diff --git a/happy-path/aim.html.markerb b/happy-path/aim.html.markerb new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c74d984172 --- /dev/null +++ b/happy-path/aim.html.markerb @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +title: Aim +layout: framework_docs_overview +order: 2 +--- + +For this demo, we will start with [MDN's Web Dictaphone](https://github.com/mdn/dom-examples/tree/main/media/web-dictaphone#web-dictaphone). +You can play with a [live demo](https://mdn.github.io/dom-examples/media/web-dictaphone/). This is about as basic of an +HTML form as you can get, and it has the added bonus of providing the ability to generate as many media files as you want using only your voice. + +Your app undoubtely has many forms, and more complex forms, but once you can see the basic flow, the rest should be easy. + +That demo as it currently stands is client side only, so to deploy it all you need is a web server that can deploy static assets (HTML, CSS, JS, images), +like NGINX, Apache HTTPd, or Caddy. In order to store the data in databases, we are going to need a server that can handle HTTP GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests. + +This demo application will come in two flavors. For Node.js, we will select [Express.JS](https://expressjs.com/), and for Rails we will use [Puma](https://github.com/puma/puma). + +* The names of the clips will go into a [PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org/) relational database. +* The audio files themselves will be placed into a [Tigris bucket](https://www.tigrisdata.com/). +* For Node.js, the bulk of this code is in [app.js](https://github.com/fly-apps/node-dictaphone/blob/main/app.js). For Rails, +[app/controller/clipController.rb](https://github.com/fly-apps/rails-dictaphone/blob/main/app/controllers/clips_controller.rb). + +To satisfy the realtime requirement, we will need [WebSockets](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSockets_API) +and [Upstash for Redis](https://fly.io/docs/reference/redis/). The Node.js implementation is in [pubsub.js](https://github.com/fly-apps/node-dictaphone/blob/main/pubsub.js). +For Rails, the heavy lifting is done by [ActionCable](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_cable_overview.html), so all that is needed is +one line in [app/models/clip.rb](https://github.com/fly-apps/rails-dictaphone/blob/6bdf4f639640c9fb55530546dbbed682b65a7df9/app/models/clip.rb#L2) +and one line in [app/views/layouts/application.html.erb](https://github.com/fly-apps/rails-dictaphone/blob/6bdf4f639640c9fb55530546dbbed682b65a7df9/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb#L9). + +The important thing to note is that this is all very straightforward stuff using industry standard components that you can run on your laptop, a VPS, AWS EC2, Google Compute Engine, or Azure. + +If you want to see this up and running on fly.io (and certainly you do or why else would you be here?), all you need +is an empty directory and either Node or Ruby installed. + +Now that we know what we are intending to accomplish, let's proceed to the exciting step: [Fire!](../fire/) diff --git a/happy-path/application.html.markerb b/happy-path/application.html.markerb new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b52ee41a4b --- /dev/null +++ b/happy-path/application.html.markerb @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +--- +title: Your Application +layout: framework_docs_overview +order: 4 +--- + +Your application is running by default on two [Machines](https://fly.io/docs/machines/). + +Don't worry about cost. Both machines stop when not in use, and [autostart](https://fly.io/docs/launch/autostop-autostart/) when a new request comes in. +This is entirely configurable. You can chose to [suspend](https://community.fly.io/t/new-feature-in-preview-suspend-resume-for-machines/20672) instead of stop, +configure a [minimum number](https://fly.io/docs/reference/configuration/#the-http_service-section) of machines to leave running, or even decide never to +stop at all. + +Familiarize yourself with [fly.toml](https://fly.io/docs/reference/configuration/). Make a change there -- or in fact to any part of your application -- and run `fly deploy`. + +The purpose of two machines is twofold: redundancy and scalability. If the machine hosting one goes down, the other can continue on. If both are available, in times of high use both can be started to handle requests. +You can [vertically scale](https://fly.io/docs/launch/scale-machine/) the CPU and RAM on each machine. + +You can also [horizontally scale](https://fly.io/docs/launch/scale-count/) to more machines. Be sure to scroll down on that page far enough to see how to scale to +multiple [regions](https://fly.io/docs/reference/regions/). If you have a co-worker on another continent, create a machine there. + +And all this is made possible by [Anycast](https://fly.io/docs/networking/services/), a [load balancing proxy](https://fly.io/docs/reference/fly-proxy/), and [DNS certificates](https://fly.io/docs/networking/custom-domain/). +Be sure to read the last link if you are interested in custom domains. diff --git a/happy-path/fire.html.markerb b/happy-path/fire.html.markerb new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9775fd70bc --- /dev/null +++ b/happy-path/fire.html.markerb @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +title: Fire +layout: framework_docs_overview +order: 3 +--- + +This is the point where the rubber meets the road, so this is where you would expect to see where the marketing hype promised by [Speedrun](https://fly.io/speedrun) and +the [Quick Start](../getting-started/launch/) don't quite cut it. But the fact of the matter is that fly.io is honed for an excellent developer experience (DX) for full stack applications with both realtime time and object storage requirements. + +There truly are only two steps involved. + +Step 1: [install