Bit By Query is a web-based platform where users can compete in SQL competitions. It offers a variety of challenges and a leaderboard to track participants' progress.
- User Authentication: Secure user registration and login.
- SQL Challenges: Solve curated SQL problems of varying difficulty.
- Leaderboards: Compete with others and see your ranking.
- Real-time Countdown: Timed challenges to keep the competition intense.
├── client # Frontend code (React, Vite)
│ ├── dist # Build output
│ ├── src # Source files
│ │ ├── apiClient.js # API interaction
│ │ ├── components # Reusable React components
│ │ ├── hooks # Custom hooks
│ │ ├── App.jsx # Main app entry
│ │ ├── Home.jsx # Home page
│ │ ├── LeaderBoard.jsx # Leaderboard component
│ │ ├── Login.jsx # Login page
│ │ ├── Register.jsx # Registration page
│ │ ├── middleware.jsx # Middleware for route protection
│ │ └── NotFound.jsx # 404 error page
│ ├── tailwind.config.js # Tailwind CSS configuration
│ └── vite.config.js # Vite configuration
├── server.js # Backend server (Node.js, Express)
├── schema.sql # Database schema
├── lib # Utility scripts
│ └── mysqlToSQLiteParser.js # Converts MySQL queries to SQLite
├── problems # JSON files containing challenges
│ ├── jan2025.json # Example problem set
│ └── virtual_contest.json # Virtual contest problem set
├── users.json # Sample user data
├── hashPassword.js # Password hashing utility
└── # Project documentation