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GCR image pull permissions from exernal K8s cluster with Config Connector

This sample demonstrates how you can provision a secret on external K8s clusters for GCR image using Config Connector

  1. Update the files in this example to use your project name

    LC_CTYPE=C && find ./resources/ -type f -exec sed -i '' 's/\[PROJECT_ID\]/your_project_id/g' {} \;
  2. Create cluster on your favorite non-GCP cloud provider. For example, create Amazon EKS cluster

  3. Create GCP project and install Config Connector on your cluster:

    export SA_EMAIL="cnrm-system@${PROJECT_ID}"
    # create project
    gcloud projects create $PROJECT_ID --name="$PROJECT_ID"
    gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
    # to provision Config Connector, create cnrm-system service account and export the tkey
    gcloud iam service-accounts create cnrm-system --project ${PROJECT_ID}
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member "serviceAccount:${SA_EMAIL}" --role roles/owner
    gcloud iam service-accounts keys create --iam-account "${SA_EMAIL}" ./key.json
    # install Config Connector
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --user $(gcloud config get-value account)
    curl -X GET -sLO --location-trusted
    rm -rf install-bundle
    tar zxvf install-bundle.tar.gz
    kubectl apply -f install-bundle/
    # give cnrm-system namespace permissions to manage GCP
    kubectl create secret generic gcp-key --from-file ./key.json --namespace cnrm-system
    # annotate the namespace
    kubectl annotate namespace default "${PROJECT_ID}" --overwrite
  4. Create your GCR bucket:

    kubectl apply -f ./resources/gcr-bucket.yaml
  5. Upload the image to your GCR bucket. For example, using my name:

    docker pull bulankou/node-hello-world:latest
    docker tag bulankou/node-hello-world[PROJECT_ID]/node-hello-world
    docker push[PROJECT_ID]/node-hello-world
  6. Create resources, including service account, service account key, IAM policy for the service account and GCR bucket.

    kubectl apply -f ./resources/
  7. Create gcr-docker-key secret to pull the image. It is using gcr-sa-key that was automatically created by Config Connector.

    kubectl create secret docker-registry gcr-docker-key \
    --docker-server= \
    --docker-username=_json_key \
    [email protected] \
    --docker-password="$(kubectl get secret gcr-sa-key -o go-template=$'{{index .data "key.json"}}' | base64 --decode)"
  8. Verify that pod is created:

    kubectl get pods
    kubectl exec node-app-pod curl http://localhost:8080