flyctl](https://fly.io/docs/flyctl/install/) + +Step 2: run `fly launch --from https://github.com/fly-apps/node-dictaphone` or `fly launch --from https://github.com/fly-apps/rails-dictaphone` + +If you are new to fly, the second step will first take you to a place where you can register. Then it will provide a description of what you will be getting, and give you an opportunity to tweak the settings (suggestion: don't. They are fine for this demo and we will walk you through how to adjust them later). And then it will build and assemble and wire up your application. + +Take your time and play with it. Open your application in multiple browser windows. Send a link to a friend on another continent and watch your browser update in realtime. + +And then relax. We promised you it would be less than an hour. You are already up and running. In fact, if you are so inclined try bringing up this exact same application on another cloud provider. +We don't mind. In fact we encourage it. Just please don't count the time you spent there against the hour budget we asked you to allot to this activity. + +Once you are back and/or rested up, let's explore. You've seen the code. You're up and running. Now lets take inventory. +Feel free to review the following in any order, or chose to skip ahead: + * [Your application](../application/) + * [PostgreSQL](../postgresql/) + * [Tigris](../tigris/) + * [Redis](../redis/) + +Finally, as an added treat and as promised, let's add some AI functionality, in this case speech recognition using [Whisper](../whisper/). + +And when you are done, join us for a [recap](../recap) diff --git a/happy-path/index.html.markerb b/happy-path/index.html.markerb new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fbd2a4d7d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/happy-path/index.html.markerb @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +--- +title: The Happy Path +layout: framework_docs +toc: false +--- + +You landed on this page because somebody recommended fly.io to you, +you are a bit curious, but you want to know more before you commit. + +You are aware that there is a [Speedrun](https://fly.io/speedrun) and +a [Quick Start](../getting-started/launch/), but perhaps they feel a bit +too _Ready! Fire! Aim!_ for you. You want to not only be up and running, +you want to feel confident that you are heading in the right direction. A +direction that can both scale and support your present and future needs. + +You are concerned about lock in. You want to be confident that you can +use services from other places and even eject entirely and move your entire +application elsewhere if things don't work out. + +But most of all, you want to explore in a time boxed way as you are +a busy person. If you don't get a good feeling within an hour, you are out +of here. If you do have a good feeling, then perhaps you'd consider +sticking around for even deeper dives into areas that interest you. + +If so, you have come to the right place. You should be up and +running within minutes, and have enough of the hour left over so +that you can spend some time understanding what you just did and +run a few commands and see what they do. + +And when you are done, you can delete everything and then launch the +application that you came here for. + +Let's get started... [Ready](./ready/) ... [Aim](./aim/) ... [Fire](./fire/)! diff --git a/happy-path/postgresql.html.markerb b/happy-path/postgresql.html.markerb new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f7e9713d9d --- /dev/null +++ b/happy-path/postgresql.html.markerb @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +title: PostgreSQL +layout: framework_docs_overview +order: 5 +--- + +Your application comes initially configured for a single [Fly Postgres](https://fly.io/docs/postgres/) machine. +That is great for development, but for production we need redundancy and scalability. With but a [few commands](https://fly.io/docs/postgres/advanced-guides/high-availability-and-global-replication/) we can create a HA cluster in my primary region and read only replicas elsewhere. + +If you are interested in a managed offering, [Supabase Postgres](https://fly.io/docs/reference/supabase/) is in public alpha. + +And there is no lock in here. We have a list of [recommended external providers](https://fly.io/docs/postgres/getting-started/what-you-should-know/#recommended-external-providers), but you are free to host your database literally anywhere. + +Before moving on, one last observation on the relational DB. While you want and need your application to be on the internet, you are much better off if your relational database is NOT directly exposed to the internet, but can only be accessed via your application. That’s the value of an [internal private network](https://fly.io/docs/networking/private-networking/). This too was configured automatically for you. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/happy-path/ready.html.markerb b/happy-path/ready.html.markerb new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..290793e701 --- /dev/null +++ b/happy-path/ready.html.markerb @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +title: Ready +layout: framework_docs_overview +order: 1 +--- + +You are not satisfied by a `hello world` or even a `hello world` with a database application. +You know that a real world application has at a minimum the following components: + +* A HTML form and a database. This database is typically a relational database. +* The ability to handle media files or documents, generally using S3. +* A multi-user and realtime component, where changes made by one person in one location are relected instantly in the browser of another person. + +While this doesn't seem like a tall ask, experience has shown that in order to get such an app running smoothly, you need a whole bunch of things; here are a few examples: anycast routing, load balancers, dns