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Geneset Refinement using Interacting Networks

A command line script to filter gene sets using biological networks. This tool builds off of the RandomWalkRestartMH R package, and can be combined with the RWRtoolkit R package using the RWR_make_multiplex.R function to build a user-defined multiplex network.

Installation using Conda (Conda version 4.12.0)

  1. Verify Conda version (version 4.12.0).
(base) $ conda -V
conda 4.12.0

If conda version is not updated, update conda: (base) $ conda update -n base -c defaults conda

  1. Clone GRIN: git clone

    Node: If you receive the following error message upon cloning, you do not have git-lfs installed. Please rm -rf the repository and re-clone after installing git-lfs to download the repository with its associated Rdata objects, please install git-lfs.

      Cloning into 'GRIN'...
      remote: Enumerating objects: 112, done.
      remote: Counting objects: 100% (112/112), done.
      remote: Compressing objects: 100% (87/87), done.
      remote: Total 112 (delta 58), reused 57 (delta 23), pack-reused 0
      Receiving objects: 100% (112/112), 43.94 KiB | 401.00 KiB/s, done.
      Resolving deltas: 100% (58/58), done.
      git-lfs filter-process: git-lfs: command not found
      fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly
      warning: Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.
      You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'
      and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'
  2. Install the conda env (~5 mins): (base) $ conda create --name GRIN --channel conda-forge r-base=4.0.2 r-devtools r-doparallel r-essentials r-igraph r-optparse r-signal

  3. Install Git LFS (~1 min): (base) $ git lfs install
    For more information on Git LFS, see

  4. Activate conda environment: (base) $ conda activate GRIN

  5. Activate R and install additional packages. If prompted update all packages as necessary. Note that this process will take some time (~20 mins) from a clean environment.

    (GRIN) $ R
    > library(devtools)
    > devtools::install_github("dkainer/RandomWalkRestartMH")
    > devtools::install_github("agentlans/KneeArrower")

Testing Installation

  1. Activate GRIN conda environment: (base) $ conda activate GRIN
  2. Run (GRIN) $ bash
  3. Upon successful running of GRIN, the test script will run GRIN followed by the following output printed to console:
GRIN Installation successful!
Removing test files...
Installation test complete.

Running GRIN

  1. Ensure your input files are in 2 tab-separated columns. The first column corresponds to the user-defined gene set name, and the second column corresponds to the gene ID for the gene of interest. NOTE: this gene ID MUST match the gene IDs used in the multiplex network. See example file in test/TestGenes.txt.

  2. Activate GRIN conda environment using conda activate GRIN as described above.

  3. Use pre-assembled multiplex network RData object (example multiplex is test/suicide_weighted_Multiplex_0.5Delta.RData) and command line parameters to identify which genes are retained or removed by GRIN. Example command line arguments: (GRIN) $ Rscript $GRIN_DIR/R/GRIN.R -d $GRIN_DIR/test/suicide_weighted_Multiplex_0.5Delta.RData -g $GRIN_DIR/test/TestGenes.txt -r 0.7 -m Test_Install_User --tau 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 -o $GRIN_DIR/test/test_output

  4. Flags to include for command line script: -d or --data (Required): Path to multiplex RData object, built using RandomWalkRestartMH R package. This multiplex network contains a delta value indicating the probability of staying in a given network layer or jumping between layers (example multiplex network uses delta = 0.5).
    -g or --geneset (Required): Path to tab-separated user geneset. See step 1 for instructions about gene set formatting.
    -o or --outdir (Required): Path for GRIN output files to be written.
    -r or --restart (Required, default value = 0.7): Probability for random walk algorithm to restart at a input gene in the multiplex network at any given point.
    -t or --tau (Required, default value = 1 for each layer): Comma-separated values indicating relative probability for random walk to restart in a given network layer.
    -m or --modname (Optional): User-defined name for an individual GRIN run in order to distinguish outputs from independent runs.
    -p or --plot (Optional): If flag used, outputs Mann-Whitney U sliding window plot and associated matrix of p-values between null distribution and user geneset at each window.
    -s or --simple-filenames (Optional): If flag used, shortens the names of output files written by GRIN.
    --threads (Optional, default value = all system cores - 1): If present, defines the number of threads to use for GRIN based on system capabilities.
    -v or --verbose (Optional): If flag used, allows more output for user to see as GRIN is running.

  5. Retained genes and removed genes are written to file at the directory indicated by --outdir. Any duplicate genes or genes not in the multiplex network from the initial user gene set will also be written to file in this directory, along with the sliding window matrix and Mann-Whitney U plot if --plot is used.