This project is, in many ways, a very standard implementation of molecular-dynamics- like particle-based simulations. The primary change is that all distances are computed as geodesic distances on curved surfaces that have been approximated by a triangulated mesh. Along with that, all particle displacements occur along discrete geodesic paths, and things like velocity vectors are parallel transported as well. This is made possible by interfacing the code with an implementation of an exact discrete geodesic algorithm, and it is made computationally feasible by implementing an aggresive "submeshing" of the full surface so that finding geodesic distances can be done at a reasonable cost.
At the moment the primary data structure is a triple of doubles together with an integer. These typically encode the index of the face a particle is on and the barycentric coordinates of the particle in that face, although in some data structures (e.g., in the cellListNeighborStructure) the three doubles are in fact the R^3 position of the particle and the int is meaningless.
This directory contains both "spaces" and "models." Spaces are classes that know how to compute distances (geodesic or otherwise), displace positions, and transport vectors. Models are classes that have particle-like data as members, can access a space to do the operations above, and might have access to a structure that helps find nearby neighboring particles that might be interacting with a given particle. simpleModels are used most of the time, but mpiModels have implemented the simplest possible version of spreading the workload across multiple processes, splitting particle indices among the available threads by sharing global information about all particle positions at each step.
The "simulation" (basic or mpi) classes tie together a model (with its space), forces, and updaters so that a standard "timestep" can be easily called with one line. The simulation object is like a wrapper to store important details about the simulation you want to run such that they're easily accessible from within executable files.
Contains the classes that implement various equations of motion that the simulation dynamics can evolve according to. Updaters are child classes of a basic updater, named baseUpdater. The only requisite component of an updater is a performUpdate() function, which indicates how that updater is supposed to update particle positions. Typically, this involves the computation of "forces," which are dependent on the force currently loaded into the simulation object you're using. Following force computation, the updater will call a displacement function -- the exact form of which will depend on the model space stored in the simulation object. For example, if using a triangulatedMeshSpace, the displacement function will involve bending the path around the mesh.
Updaters can also include more complex update rules. For example, the Verlet updater incorporates velocity contributions to updates as well as force evaluations. In general, if you want to change the physical model that you're simulating, you will want to change either an updater or a force. For larger structural changes to the model, you will likely aim to change an updater.
Contains classes for computing interparticle forces. At the moment implementing new pairwise interactions is quite easy; new many-body forces will require more work.
Specific examples of pairwise interactions are implemented in, for example, the gaussianRepulsion and harmonicRepulsion force calculators, which take only distances and separation vectors as inputs. A separation vector indicates a vector along the tangent to the path between two points. The currently used sign convention always points from source to target on both ends of the straight-line or geodesic path -- forces on source particles therefore always include a negative sign.
Contains assorted utilities (access to various mesh functions, structures that accelerate the process of finding neighbors, submeshing helpers, random-number generators, etc).
For a description of the individual functionalities:
Neighbor structures:
- baseNeighborStructure: The basic way of organizing particle neighbors. It defaults to all-to-all lists of neighbors, but includes important inheritable features for non-all-to-all approaches. For example, a way to set the interaction range, initialization of the structure, and a means by which to construct the list of candidate neighbors (which is constructed via Euclidean distance and trimmed by geodesic distance).
- cellListNeighborStructure: Technically also an inheritable class, although this one doesn't assume all-to-all interactions -- instead, it assumes we will organize space via a cell list (a list of space partitions were neighbors might exist). To accomplish this, cellListNeighborStructure.cpp marks out the minimum and maximum positions in space when it is instantiated, establishes a grid size using those spatial boundaries and a grid size set by the interaction range, and finds the list of candidate neighbors.
