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Merill edited this page Dec 13, 2019 · 49 revisions


This slic3r fork is made on top of slic3rPE, but it has nothing to do with prusa, it's a personal fork for my use. Don't blame them if something don't work, it's my fault. It contains all features of slic3rPE and add some new options and bugfixes. These may be merged back into slic3rPE (and/or main slic3r) in the future, if they wanted it and have the time to do so.

note: most are new setting you can activate/deactivate

Changelog (last update 2019-12-13):


  • gyroid infill (now merged inside #e6e600slic3r and #ff8c00slic3rPE) (now with Yuri D'Elia additions)
  • better connected lines for gyroid infill (& 3D honeycomb)
  • ironing infill
  • concentric + gapfill infill (don't leave gaps, like the perimeters)
  • rectilinear + gapfill infill (better coverage where there are small surfaces)
  • scattered rectilinear infill (random infill) (by @thenickdude)
  • do not connect lines of infill
  • denser infill below the first solid (top) layer
  • ensure all solid infill extrude just the volume of plastic needed (not 99% or 101% but 100%)
  • over-bridge flow compensation : allow to over-extutrude the layer over a bridge to catch the good z-height.



  • can transform the first layer of the raft to a solid layer (support are printed over a 1-layer raft)
  • now supports doesn't push the brim away.
  • split the z gap:
    • now you can select the z-gap mode: soluble filament (no z-distance), calculate from the filament, calculate based on the layer position.
    • bottom z-gap (part => support)
    • top z-gap (support => part)

skirt & brim:

  • brim ears (print brim-ears around corners) #e6e600
  • interior brim #e6e600
  • brim on part/islands inside a "hole"

advanced & others:

  • you can now set the size of the anchor the solid layers & bridge layer are grow of.
  • xy hole compensation (only for convex holes)
  • convert circular hole to polyhole (polygon selected from hole diameter & extrusion width)
  • XY curve smoothing (add points to better approximate a cylinder from existing polygons, to remove the felling of triangles you can have when touching a printed cylinder)
  • export part begin /end to be compatible with cancelobject (octoprint plugin) (now merged inside #e6e600slic3r and #ff8c00slic3rPE)
  • remove co-linear points (#e6e600)
  • brim & skirt are printed per object instance if "complete individual object"


  • fans speed for top infill
  • max speed for wipe tower
  • auto-sized wipe tower based on filament pigment.
  • skinnydip routine from Erik Bjorgan (domesticatedviking)


  • option for "no lift for top solid infill"
  • "fan delay" to start the part cooling fan a bit earlier to take into account the time it needs to start.


  • too bored to list them all.
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