From 55c9e860b883a29c3e2b8c5a69b39b4e7589163c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Karan Palan <> Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2024 14:02:03 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] docs(masonry): Add technical specs for brick and stack --- .../docs/technical-specification/ | 103 +++++++++++++ .../docs/technical-specification/ | 137 ++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 240 insertions(+) create mode 100644 modules/masonry/docs/technical-specification/ create mode 100644 modules/masonry/docs/technical-specification/ diff --git a/modules/masonry/docs/technical-specification/ b/modules/masonry/docs/technical-specification/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..99eef6e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/masonry/docs/technical-specification/ @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +### 1. **`model.ts`**: Abstract Classes + +This file contains the abstract classes that define the blueprint for different types of bricks. These classes are not instantiated directly; instead, they are extended by concrete classes to provide specific implementations. + +#### Abstract Classes + +- **`BrickModel`**: The base class for all brick types. + - **Properties:** + - `uuid: string` - Unique identifier. + - `name: string` - Name for internal bookkeeping. + - `kind: TBrickKind` - Represents the kind (e.g., "instruction" or "argument"). + - `type: TBrickType` - Represents the type (e.g., "data", "expression", "statement", "block"). + - `label: string` - Primary label for display. + - `glyph: string` - Optional glyph icon. + - `colorBg`, `colorFg`, `colorBgHighlight`, `colorFgHighlight`, `outline` - Colors for display. + - `highlighted: boolean` - State indicating whether the brick is highlighted. + - `scale: number` - Scale factor for rendering. + - **Abstract Methods:** + - `get boundingBox(): TExtent` - Returns the bounding box dimensions of the brick. + - `get connPointsFixed(): Record<string, { extent: TExtent; coords: TCoords }>` - Returns fixed connection points. + +- **`BrickModelArgument`**: Extends `BrickModel` for bricks that act as arguments. + - **Abstract Methods:** + - `get connPointsFixed(): Record<'argOutgoing', { extent: TExtent; coords: TCoords }>` - Returns the outgoing connection point for arguments. + +- **`BrickModelInstruction`**: Extends `BrickModel` for instruction bricks. + - **Properties:** + - `connectAbove: boolean` - Indicates if the brick can connect above. + - `connectBelow: boolean` - Indicates if the brick can connect below. + - `args: { id: string; label: string }[]` - List of arguments. + - **Abstract Methods:** + - `get connPointsArg(): { [id: string]: { extent: TExtent; coords: TCoords } }` - Returns connection points for arguments. + - `setBoundingBoxArg(id: string, extent: TExtent): void` - Sets the bounding box for an argument. + +- **`BrickModelData`**: Extends `BrickModelArgument` for data bricks. + - **Properties:** + - `dynamic: boolean` - Indicates if the data brick is dynamic. + - `value?: boolean | number | string` - Value of the data brick. + - `input?: 'boolean' | 'number' | 'string' | 'options'` - Type of input for the data brick. + - **Abstract Methods:** + - `get renderProps(): TBrickRenderPropsData` - Returns properties required to render the data brick. + +- **`BrickModelExpression`**: Extends `BrickModelArgument` for expression bricks. + - **Properties:** + - `args: { id: string; label: string }[]` - List of arguments. + - **Abstract Methods:** + - `get connPointsArg(): { [id: string]: { extent: TExtent; coords: TCoords } }` - Returns connection points for arguments. + - `setBoundingBoxArg(id: string, extent: TExtent): void` - Sets the bounding box for an argument. + - `get renderProps(): TBrickRenderPropsExpression` - Returns properties required to render the expression brick. + +- **`BrickModelStatement`**: Extends `BrickModelInstruction` for statement bricks. + - **Abstract Methods:** + - `get connPointsFixed(): Record<'insTop' | 'insBottom', { extent: TExtent; coords: TCoords }>` - Returns fixed connection points for insertion points. + - `get renderProps(): TBrickRenderPropsStatement` - Returns properties required to render the statement brick. + +- **`BrickModelBlock`**: Extends `BrickModelInstruction` for block bricks. + - **Properties:** + - `folded: boolean` - Indicates if the block brick is folded. + - **Abstract Methods:** + - `get connPointsFixed(): Record<'insTop' | 'insBottom' | 'insNest', { extent: TExtent; coords: TCoords }>` - Returns fixed connection points for block insertion. + - `get renderProps(): TBrickRenderPropsBlock` - Returns properties required to render the block brick. + - `setBoundingBoxNest(extent: TExtent): void` - Sets the bounding box for the nested elements. + +### 2. **Concrete Classes** + +The concrete classes provide specific implementations of the abstract classes. These classes are used to create actual brick instances. + +- **`BrickBlock.ts`**: