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269 lines (255 loc) · 15.4 KB

Starling: Changelog

version 1.4 RC - 2013-08-19

  • optimized rendering / buffer upload speed by using ByteArrays instead of Vectors in VertexData. Heads-up: this changes the public interface - update your custom render methods!
  • added 'Sprite.clipRect' property for simple rectangular masking (thanks to Tim Conkling)
  • added 'DisplacementMapFilter'
  • added support for 'HiDPI' (i.e. retina MacBooks)
  • added support for RectangleTextures introduced in AIR 3.8
  • added support for updated ATF file format
  • added 'Texture.root.onRestore()' for manual texture restoration on context loss
  • added 'Texture.fromEmbeddedAsset()'
  • added 'TextField.autoSize' (thanks to Tim Conkling)
  • added 'AssetManager.enqueueWithName()' for custom naming of assets
  • added protected 'AssetManager.getName()' for custom naming rules in subclasses
  • added protected 'TextField.formatText()' for subclassing (thanks to Grant Mathews)
  • added support for generic XML, ByteArrays and JSON data to AssetManager
  • added 'Stage.drawToBitmapData()' method for game screenshots
  • added 'TextureAtlas.texture' property
  • added 'Tween.getEndValue()' (thanks to Josh Tynjala)
  • added 'Tween.getProgress()'
  • added 'Quad.premultipliedAlpha' (for consistency)
  • added 'AssetManager.checkPolicyFile'
  • added 'TextField.redraw()' method to force immediate drawing of contents
  • added 'DisplayObject.alignPivot()' for simple object alignment
  • added optional 'id' paramter to 'TouchEvent.getTouch()' method
  • added optional QuadBatch batching via 'QuadBatch.batchable'
  • added 'RenderSupport.getTextureLookupFlags()'
  • added 'Image.setTexCoordsTo()' method
  • added 'Texture.adjustTexCoords()' method
  • added support for all new Stage3D texture formats (including runtime compression on Desktop)
  • added support for custom TouchProcessors (thanks to Tim Conkling)
  • optimized hidden object allocations on iOS (thanks to Nisse Bryngfors & Adobe Scout)
  • optimized handling of texture recreation in case of a context loss (requires much less memory)
  • optimized broadcast of ENTER_FRAME event
  • optimized 'DisplayObject.transformationMatrix' calculations (thanks to Ville Koskela)
  • optimized usage of QuadBatches used during rendering (now trimming them)
  • optimized 'Button' by removing TextField when text is empty String
  • optimized 'DisplayObjectContainer.setChildIndex()' (thanks to Josh Tynjala)
  • updated filename / URL parsing of AssetManager to be more robust (thanks to peerobo)
  • updated Keyboard events: they are now broadcasted to all display objects
  • updated 'transporter_chief.rb' to use 'iOS-deploy' instead of 'fruitstrap'
  • updated the region a filter draws into (now limited to object bounds + margin)
  • updated bitmap font registration to be case insensitive
  • updated AssetManager to use texture file name as name for bitmap font
  • fixed multitouch support on devices with both mouse and touch screen
  • fixed that AssetManager sometimes never finished loading the queue
  • fixed 'MovieClip.totalTime' calculations to avoid floating point errors
  • fixed some problems with special cases within 'MovieClip.advanceTime()'
  • fixed layout of monospace bitmap fonts
  • fixed unwanted context3D-recreation in 'Starling.dispose()' (thanks to Sebastian Marketsmüller)
  • fixed various errors in VertexData (thanks to hamidhomatash)
  • fixed missing pivotX/Y-updates in 'DisplayObject.transformationMatrix' setter
  • fixed native TextField padding value
  • fixed that small filtered objects would cause frequent texture uploads
  • fixed that 'DisplayObjectContainer.sortChildren()' used an unstable sorting algorithm
  • fixed 'VertexData.getBounds()' for empty object
  • fixed recursion error when applying filter on flattened object
  • fixed dispatching of ADDED events when child was re-added to the same parent
  • fixed missing HOVER event after ended Touches (caused hand-cursor to appear only after movement)