certificates, web sockets, an internal private network, a relational database, an object store, and an in-memory database. And the knowledge of how to connect them all together. + +Taken all together, this typically takes a **minimum** of an afternoon's worth of work, even by experts familiar with their target platform. With emphasis on the word _minimum_ as there always is a surprise, and often several. + +In the next few minutes we will have all this up and running, and can leisurely explore how the pieces fit together. We even will have enough time left over +to integrate in AI functionality making use of GPUs. + +With that understanding of requirements in place, lets proceed on.... [Aim](../aim/) diff --git a/happy-path/recap.html.markerb b/happy-path/recap.html.markerb new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..92ca778640 --- /dev/null +++ b/happy-path/recap.html.markerb @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +--- +title: Recap +layout: framework_docs_overview +order: 9 +--- + +We promised you that you could get through this in under an hour. How did we do? How much time did you have left over. + +You successfully deployed a full-stack application with both object storage and realtime requirements, and then went on to add AI functionality. + +Up front, we set some rather high goals: + +* You want to not only be up and running, + you want to feel confident that you are heading in the right direction. A + direction that can both scale and support your present and future needs. +* You want to be confident that you can + use services from other places and even eject entirely and move your entire + application elsewhere if things don't work out. + +Did we meet these goals? You've seen the code, and you've seen it work. You examined each component, and from there +saw links to where you can find out more information. + +Now a few links: + * [Support](https://fly.io/docs/about/support/) + * [Pricing](https://fly.io/docs/about/pricing/) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/happy-path/redis.html.markerb b/happy-path/redis.html.markerb new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c5f890beed --- /dev/null +++ b/happy-path/redis.html.markerb @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +--- +title: Upstash Redis +layout: framework_docs_overview +order: 7 +--- + +[Upstash Redis](https://fly.io/docs/reference/redis/) is used by this application for its [pubsub](https://redis.io/docs/latest/commands/?group=pubsub) +capabilities, but it can do [so much more](https://upstash.com/docs/redis/overall/rediscompatibility). + +In this application, updates are broadcast to all machines via Redis, and then each machine informs browser clients +of the update via [WebSockets](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSockets_API). Client the request +updated information from the application using HTTP GET. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/happy-path/tigris.html.markerb b/happy-path/tigris.html.markerb new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f69a03573e --- /dev/null +++ b/happy-path/tigris.html.markerb @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +--- +title: Tigris +layout: framework_docs_overview +order: 6 +--- + +[Tigris](https://fly.io/docs/reference/tigris/) is truly a thing of beauty. It essentially requires no configuration, and seamlessly handles multi-regions. If you upload an audio file to a host in Virginia, you can access it from Amsterdam. Even better: subsequent accesses from regions other than the primary region are served locally. Unlike relational databases, there may be reasons why you want to make your object store available via the internet. In this demo, the object store starts out private, but you can make it [public](https://fly.io/docs/reference/tigris/#public-buckets) if you want. + +And if you happen to have an existing S3 object store, check out [shadow buckets](https://fly.io/docs/reference/tigris/#migrating-to-tigris-with-shadow-buckets) which enable you to incrementally migrate your data. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/happy-path/whisper.html.markerb b/happy-path/whisper.html.markerb new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4aad6f73c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/happy-path/whisper.html.markerb @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +--- +title: Whisper +layout: framework_docs_overview +order: 8 +--- + +Since you are now officially a fly.io expert, let's dive right in and run the following two commands in directory of your existing application: + +``` +fly launch --attach --from https://github.com/rubys/cog-whisper +fly deploy +``` + +Now try capturing a new audio clip. It will be transcribed automatically. + +Again, since you are now an expert, we can make this quick. You provisioned a new machine, this time with a [L40S](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/data-center/l40s/) GPU. +It will stop when not in use. It will restart when a new request comes in. +It is only available on the private network using [FlyCast](https://fly.io/docs/networking/flycast/). +It runs [OpenAI Whisper](https://openai.com/index/whisper/) accessed via a [COG](https://github.com/replicate/cog) interface. + +This process involves taking audio clips from Tigris, passing them to Whisper, and updating Postgres with the results. +The Node code for this is about [two dozen lines of code](https://github.com/fly-apps/node-dictaphone/blob/1e84a4dece6888dfc68880d146b46511d47391b3/app.js#L102-L129), +and for Rails is about a [dozen](https://github.com/fly-apps/rails-dictaphone/blob/6bdf4f639640c9fb55530546dbbed682b65a7df9/app/jobs/whisper_transcribe_job.rb#L5-L16). + +And, as always, no lock in here. You can opt to replace this with a machine hosted by [Replicate](https://replicate.com/), or with a machine that you host this software elsewhere.