Concrete implementation of `BrickModelBlock`. + - Provides methods to calculate and return bounding boxes (`boundingBox`, `connPointsFixed`), render properties (`renderProps`), and set bounding boxes (`setBoundingBoxArg`, `setBoundingBoxNest`). + +- **`BrickData.ts`**: Concrete implementation of `BrickModelData`. + - Implements properties for dynamic data (`dynamic`, `value`, `input`), and methods to get connection points (`connPointsFixed`), render properties (`renderProps`), and set various properties (`setDynamic`, `setValue`, `setInput`). + +- **`BrickExpression.ts`**: Concrete implementation of `BrickModelExpression`. + - Manages expressions with arguments, implementing methods to calculate argument connection points (`connPointsArg`), set bounding boxes (`setBoundingBoxArg`), and provide rendering properties (`renderProps`). + +- **`BrickStatement.ts`**: Concrete implementation of `BrickModelStatement`. + - Converts argument objects to arrays, provides methods for fixed and argument connection points (`connPointsFixed`, `connPointsArg`), and rendering properties (`renderProps`). + +### 3. **`BrickFactory.ts`: Factory Functions and Warehouse** + +This file manages the creation of brick instances and their storage in a warehouse for easy retrieval, addition, and deletion. + +- **Warehouse**: A `Map` to store brick instances keyed by their `uuid`. + - Functions: + - `addBrickToWarehouse(brick)`: Adds a brick instance to the warehouse. + - `getBrickFromWarehouse(id)`: Retrieves a brick by its ID. + - `deleteBrickFromWarehouse(id)`: Deletes a brick by its ID. + +- **Factory Functions**: + - `createBrickBlock`, `createBrickData`, `createBrickExpression`, `createBrickStatement`: Functions that create instances of respective brick types and add them to the warehouse. + +### 4. **Components** + +Each brick type has a corresponding React component to handle its visual representation. The components use the `renderProps()` method from the concrete classes to render the brick according to its properties. + +- **`BrickWrapper.tsx`**: A Higher-Order Component (HOC) that wraps individual brick components. + - Retrieves brick instances from the warehouse using factory functions. + - Passes the `renderProps()` from each brick instance to the specific brick component (`BrickBlock`, `BrickData`, `BrickExpression`, `BrickStatement`) for rendering. + +### 5. **Stories** + +- **Storybook Files**: Used to create stories for each brick type. These files demonstrate different states and variations of the bricks, using the factory functions to create instances for visualization. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/modules/masonry/docs/technical-specification/ b/modules/masonry/docs/technical-specification/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b89e0eb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/masonry/docs/technical-specification/ @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +### 1. **Config for Brick Stack** + +#### (A) Define the Tree Structure Representing a Brick Stack +- **Tree Structure**: A hierarchical representation where each node is a brick. + - **Nodes**: Represent bricks with unique identifiers (`id`) that link back to their corresponding brick model instances. + - **Chaining of Arguments**: Some bricks will have arguments that connect in a chain-like manner. + - **Nesting of Instructions**: Instructions can be nested within other instructions. + - **Shadow Instructions and Arguments**: Handle bricks that act as shadows or placeholders. + +#### (B) Define the Properties Required to Render the Brick Stack +- **Positioning Information**: Store the relative positions of each brick in the stack to determine how they are rendered visually. +- **Stack Dimensions**: Overall dimensions based on the size of all bricks combined. + +#### (C) Define How Connection Points Will Be Mapped +- **Mapping Connection Points**: For any given connection point, identify: + - Which brick it belongs to. + - Which part of the brick it represents (e.g., if it's an argument connector, specify which argument). +- **Coordinate Storage**: Store coordinates relative to the origin of the brick stack. + +### 2. **Code for Brick Stack** + +#### **Brick Stack Class (Model)** +This class will encapsulate the functionalities required to manage and render the brick stack. It will have the following: + +- **Methods to Set and Get the Current Tree**: + - Manage the current state of the tree structure representing the stack. + +- **Methods to Query the Map of Connection Points**: + - Provide a way to retrieve all connection points and their corresponding bricks. + +- **Method to Return Props for the React Component (View)**: + - Gather all properties needed to render the brick stack in the React component based on the current state. + +#### **Brick Stack Positioning Calculations** +The class will also handle: + +- **Preorder Traversal for Argument Chains**: + - Query brick classes (model) to get their