diff --git a/TODO.md b/TODO.md index 99b0cab6..f56bc88b 100644 --- a/TODO.md +++ b/TODO.md @@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ # 1 * add forest heatmap * support scaling! + * TODO >>> extract to 3d-2d converter (_3dZTo2dY ....) + * /api/v1/configuration/map-tools/resources/forest?mapName= tooks way too long; does it already make use of the resource_name, class_name and prefab_name tables? + * cache forest and/or spatialForestMap + * add village heatmap * add names to villages @@ -14,9 +18,6 @@ * add DynamicLayerProperties (configuration for RecomMapEntity) (/) * known issues or optimizations: - * TODO >>> extract to 3d-2d converter (_3dZTo2dY ....) - * /api/v1/configuration/map-tools/resources/forest?mapName= tooks way too long; does it already make use of the resource_name, class_name and prefab_name tables? - * cache forest and/or spatialForestMap * prebuffering of zoom levels (for faster zooming) or find out what is the bottleneck * (add pre-click-event (preclick, click, doublecklic) events) * fix window stage tacview size setting onload -> issue is that window size + engine size is the same at this moment