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Scripts and relevant processed data files for Boothby et al 2015 and Koutsovoulos et al 2015 tardigrade genome papers

PacBio verification of euk-noneuk junctions

Also see my comment at

Note: This does not take into account our additional RNAseq data or our genomic (lack of) coverage data as described in . For now, I just wanted to see how many eukaryote-noneukaryote adjacent gene pairs from UNC's own list of genes could be verified using the UNC PacBio data.

Because I did not have access to the UNC team's assignment of genes as Metazoan/Bacterial/Fungal etc, I had to redo the taxonomic assignment of all genes so it is possible that my final number will be slightly different from theirs. Rather than pick gene pairs at random, I selected all instances where a eukaryote-like gene was next to a non-eukaryote like gene on the same scaffold.

  • Only 294 gene pairs matched these requirements (euk-noneuk adjacent on same scaffold), and of those, only 10 were fully spanned by a PacBio scaffold.

  • Repeating this for Metazoa-Nonmetazoa pairs, 713 such pairs remain (some of the euk-euk pairs become meta-nonmeta, and so the number of meta-nonmeta pairs went up). Of those, only 26 were verified by PacBio scaffolds.

Details of scripts/commands are below (I hope I've not made any mistakes as it is 5am! If someone could double check my numbers I'd be very grateful).

In summary, only 10 euk-noneuk (or 26 metazoa-nonmetazoa) gene pairs on UNC assembly are verified by UNC pacbio data.

Overview of steps

  1. Classify protein predictions as being eukaryote / Noneukaryote / NotSure

    a. blastp protein fasta against uniref90 database 1e-5 (this is a very lenient threshold, because we want to be sure we're not missing hits just because uniref doesn't have sequences from closely related species, can change this)

    b. Look up uniref90 hits and assign taxonomy ID. Create taxon hierarchy for each hit

    c. Classify each protein/gene as eukaryote / Noneukaryote depending on whether the sum of bitscores of all hits to eukaryotes is >90% sum of bitscores to all hits (and vice-versa). Use NotSure for all the others

  2. Pull out adjacent genes that are eukaryote-Noneukaryote from GFF file

    a. Pull out mRNA coordinates from GFF file

    b. Append taxonomy classification eukaryote Noneukaryote NotSure to each GFF entry

    c. Pull out outer coordinates of adjacent eukaryote-Noneukaryote genes (NotSures allowed in between)

  3. How many eukaryote-Noneukaryote regions are verified by PacBio scaffolds

    a. Use UNCs PacBio/UNC mapping file to extract UNC assembly scaffold regions that have pacbio scaffolds mapping

    b. Use bedtools to see how many euk-noneuk regions (from step 2 above) are covered completely by pacbio verified UNC regions (3a)


  1. Classify protein predictions as being eukaryote / Noneukaryote / NotSure

    a. blastp protein fasta against uniref90 database 1e-5 (this is a very lenient threshold, because we want to be sure we're not missing hits just because uniref doesn't have sequences from closely related species, can change this)

         # we used Diamond blastp for speed
         /exports/software/diamond/diamond-v0.7.9/diamond blastp \
             -d /exports/blast_db/uniref90.0.79 \
             -q \
             -a \
             -e 1e-5 -t /dev/shm -c 8 -p 32
         # -t -c -p are performance parameters

    b. Look up uniref90 hits and assign taxonomy ID (needs uniref100.taxlist). Create taxon hierarchy for each hit

         perl \
             /exports/blast_db/uniref100.taxlist \
         # this perl script takes the very large Diamond blastp output .daa file
         # and returns a tabular blast format file with the taxid as the last column
         paste \
             <(cut -f13 | cut -f1 -d ";" \
             | perl -) \
         # takes a taxid and returns the full NCBI taxonomy path to the root
         # paste simply appends that to the blast output as an extra column

    c. Classify each protein/gene as eukaryote / Noneukaryote depending on whether the sum of bitscores of all hits to eukaryotes is >90% sum of bitscores to all hits (and vice-versa). The 90% threshold can be changed. Use NotSure for all the others

         perl \
         < \
  2. Pull out adjacent genes that are eukaryote-Noneukaryote from GFF file

    a. Pull out mRNA coordinates from GFF file

         zgrep -P "\tmRNA\t" >

    b. Append taxonomy classification eukaryote Noneukaryote NotSure to GFF entry

         perl -e '
             open CLASS, "<";
             while (<CLASS>) { $class{$1} = $2 if /^(\S+)\t(.*euk)/ }
             open GFF, "<";
             while (<GFF>) {
                 if (/ID=(.*?);/ and exists $class{$1}) {
                     print $_ . "taxclass=$class{$1}\n";
                 } else {
                     print $_ . "taxclass=NotSure\n";        
         ' | sort -k1,1V -k4,4n >

    c. Pull out outer coordinates of adjacent eukaryote-Noneukaryote genes (NotSures allowed in between). i.e. if there is a pair of euk-noneuk genes next to each other on same UNC scaffold, then make a bed file for each such pair with region from start of gene 1 to end of gene 2.

         perl \
         < \
         > UNC.gff.euknoneuk.bed
         wc -l UNC.gff.euknoneuk.bed
  3. How many eukaryote-Noneukaryote regions are verified by PacBio scaffolds

    a. Use UNCs PacBio/UNC mapping file to extract UNC assembly scaffold regions that have pacbio scaffolds mapping

         zcat h_dujardini_illvspb_assemblies.m5.gz \
         | perl -lne '@F=split/\s+/;print join("\t",@F[0..15])' \
         | cut -f1,3,4 | perl -plne 's/\|/_/;s/\/\S+//;' \

    b. Use bedtools to see how many euk-noneuk regions (from 2 above) are covered completely by pacbio verified UNC regions (3a)

         /exports/software/bedtools/bedtools-2.25.0/bin/intersectBed -wa -f 1 \
             -a UNC.gff.euknoneuk.bed \
             -b UNC_pacbio_verified_regions_ALL.bed | uniq | wc -l