version 1.3 - 2013-01-14

  • added FragmentFilter class for filter effects
  • added BlurFilter for blur, drop shadow and glow effects
  • added ColorMatrixFilter for color effects
  • added experimental 'AssetManager' class to scaffold and demo projects
  • added convenience method 'Juggler.tween'
  • added 'repeatDelay' property to Tween class
  • added 'onRepeat' and 'onRepeatArgs' callback to Tween class
  • added 'repeatCount' and 'reverse' properties to Tween class
  • added 'nextTween' property to Tween class
  • added support for custom transition functions without string reference
  • added 'TextureAtlas.getNames' method
  • added text alignment properties to the Button class (thanks to piterwilson)
  • added workaround for viewport limitations in constrained mode (thanks to jamikado)
  • added setting of correct stage scale mode and align to Starling constructor
  • added 'RectangleUtil' class with Rectangle helper methods
  • added support for asynchronous loading of ATF textures
  • added 'renderTarget' property to RenderSupport class
  • added 'scissorRect' property to RenderSupport class
  • added 'nativeWidth' & 'nativeHeight' properties to Texture classes
  • added 'Juggler.contains' method (thanks to Josh Tynjala)
  • added support for directly modifying Starling viewPort rectangle (without re-assigning)
  • added option to ignore mip maps of ATF textures
  • added 'reset' method to 'DelayedCall' class (thanks to Oldes)
  • added support for infinite 'DelayedCall' repetitions
  • added 'pressure' and 'size' properties to Touch
  • added optional 'result' argument to 'Touch.getTouches' (thanks to Josh Tynjala)
  • added optional 'result' argument to 'TextureAtlas.getTextures/getNames'
  • added support for carriage return char in BitmapFont (thanks to marcus7262)
  • added arguments for mipmaps and scale to 'fromBitmap' method (thanks to elsassph)
  • added preloader to demo project
  • added scale parameter to 'Starling.showStatsAt'
  • added support for Event.MOUSE_LEAVE on native stage (thans to jamikado)
  • added support for Maven builds (thanks to bsideup)
  • added 'contextData' property on Starling instance
  • added 'RenderSupport.assembleAgal'
  • updated mobile scaffold and demo projects, now using the same startup class for Android & iOS
  • updated methods in 'Transitions' class to be protected
  • updated 'DisplayObject.hasVisibleArea' method to be public
  • updated MovieClip.fps setter for better performance (thanks to radamchin)
  • updated handling of shared context situations (now also supporting context loss)
  • removed embedded assets to avoid dependency on 'mx.core' library
  • fixed display list rendering when Starling is stopped (thanks to jamikado)
  • fixed 'DisplayObject.transformationMatrix' setter
  • fixed skewing to work just like in Flash Pro (thanks to tconkling)
  • fixed 'Touch.get(Previous)Location' (threw error when touch target was no longer on the stage)
  • fixed wrong x-offset on first bitmap char of a line (thanks to Calibretto)
  • fixed bug when creating a SubTexture / calling 'Texture.fromTexture()' from a RenderTexture
  • fixed disruptive left-over touches on interruption of AIR app
  • fixed multiply blend mode for ATF textures
  • fixed error when juggler purge was triggered from advanceTime
  • fixed: bubble chain is now frozen when touch reaches phase "BEGAN"
  • fixed: now disposing children in reverse order
  • fixed: now forcing correct depth test and stencil settings
  • fixed: stats display now remembers previous position

version 1.2 - 2012-08-15

  • added enhanced event system with automatic event pooling and new 'dispatchEventWith' method
  • added support for Context3D profiles (available in AIR 3.4)
  • added support for final ATF file format
  • added support for skewing through new properties 'skewX' and 'skewY' on DisplayObjects (thanks to aduros, tconkling, spmallick and groves)
  • added support for manually assigning a transformation matrix to a display object (thanks to spmallick)
  • added new 'DRW' value in statistics display, showing the number of draw calls per frame
  • added 'BitmapFont.createSprite' method, useful for simple text effects
  • added support for a shared context3D (useful for combining Starling with other frameworks)
  • added 'Starling.root' property to access the root class instance
  • added 'BitmapFont.getBitmapFont' method
  • added support for custom bitmap font names
  • added support for batching QuadBatch instances
  • added check that MovieClip's fps value is greater than zero
  • added 'MatrixUtil' class containing Matrix helper methods
  • added more optional 'result*'-parameters to avoid temporary object creation
  • added native filter support to TextField class (thanks to RRAway)
  • added 'getRegion' and 'getFrame' methods to TextureAtlas
  • added new 'DisplayObject.base' property that replaces old 'DisplayObject.root' functionality.
  • now, 'DisplayObject.root' returns the topmost object below the stage, just as in classic Flash.
  • now determining bubble chain before dispatching event, just as in classic Flash
  • now returning the removed/added child in remove/add methods of DisplayObject
  • now returning the name of the bitmap font in 'registerBitmapFont' method
  • moved 'useHandCursor' property from Sprite to DisplayObject
  • updated AGALMiniAssembler to latest version
  • optimized performance by using 2D matrices (instead of Matrix3D) almost everywhere
  • optimized performance by caching transformation matrices of DisplayObjects
  • optimized handling of empty batches in 'RenderSupport.finishQuadBatch' method
  • optimized temporary object handling, avoiding it at even more places
  • optimized localToGlobal and globalToLocal methods
  • optimized bitmap char arrangement by moving color assignment out of the loop
  • optimized bitmap char arrangement by pooling char location objects
  • optimized abstract class check (now only done in debug player)
  • optimized 'advanceTime' method in Juggler
  • optimized MovieClip constructor
  • fixed wrong char arrangement when last bitmap char is missing (thanks to qoolbox)
  • fixed handling of touches that begin outside the viewport
  • fixed wrong 'tinted' value when setting color to white
  • fixed scaling implementation (did not take cached transformation matrix into account)
  • fixed handling of duplicate event listeners
  • fixed handling of duplicate tweens in juggler (thanks to bsideup)
  • fixed bitmap font line position when text is truncated
  • fixed memory leak when using Juggler.purge (thanks to vync79)
  • fixed leak when computing display object's transformation matrix (thanks to Fraggle)
  • fixed error caused by removal of sibling in REMOVED_FROM_STAGE event (thanks to Josh)
  • fixed that ROOT_CREATED was sometimes dispatched in wrong situations (thanks to Alex and Marc)