bounding boxes. + - Calculate relative positions of bricks along the argument chains. + - Determine sizes for argument bricks at different levels of the stack. + +- **Preorder Traversal for Instruction Tree**: + - Query brick models to get their bounding boxes. + - Calculate relative positions of bricks within the instruction tree. + - Determine sizes for instruction bricks at different levels of nesting. + +- **Mapping of Connection Point Coordinates**: + - Translate the connection points' coordinates from the brick models to their positions in the stack. + +#### **React Component for Brick Stack (View)** +- **Props will be (B)**: + - The component will receive props that include the positioning data and information necessary to render the stack correctly. + +- **Use the Brick React Components Developed Earlier**: + - It will utilize the individual brick components (`BrickBlock`, `BrickData`, etc.) that were developed earlier. + +#### **Warehouse Module for Brick Stacks** +- **Map of Brick Stack ID to Instance**: + - Manage instances of brick stacks using a map structure to keep track of them. + +- **Functions to Add, Retrieve, and Delete Instances**: + - Add a new brick stack, retrieve an existing one, or delete a stack from the warehouse. + +### 3. **Storybook Files for Brick Stack Configurations and States** + +#### **Configurations to Cover:** +- No nesting +- Some nesting +- Deep nesting +- No arguments +- Chain of arguments +- Some missing arguments +- Shadow arguments +- Shadow instructions + +### Additional Details and Notes + +- **Inline and In-File Documentation**: + - Ensure that all classes, methods, and complex logic are well-documented to help future contributors understand the codebase. + +- **Export the Brick Stack Class, React Component, and Warehouse Module**: + - Make sure these are accessible to the workspace submodule, which will utilize them. + +--- + +What is required of brick + +### 1. **Brick Model Classes and Instances** + +- **Access to Concrete Classes (`BrickBlock`, `BrickData`, `BrickExpression`, `BrickStatement`)**: + - Instantiate these classes based on their constructor arguments. + - Call methods from these classes to get properties like bounding boxes, connection points, and render props. + +- **Methods to Retrieve Brick States**: + - Functions like `getBoundingBox()`, `getConnPointsFixed()`, and `getConnPointsArg()` from each concrete class to calculate the position and alignment of each brick in the stack. + +- **Methods to Set and Update Brick States**: + - Methods like `setScale()`, `setHighlighted()`, and other setters that allow changing the state of bricks dynamically as the stack is manipulated. + +### 2. **Brick Factory and Warehouse Functions** + +- **Factory Functions** (`createBrickBlock`, `createBrickData`, etc.): + - These will be used to create new brick instances with the correct properties. The factory functions will handle generating UUIDs and initializing instances with the correct configuration. + +- **Warehouse Functions** (`addBrickToWarehouse`, `getBrickFromWarehouse`, `deleteBrickFromWarehouse`): + - To store, retrieve, and manage instances of bricks efficiently. The brick stack needs to interact with the warehouse to maintain a map of all brick instances it contains. + +### 3. **Type Definitions and Interfaces** + +- **Types for Brick Properties and States** (`TBrickRenderProps`, `TColor`, `TExtent`, `TCoords`, etc.): + - Use these types to ensure consistent typing for the properties and states across both the brick stack and brick submodules. + +- **Interfaces for Brick Contracts** (`IBrick`, `IBrickBlock`, `IBrickData`, etc.): + - These will define the contract that each brick type must fulfill. The stack will rely on these contracts to interact with different brick instances. + +### 4. **Render Properties and Methods** + +- **Render Prop Methods** (`renderProps()`): + - Use the methods from the concrete brick classes to gather all necessary data for rendering each brick in the stack. This data will be passed to the React component representing the stack. + +### 5. **Bounding Box and Connection Point Calculations** + +- **Bounding Box Methods** (`getBoundingBox()`, etc.): + - Need these to determine the dimensions of each brick and calculate their positions within the stack. + +- **Connection Point Methods** (`getConnPointsFixed()`, `getConnPointsArg()`, etc.): + - These will help manage how bricks connect to each other, especially when considering nested or chained configurations. + +### 6. **Hooks for State Changes** + +- **State Management Hooks**: + - Hooks or methods that listen to or trigger changes in brick states (e.g., highlight state, scale state) so that the stack can re-render or adjust positioning when necessary. + +### 7. **Storybook and Test Utilities** + +- **Storybook Stories and Test Configurations**: + - Use the existing stories and test configurations to verify that the stack integrates correctly with different brick types and configurations.