diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 54d723f..5b9e4e1 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
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## [Unreleased, estimated N.N.N]
+## 4.0.3
+### Changed
+* Rebranding
## 4.0.2
### Fixed
* Drag on web
## 4.0.1
### Fixed
* Sticking when closing at the end
### Changed
* Split the animation speed into opening and closing speeds. The closing speed has been reduced.
* FlexibleBottomSheetRoute has been made public
## 4.0.0
### Fixed
* BottomSheet pop twice
* Added Force widget rebuild to change bottomSheetOffset value
* Transparent space below the content
* No rounded corner on top
### Added
* Added generic param to FlexibleBottomSheet
* Added a new parameter that controls the display of the snackbar
### Changed
* Updates minimum Flutter version to 3.0.0
* Updates minimum surf_lint_rules version to 3.0.0
## 3.1.2
### Fixed
* Indentation rules trailing commas;
* Error with showFlexibleBottomSheet - DraggableScrollableController is not attached to a sheet;
### Added
* Added optional draggableScrollableController;
## 3.1.1
### Fixed
* Overflow error when swipe down with opened keyboard;
* Wrong behavior when open and close bottomsheet with opened keyboard;
## 3.1.0
### Added
* ability to set the barrier color;
### Changed
* Flutter 3 is supported;
## 3.0.0
### Fixed
* Absent scrolling in showStickyFlexibleBottomSheet when input was destroyed by cache area when keyboard was opened.
-### Added
+### Added
* Ability to pass decorated when calling showFlexibleBottomSheet.
* Ability to set the height of the bottom sheet based on the content.
* Ability to set the bottom sheet color.
## 2.1.0
### Fixed
* Hole between keyboard and bottom sheet;
### Added
* keyboardBarrierColor parameter that sets the color for the space behind the keyboard;
* custom bottom sheet's animation duration;
### Changed
* ChangeInsetsDetector used BottomInsetObserver;
## 2.0.0
### Fixed
* LateInitializationError when bottom sheet appear with an open keyboard;
### Changed
* DraggableScrollableSheet from Flutter used as core;
* FlexibleDraggableScrollableWidgetBuilder uses ScrollController instead FlexibleDraggableScrollableSheetScrollController;
### Removed
* FlexibleScrollNotifier;
## 1.0.5
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# Bottom Sheet
Made by [Surf 🏄♂️🏄♂️🏄♂️](https://surf.dev/)
diff --git a/pubspec.yaml b/pubspec.yaml
index 30832c3..f979341 100644
--- a/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/pubspec.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: bottom_sheet
-version: 4.0.2
+version: 4.0.3
description: Flexible bottom sheet with the ability to scroll content even without a list.
repository: "https://github.com/surfstudio/flutter-bottom-sheet"
issue_tracker: "https://github.com/surfstudio/flutter-bottom-sheet/issues"