version 1.1 - 2012-05-06

  • added support for multi-resolution development through 'contentScaleFactor'
  • added demo project for mobile devices
  • added scaffold project for mobile devices
  • added blend modes
  • added Flash Builder project files
  • added ability to erase content from a render texture (through 'BlendMode.ERASE')
  • added 'toString' method to Touch class
  • added 'getBounds' utility method to VertexData class and using it in Quad class
  • added ability to use 'QuadBatch' class as a display object
  • added 'Starling.showStats' method for FPS and MEM monitoring
  • added minimal Bitmap Font 'mini'
  • added 'baseline' property to BitmapFont class
  • added ability to use multiples of 'BitmapFont.NATIVE_SIZE'
  • added 'Touch.getMovement' property
  • added 'Transport Chief' script to deploy iOS apps via the terminal
  • added reset method to tween class to support instance pooling (thanks to pchertok!)
  • added 'Event.ROOT_CREATED', dispatched when the root object is ready (thanks to fogAndWhisky!)
  • optimized shaders for iPad and comparable devices, leading to a much better performance
  • optimized vertex buffer uploading for faster iPad 1 performance
  • optimized 'Quad.getBounds' method
  • optimized Bitmap Font rendering greatly
  • optimized 'DisplayObjectContainer.contains' method greatly (thanks to joshtynjala!)
  • optimized some matrix and rendering code (thanks to jSandhu!)
  • fixed error when TextField text property was set to 'null'
  • fixed wrong error output in 'Image.smoothing' setter
  • fixed: pausing and restarting Starling now resets passed time
  • fixed exception when child of flattened sprite had zero scaleX- or scaleY-value
  • fixed exception on mipmap creation when texture was only one pixel high/wide
  • fixed lost color data when pma vertex data was set to 'alpha=0' (thanks to Tomyail!)
  • fixed: mouse, touch & keyboard events are now ignored when Starling is stopped
  • fixed: native overlay is now still updated when Starling is stopped
  • fixed possible blurring of persistent render texture (thanks to grahamma!)
  • fixed drawing erros in render texture that occured with certain scale factors
  • fixed error when MovieClip was manipulated from a COMPLETE handler

version 1.0 - 2012-02-24

  • reduced memory consumption a LOT by getting rid of many temporary objects
  • added numerous performance enhancements (by inlining methods, removing closures, etc.)
  • added 'sortChildren' method to DisplayObjectContainer, for easy child arrangement
  • added 'useHandCursor' property to Sprite class
  • added 'useHandCursor' activation to Button class
  • added 'stage3D' property to Starling class
  • added hover phase for both cursors in multitouch simulation
  • added support to handle a lost device context
  • added check for display tree recursions (a child must not add a parent)
  • added support for having multiple Starling instances simultaneously
  • added 'Event.COMPLETE' and using it in MovieClip class
  • added Ant build file (thanks to groves!)
  • added new artwork to demo project
  • optimized MovieClip 'advanceTime' method
  • changed IAnimatable interface:
    • removed 'isComplete' method
    • instead, the Juggler listens to the new event type REMOVE_FROM_JUGGLER
  • fixed 'isComplete' method of various classes (possible due to IAnimatable change)
  • fixed null reference exception in BitmapFont class that popped up when a kerned character was not defined (thanks to jamieowen!)
  • fixed handling of platforms that have both mouse and a multitouch device
  • fixed reliability of multitouch simulation
  • fixed dispose method of main Starling class
  • fixed bounds calculation on empty containers (thanks to groves!)
  • fixed SubTextures: they are now smart enough to dispose unused base textures.
  • fixed right mouse button issues in AIR (now only listening to left mouse button)

version 0.9.1 - 2011-12-11

  • added property to access native stage from Starling class
  • added property to access Starling stage from Starling class
  • added exception when render function is not implemented
  • moved touch marker image into src directory for better portability
  • added bubbling for Event.ADDED and Event.REMOVED
  • added 'readjustSize' method to Image
  • added major performance enhancements:
    • created QuadBatch class as a replacement for the QuadGroup class, and using it for all quad rendering
    • optimized VertexData class
    • removed many Matrix allocations in RenderSupport class
    • removed many temporary object allocations
    • accelerated re-flattening of flattened sprites
    • replaced performance critical 'for each' loops with faster 'for' loops
  • demo now automatically uses 30 fps in Software mode
  • fixed center of rotation in multitouch demo
  • fixed mouse/touch positions when stage size is changed
  • fixed alpha propagation in flattened sprites
  • fixed ignored bold property in TextField constructor
  • fixed code to output fewer warnings in FDT

version 0.9 - 2011-09-11

  • first public version