    Gramine will continue application execution, but this configuration must not be used in production!
    Starting one shot mode
    Reading input file /tmp/ethereum/173.json.gz (block no: 173)
    Current public key: 0x021d90eee5c402692fa3a3d3edd43a052367efbd6e4d26b9ca14099516525b9d09
    Next public key: 0x02ed03055d75c4c5260fe93b067e6ed7c22232fc7b520b1b5367dfde093c06e92f
    Signature: 0x3045022100d88304d2538f3ebb80a8b4be1e20fd1516abe543031aede7fce90561303bf7e002203ca644544386f41259cfb491dcc1a40ae3f09435e2bb136cf0baf0baf6969eb0
    Detected attestation type: dcap
    Extracted SGX quote with size = 4734 and the following fields:
    Quote: 03000200<TRUNCATED>649434154452d2d2d2d2d0a00
      ATTRIBUTES.FLAGS: 0500000000000000  [ Debug bit: false ]
      ATTRIBUTES.XFRM:  e700000000000000
      MRENCLAVE:        3c2ef3d06dfb2ebb3ba664d82439f4636138c8d0cfd63793d47bb030f07125ca
      MRSIGNER:         669b80648c2d9c97f32263fa1961f95f83818682d6359758221f0e7acb9584c0
      ISVPRODID:        0000
      ISVSVN:           0000
      REPORTDATA:       3032656430333035356437356334633532363066653933623036376536656437

ECDSA key pair is rotated every run as presented in the diagram below:

key rotation

RA-TLS server

To run RA-TLS server listening on port 8080, run the same commands as in section raiko-guest but instead of running gramine-sgx ./raiko-guest one-shot (...) run gramine-sgx ./raiko-guest server:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~/zeth/target/debug$ gramine-sgx ./raiko-guest server
Gramine is starting. Parsing TOML manifest file, this may take some time...
Gramine detected the following insecure configurations:
  - loader.insecure__use_cmdline_argv = true   (forwarding command-line args from untrusted host to the app)
  - sys.insecure__allow_eventfd = true         (host-based eventfd is enabled)
  - sgx.allowed_files = [ ... ]                (some files are passed through from untrusted host without verification)

Gramine will continue application execution, but this configuration must not be used in production!

Starting RA-TLS server - listening on
Detected attestation type: dcap
Successfully obtained key and certificate data.
DER Key: [48, 129, <truncated>, 193, 232, 90, 45]
DER Certificate: [48, 130, <truncated>, 118, 143]

RA-TLS client

To run RA-TLS client, you need to use the following PR: pbeza/rust-mbedtls#1 and run:


In the above case, run:

RUST_BACKTRACE=1 ./client 3c2ef3d06dfb2ebb3ba664d82439f4636138c8d0cfd63793d47bb030f07125ca 669b80648c2d9c97f32263fa1961f95f83818682d6359758221f0e7acb9584c0 0 0

In case you get the following errors when running the above command:

ra_tls_verify_callback: Quote: verification failed with error OUT_OF_DATE_CONFIG_NEEDED
ra_tls_verify_callback_extended_der returned -9984

try to run:


You may also need to rebuild the project:

cargo build --example client --verbose


Copy sgx-guest binary:

cargo build
cp target/debug/raiko-guest host/provers/sgx
cd host/provers/sgx
gramine-manifest -Dlog_level=error -Darch_libdir=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ raiko-guest.local.manifest.template raiko-guest.manifest
gramine-sgx-sign --manifest raiko-guest.manifest --output raiko-guest.manifest.sgx
cd -

Start host JSON-RPC server:

RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --bin host -- --sgx-instance-id=123
// or with specific log path
RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --bin host -- --sgx-instance-id=123 --log-path=/var/log/raiko

Send a request to the server:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "proof",
  "params": [
      "type": "Sgx",
      "l2Rpc": "",
      "l1Rpc": "",
      "block": 2,
      "prover": "0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8",
      "graffiti": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "type": "Sgx",
    "proof": "0000007b00ea54fe7dfc5f3ea32b9c9f3398c8ee19998987597d80627c3e227cbfb798111adaf1a8b4332c98f06c4acabb06a34f8fadc04d44596e43fb764c4d2c58752f37722b4e734a323374fa9ef5d41b2669ef1194b8"


If you are getting the following error:

[P1:T1:] error: libos_init() failed in init_exec_handle: Permission denied (EACCES)

make sure to rerun gramine-sgx-sign command.