Cell list structure, hyperRectangularCellList: partitions space into a grid of rectangles with side lengths defined by the extent of space covered by an underlying triangulatedMeshSpace (or free space, if you so desire). The indexer is used here to assign indices to the cells. After space has been partitioned, we can use its partioning to manage neighbors; getCellNeighbors determines which cells are the index of the cellIndex we care about, while sort arranges meshPositions into their cells.
functionUtilities: A variety of simple utilities used by functions:
- vectorMagnitude and normalize, to determine and normalize vector sizes
- rotateAboutAxis, which rotates a point about a given axis defined by two other points
- angleBetween, which determines the angle between two vectors
- wrap, fitting integers into domains
meshUtilities: The bulk of mesh manipulation and analysis tools used by other functions. Most have self-explanatory names.
- meshPositionToFaceLocation turns a meshPosition in our code into a Face location type for certain CGAL functions, while getVertex (index/position) From Face yields either the original index of the face's vertices in the mesh or their XYZ positions
- meanEdgeLength and meanTriangleArea give the named quantities from the mesh's polygons
- Here is where the intersection checker is (necessary for displacements) -- it looks complicated because of the moving pieces, but it's genuinely just a barycentric line intersection checker which is complex because of the several different edge-related quantities that must be calculated. See
- Finally, meshUtilites is where the functionality to compute distances and tangents (computePathDistancesAndTangents) is located. It's later used in force functions and so forth; this is a call to the CGAL Xin and Wang algorithm with a given mesh that can either be the original mesh of a submesh of it.
submesher: Uses a source point and a set of targets (the confirmed neighbors of the source point) to create a submesh. To do this, we do a depth-first search of all the faces in the interacting region that might contain a target (added to the explorationStack). In doing so, we're sure to keep the region connected so that there are no holes which might distend geodesics. After we've finished visiting faces that might contain target points, we pass their indices up to a function which takes the information of those faces in the original mesh and generates a new mesh, specifically using vertex and edge information.
noiseSource: An easy way of getting random numbers. The most useful function for simple simulations is getRandomBarycentricSet, which gives a trio of doubles that act as random barycentric coordinates; pair those with a random int, and you have a random set of barycentric coordinates on a random face, as in, the means by which to get uniform samples across a mesh.
indexer: Helper header file for assigning indices, especially to cells in hyperRectangularCellList. Both 2-D and 3-D indexing is supported. Most importantly, this lets us convert a 2- or 3-D array of indices to a much faster one-dimensional equivalent.
profiler: Specialty timer for profiling code functionality. One can define a profiler as a class "profiler" with this header and then wrap a function with its start and end functions; these call on c++'s chrono functionality to get current times and store differences/number of function calls/etc. For an example, see
For convenience, contains structures that may be useful for saving simulation trajectories. Most of the databases are currently either simple txt files or netCDF.
baseDatabase is a simple implementation of a netCDF database -- refer to netCDF's documentation for more information on usage.
A vectorValueDatabase is a specialized netCDF database for storing, usually, trajectory information. Each entry ("record") is a scalar (usually time) and a flat vector (usually flattened positions).
Contains a few standard headers (defining point data types, useful debugging commands, etc).
pointDataType.h instantiates the meshPosition datatype, which is itself a class containing an integer "faceIndex" representing a face index in the underlying mesh and a CGAL Point3 type "x" which stores barycentric coordinates in that face. If not on a mesh, one can use meshPosition like a Cartesian position by not setting the face index and storing the Cartesian coordinates within x.
std_include.h mostly contains std library functions that are used within the source code; cgalIncludesAndTypedefs.h is similar, but for CGAL datatypes like Point3. Finally, dataTypes.h stores int3 and double3 objects, which are good ways of storing coordinate trios when a meshPosition is not appropriate.
For convenience, we include a small handfull of triangulated mesh surfaces to play with.
Most are tori of varying complexity, generated by varying the bounding radius in CGAL's implicit equation mesh generating functionality. "" is a default torus of middling complexity, closest to The name is somewhat deceptive; all of the tori are isotropically remeshed. The triangulated elephant is of similar complexity to those but not isotropically remeshed, and the "big" torus files are narrow isotropically remeshed tori of aspect ratio approximately 20.